Major columnist legitimizes theory of Obama plot to destroy U.S.
October 10th, 2009 . by TexasFredMy readers know, from time to time I like to feature a really good piece written by one of my blogging buddies. I give you this from Anthony Martin at
The Liberty SphereFrom the very start of Barack Obama’s rather odd, meteoric rise to prominence in American politics, many of us on the conservative side voiced our suspicions that something subversive was under way.
Too many strange coincidences, too many troublesome alliances, too much hype in too short a period of time all pointed to some hidden, concerted, coordinated effort to get this man into the White House in short order.
We alerted you to the views of Obama’s admitted mentors-such as Saul Alinsky, the 1960s radical who worked to destroy capitalism and America’s form of government, and William Ayers, whose underground movement in the late 60s and 70s bombed federal buildings and vowed to murder those who staunchly defended the American way of life.
Both of these strong influences on Obama adhered to the Cloward-Piven strategy, developed by 2 radical university professors in the 60s, which advocated deliberately overloading the U.S. social and economic system so that the entire thing would crash under the weight. By deliberately causing such a crash, a new order could be built in America based upon pure Marxism.
Then, once in office, low and behold Obama begins to load up his administration with self-avowed Communists, Marxists, and other radicals who not only adhere to the views espoused by Alinsky and the Cloward-Piven strategy but who believe that Communist dictators such as Hugo Chavez in Venezuela make good role models for what should happen in America.
We have discussed this at length in previous columns on Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, Valerie Jarrett, and many other ‘czars’ and political advisers with whom Obama has surrounded himself.
All of this, of course, has been summarily dismissed by those in the mainstream as ‘fear-mongering,’ ‘the ranting of right-wing nutcases,’ or ‘paranoia.’
Such knee-jerk reactions to reasonable observations based on factual evidence may be about to change.
National syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer, who has never been regarded as a true conservative but as a ‘neo-con’ as the liberals like to call it, now says that such suspicions concerning Obama’s true motives may be right.
To be sure, Krauthammer has never been one to engage in speculative conspiracy-theory mongering. His columns appear in ‘mainstream’ newspapers all across America. And on the night that Barack Obama won the White House, he commented on Fox News that perhaps given the choices that we had, Obama was the best one for the job.Circumstances have clearly changed, at least in Krauthammer’s view. The columnist now believes that Obama’s ultimate goal is to finally bring about the scenario envisioned by the Cloward-Piven strategy-a complete collapse of the American economic system at which time the ‘ruling elites’ can start over and rebuild America based upon a radical agenda as envisioned by his mentors such as Saul Alinsky.
The method by which Obama would bring this about is gradually coming into sharp focus.
An economic strategy has been launched that will ultimately bring stagnation to the U.S. economy, similar to that from which European countries have suffered for decades, leading to a devaluing of the dollar. This, in fact, is already happening. The dollar is now practically worthless, and other nations are calling for a different world-currency to replace the dollar.
Once the dollar is devalued and the economy is stagnant, America can no longer be THE world power that it is today, forcing us to essentially withdraw as the major voice for liberty in the world and drastically scale back our military forces and weapons arsenals.
It is then that the radical Marxists will have the money to implement European-styled Socialism, or worse. This, of course, would involve spending mind-boggling amounts of money to build a cradle-to-the-grave nanny-state, along with all of the various restrictions and limitations on human behavior that such a system entails.
No longer would the U.S. Constitution be viewed as the final authority on matters of law and rights but as merely a foundational document which is no longer relevant. Instead of adhering to a rule of law that places severe restrictions on government, we would then develop a ‘declaration of human rights’ of sorts, that includes such things as ‘the right to healthcare,’ which naturally means that government is required to confiscate funds from citizens in order to provide.
Anytime another citizen is forced by government to pay for some supposed ‘right’ that somebody else claims they have, then it immediately ceases to be a right. It is then a mandate, and we are at that point nothing more than slaves to government.
And lest you view this as the paranoid musings of a rightwing nutjob, remember that Obama’s closest friends, allies, and supporters all admit that this is their ultimate vision for America.
Be sure to read all of Krauthammer’s article. It is an eye-opener.
And keep in mind that the more of this stuff the citizens find out, the more we are determined to fight for our liberties and to oust the charlatans from office.
For commentary on other issues, visit my blog at The Liberty Sphere.
I hope you’ll bookmark Anthony’s blog and visit him often.

Fred, there are two things Obama and his crew are not considering…the second amendment and the patriotism of Americans. We will not go gently into socialism.
Angry White Dude
Amen AWD… And IF the SOBs suspend the constitution, and render the 2A null and void, it’s ON!
Strangely, I have thought along these lines for sometime now and Glenn Beck as also made some mention of this theory. Its a terrible thing to think about, that say when one looks at the things put forth by those surrounding the president and the president himself one does have to take pause and wonder what the real agenda is. Too many things just seem to be totally wrong—this could be a difference between the conservative thinking and the liberal mind. I just don’t know. I do know however that Obama and company are the radical part of the American political spectrum that do not like the American they now find themselves in charge of and anything they can do to bring about the changes they dream of is possible. Even if that change has to come at the expense of the American economic system. A system they do not like, a system they wish to change. So one can easily see where the destruction of said system could set them on their final goal and that would be total and complete control of all means of production and distribution. A socialistic nightmare and the death of American capitalism as we know it. In may ways I agree with the above theory of a grand conspiracy. I must add one addition thought, if this is the plan of the Obamaites this could easily backfire as such a economic collapse could easily lead to hyper-inflation and riots in the streets of the major population centers that would quickly spead to the suburban and rural areas and thing would rapidly spin out of control and Obama and those who surround him would not be able to contain the quickly developing events. The military could take control and Obama’s revolution could end with his arrest. Pure speculation on my part!
This is what I had just posted at the link Fred refers too, at The Liberty Sphere…
“Anthony, this is “Fifth Column Action 101″ pulled right from FM-23. As a strategic plan it is, once achieved in it’s most basic elements nearly impossible to stop. Or, even to blunt.
“All warfare, is economic warfare.”
Since you and I are oh so obviously among the targeted? I sincerely hope that you took to heart Fred’s advice lo, those many month’s ago. Invest in precious metals; Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Lead..
Guess what’s coming Friend..?”
heat changed to heart… oops!
Stock up folks, stock up off paper, and remember what it means to be an American!
I just read all of Krauthammer’s article “Decline Is a Choice:
The New Liberalism and the end of American ascendancy.” Although I agree with Anthony’s assessments of the current administration, I didn’t really see much of Krauthammer’s article in the above excerpt. Nor did I read about his “suspicions concerning Obama’s true motives may be right.”
I will die a free man. If there are any bullet holes in me, every one of them will be in the front of me - there will be none in my back from running away.
A few months back I decided I wanted the scoop on Chicago politics and Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, so I downloaded the Congressional Record from the investigation into the Weather Underground. I sat up all night reading it. I read the wealth of information at Discover the Networks. It became so abundantly clear that all of this has been brewing since before WWII and that when Nikita Khrushchev said that America would be taken “from within”… this was what he was speaking about! I am a fan of Dr. Krauthammer and yes, I think everything has been in the works for a very long time.
As Patrick says, we all have to prepare for the fight that will surely come.
HAM, it’s already here… And if it’s not stopped, America is going away..
At least, the America that WE were raised in…
“we would then develop a ‘declaration of human rights’ of sorts”
All the more reason to stockpile a certain number of rounds per household weapon.
I guess I’m not famous enough for anyone to listen too…
I’ve been saying this about Obama and the rest of the New World Order Clan for years…
This entire scheme has been well planned long before I discovered it in the ’70’s
It was re-kindled when I read a book by Hedrick Smith back in the early ’90’s
Smith, for those of you who don’t remember, was the lead correspondent for the New York Times during most of the Cold War. Smith (either intentional or by accident) admits to their NWO agenda in his introductory to the book, “The New Russians”
Besides studying most of these NWO people (and yes, they include Republicans) many remain behind the scenes but the one who stands out the most is Henry Kissinger. Kissinger has NWO on his brain 24/7
I should point out that Hedrick Smith was the head correspondent for the New York Times IN MOSCOW.
Something also different with this guy. Have you ever in your life seen people go around wearing the presidents name and image on “T” shits and hats?
I pray that some conservatives will be voted into Congress next year. That’s the only way we can put the brakes on Obama and those who are controlling him.
To destroy the US, they will have to take our guns away. There will be civil war if they try that one.
A revolution could be coming, one that the great planners and traitors in the Oval Room hadn’t counted on. And as this revolution plays out the law of “unintended consequences” may come into effect. The onrushing events may overtake the ONE at 1600 PA ave.
Not long ago, a friend said to me, “Obama is the linchpin for destroying America.”
May it not be so!
But if it is not to be so, we must get up off our asses and fight back. This is not the time for wussies.
We can’t expect any help out of Republicans in Congress to stop Obama. Here the Republican National Congressional Committe is supporting a Liberal Republican over a Conservative Republican. It seems Pete Sessons of Texas is leading the charge to support the RINO.
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) lashed out at conservative Republican colleagues during a meeting on Capitol Hill Wednesday when asked why the NRCC chose to back liberal, ACORN supported candidate Dede Scozzafava, in the upcoming special election to succeed Rep. John McHugh in New York’s 23rd Congressional District
It seems the RINO Lindsey Graham has jumped on board the Cap N Trade bandwagon. With so many Republican’s showing one face in public and acting like liberals behind closed doors, one needs a program just to keep up with all the traitors to the American people.
AOW is correct, this certainly not a time for wussies.