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Blackwater rescues Polish ambassador after assassination attempt

October 4th, 2007 . by TexasFred

Elite Blackwater security men rescued Poland’s ambassador to Iraq after a deadly terrorist attack trapped the NATO diplomat near the Polish embassy in Baghdad.

Click here to see a EuroNews video of the Blackwater extraction.

Initial reports conflict or contain different details, but the Associated Press reports that three bombs exploded near or under the convoy of Polish Ambassador Edward Pietrzyk, destroying three armored vehicles and setting the ambassador’s car afire. The terrorists then shot at the vehicles in what appeared to be a well-planned attack in one of Baghdad’s safest neighborhoods.

At least 10 people were wounded, in the October 3 incident, including four members of Pietrzyk’s Polish security detail, according to early reports. One of the ambassador’s security guards died of his wounds. Polish guards reportedly wounded an Iraqi taxi driver when they returned fire.

The American Embassy dispatched a Blackwater helicopter team to save Ambassador Pietrzyk and his people. Reuters also shows the Blackwater rescue in a video report, but does not credit the company. The above photo is of a Blackwater “Little Bird” similar to the craft used in the rescue.

Readers of the Washington Post would have no idea the incident even occurred. Today’s paper has a headline splashed across the top of the front page with a heartbreaking story about people who died in the September 16 incident in Baghdad. Buried back on page 16 is a three-paragraph item about the ambassador being attacked, but not a word about the rescuers. Kind of telling for a newspaper that has invested so many resources into reporting negatively about Blackwater.

Blackwater rescues Polish ambassador after assassination attempt

I have taken this directly from the site, Blackwater Facts, I didn’t know this site existed until today when another of my GREAT blogging buddies, Longstreet over at INSIGHT on Freedom sent me an email about them, Longstreet and I are both ardent supporters of Blackwater USA and their efforts in Iraq…

I am seriously of the opinion that there is a witch hunt underway and Blackwater USA is being branded as the witch, but here’s a word of advice to those wishing to castigate Blackwater USA, be very careful what you wish for, Blackwater USA and their associated managers and founder are NOT stupid, they may have facts, figures, times, dates, names and pics that you may wish had never been brought to light, I have no knowledge of those items but I am very familiar with folks in this type of business and there are always contingency plans, there has to be, there must be…

And for some reason, the MSM isn’t covering this particular story of Blackwater USA heroism, other than a segment on FOX News with Bill Hemmer just now, the majority of the MSM is pretty much ignoring the fact that there would quite likely have been a dead Polish diplomat had Blackwater USA not gone in and pulled the guy out…

To the guys at Blackwater USA, keep up the good work folks, you’re top shelf in MY book, and to the folks at Blackwater Facts, I am glad I found you, keep up YOUR good work as well, it is needed and I am sure it is appreciated, at least by some folks…

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6 Responses to “Blackwater rescues Polish ambassador after assassination attempt”

  1. comment number 1 by: Basti
    Blackwater Won’t Guard FBI in Iraq Shooting Probe (My Comment about this story.) Paybacks are a bitch and a bastard as well.

  2. comment number 2 by: gunz

    The latest victims of political correctness, this new legislation to hold them more accountable is going to hurt the war effort tremendously.

  3. comment number 3 by: GUYK

    Thanks Fred. MSM will not air this unless the bloggers force them does not support their agenda

  4. comment number 4 by: BobF

    Blackwater is doing what’s necessary to get the job done. They’re doing what our government won’t allow the troops to do. Now, congress wants the FBI to investigate them…that’s Bovine Scatology.

    If Blackwater leaves, you can bet diplomats will be cowering under their desks in the Green Zone. The military is to hamstrung by ROE’s and PC crap to effectively protect them.

  5. comment number 5 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    I too am a supporter of Blackwater. These guys answer to cash, mission and, moreover, logic and survival. What’s their base motivator? To exist in the US. And to succeed. And to mission. If they fail in their mission, they fold. The problem with Blackwater is this: they do NOT respond to the PC motivations extant. They do NOT answer to a particular administration. They contract for a JOB. And then they DO it.


  6. comment number 6 by: Patrick Sperry

    Fred and I both, I am sure, are ardent supporters of the people at Blackwater, hell I have linked to them for some time now. They know really good Scotch, after all.