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Jindal pledges to end La. corruption

October 22nd, 2007 . by TexasFred

NEW ORLEANS — Louisiana’s new governor-elect, Bobby Jindal, vowed to clean up corruption and embraced his image as a bureaucratic, methodical leader on Sunday, one day after voters here made history by electing the first Indian-American governor in the USA.

“If I go down as one of the more boring but effective governors, I’ll take that as a great compliment,” Jindal said at a news conference Sunday. “Our people don’t want to be amused by our politics anymore. We don’t want to be entertained.”

Jindal, born in Baton Rouge to Indian parents, won a crushing victory over 11 other candidates Saturday in the crowded race for governor, avoiding a runoff by winning more than 50% of the vote. At 36, Jindal, a Republican, is the state’s first ethnic minority governor since Reconstruction and will be the youngest current-serving governor in America.

At his acceptance speech late Saturday in the ballroom of a Baton Rouge hotel, Jindal said he will call the Legislature into a special session to address ethics reform and go after those “feeding at the public trough.”"They can either go quietly or they can go loudly, but either way, they will go,” Jindal said to raucous cheers.

Full Story Here:
Jindal pledges to end La. corruption

I want to extend my congratulations to Bobby Jindal on his victory, he faces a daunting task and I wish him much luck in this endeavor…

As many know, I am a native of Louisiana and I have never held back on my criticism of it’s corrupt politicians, and the way it corrupts every facet of business in Louisiana, that was the major reason I left the state 25 years ago and made Texas my adopted home…

Perhaps Jindal can get this under control and can instill a sense of RIGHT in Louisiana and the inherently corrupt politicians that have made Louisiana the laughing stock of American politics, it WILL help encourage legitimate business to think about returning to a state that is populated by a good hearted bunch of people, the folks that live in Louisiana simply need a good example set for them, they’ll figure it out for themselves if they actually see HONEST government in action…

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9 Responses to “Jindal pledges to end La. corruption”

  1. comment number 1 by: Ranando

    Louisana is a great state. Great food, people, music, and sites.

    It would be great to have it back.

    I wish him only the best.

  2. comment number 2 by: GUYK

    This is proof that there is a silver lining in every cloud..the hurricane displaced so many of the dim-a-crits around the nation it gave the GOP a chance..and of course Katrina uncovered the La political farce..

  3. comment number 3 by: TexasFred

    Katrina had nothing to do with uncovering the corruption in Louisiana, corruption has been in place since the days of Huey P. Long, all Katrina did was wash away some of the dregs…

  4. comment number 4 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    You know, if true, I’ll take a boring but effective governor ANYtime.


  5. comment number 5 by: Steve Dennis

    Hopefully this is the beginning of a trend that will make it’s way up here to New Hampshire in the next election.
    This man sounds like a true success story about what happens when immigrants come here legally and WORK to make themselves better.

  6. comment number 6 by: Carl

    I wish Jindall the best and know for a fact he will be better than Blanco but I don’t share his optimism of ridding Louisiana of corruption. It’s so deeply ingrained and widespread that it will take more than one Governor’s term to even scratch the surface. It’s like an iceberg…what you actually see is only a fraction of what actually is below the surface.

  7. comment number 7 by: Patrick Sperry

    I wish him the best…
    But Fred, I also think that soon we will see the first political assassination here in America, in an awful long time…

  8. comment number 8 by: Lisa

    As a Louisiana citizen, I could not be more please with that fact that Jindal is our new governor. Working in the medical field, I have seen many ways in which our government has robbed the people of Louisiana. Not to mention, our students and up coming generations have always taken the back seat to our highways and interstates. As a mother, citizen, and former student of Louisiana; I hope Bobby Jindal makes the necessary changes this state so desperately needs!

  9. comment number 9 by: Carl

    Does the Governor of Louisiana have the legal power to remove local officials? If so, I hope he removed N.O. Mayor Ray Nagin, Police Chief Warren Riley and D.A. Eddie Jordan for gross misconduct, incompetence, & neglect.