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Bush seeks $550 million for Latin America’s drug war

October 22nd, 2007 . by TexasFred

WASHINGTON — President Bush asked Congress today for $550 million to help Mexico and Central America fight drug trafficking amid escalating violence, particularly on the Texas-Mexico border.

The funding request, part of a two- to three-year package that would total about $1.4 billion, is included in a $46 billion proposal for additional funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It delivers vital assistance for our partners in Mexico and Central America who are working to break up drug cartels, and fight organized crime, and stop human trafficking,” Bush said at the White House, shortly after calling Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

Mexico would receive the lion’s share of the aid package, $500 million, and Central America would get $50 million, officials said.

The aid package for Mexico, which officials have been negotiating since Bush met with Calderon in Merida, Mexico, last March, would include funds for additional Mexican military helicopters and other surveillance aircraft, drug-sniffing dogs and telecommunications equipment.

Full Story Here:
Bush seeks $550 million for Latin America’s drug war - Houston Chronicle

Well my oh my, the Little Prince wants a big wad of money to wage a war on drugs in Latin America, isn’t that special??

I guess someone forgot to tell him, we’ve been doing that for at least 3 decades that I am personally aware of, and from stories I’ve heard, we were involved in the narcotics trade uh, oops, WAR on drugs a long time before that, if rumors are to be believed that is, I have no personal knowledge of that your honor, really!!

The Mexicans can buy their own helicopters, dogs and telecommunications equipment, contrary to popular belief, Mexico is NOT broke, they have huge oil revenues and the money that they confiscate from drug raids can go to the purchase of all that 1st class equipment el Presidente’ Bush wants to give to his amigos…

If Bush is sincere about stopping the flow of illegal drugs into the USA all he has to do is enforce the sovereignty of our borders, coast lines and air space, and I don’t mean some little half-assed effort, the inbound CAN be stopped, much as can the flow of ILLEGAL aliens into this nation, and if you think about it, if you shut down the drug flow and stop the wetbacks at the same time, you kill 2 birds with one stone, and WE, the American people, WIN…

But Bush isn’t going to do ANYTHING that will change the status of our border with Mexico, and quite likely he’ll give his amigos any amount of money they want, I mean, hey, it’s just money, U.S. TAX dollars, and we have DEEP pockets, right??

We might as well send it to Mexico to be stolen and misused…

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4 Responses to “Bush seeks $550 million for Latin America’s drug war”

  1. comment number 1 by: TexasFred

    1. Close and secure the borders
    2. Secure our air space
    3. Secure our ports and coastlines
    4. Round up and DEPORT all ILLEGALS
    5. Allow border crossings and commerce but highly regulated

    All actions that SHOULD have taken place on 09-12-01, and have yet to be put into action…

    When it comes to the security of THIS nation, George W. Bush and his administration have been a total failure, if you think not then answer this, WHY is Chertoff touting a new plan to respond to the rising threat that WE, as Americans, face right here in the USA?? The threat of terrorist attacks with IED’s??

    I wrote on that topic yesterday, http://texasfred.net/archives/657 , we are in DEEP poop folks, and Bush has put us there, and just think, he was considered to be the ‘lesser of 2 evils’…

  2. comment number 2 by: Patrick Sperry

    All of the above….
    Plus, stop making the damned drug cartels into zillionares…

    End the war on drugs.

  3. comment number 3 by: GUYK

    The best thing this country could do is treat drugs just as they do the two most popular drugs..alcohol and tobacco. Legalize and tax hell out of them. Look, the primary reason there are drug pushers is because of demand for drugs and when there is a sufficient demand someone will take the risk to be the supplier. Take away the tremendous profit margin and a big part of the problem is solved.

    The drug underground economy pays no taxes..sales tax or otherwise. The slams are full of people busted for dope possession and that costs money. I would rather see the slams full of illegal immigrants than some dumb shit who got caught smoking a joint.

    For the record I do not now nor have I ever used any narcotic stronger than Wild Turkey..no wait, I have had some of that 151 proof rotgut that passes as rum..

  4. comment number 4 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Secure the borders. Period. That will help keep ALL the shit out, human AND drug.
