Gulf seafood declared safe; fishermen not so sure
August 3rd, 2010 . by TexasFredGulf seafood declared safe; fishermen not so sure
VENICE, La. – Seafood from some parts of the oil-fouled Gulf of Mexico has been declared safe to eat by the government, based in part on human smell tests. But even some Gulf fishermen are questioning whether the fish and shrimp are OK to feed to their own families.
Some are turning up their noses at the smell tests — in which inspectors sniff seafood for chemical odors — and are demanding more thorough testing to reassure the buying public about the effects of the oil and the dispersants used to fight the slick.
“If I put fish in a barrel of water and poured oil and Dove detergent over that, and mixed it up, would you eat that fish?” asked Rusty Graybill, an oysterman and shrimp and crab fisherman from Louisiana’s St. Bernard Parish. “I wouldn’t feed it to you or my family. I’m afraid someone’s going to get sick.”
Now that a temporary cap has kept oil from spewing out of BP’s blown-out well for more than two weeks, state-controlled fishing areas in Louisiana, Florida and Mississippi have slowly begun to reopen.
Full Story Here:
Gulf seafood declared safe; fishermen not so sure
I’m not a scientist, I don’t play one on TV and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night, so, you’re going to have to take this as MY OPINION and not as some intensely well thought out, government funded project, or some, long, drawn out research project.
I just got off the phone, and after talking to some folks in South Louisiana, Cajun folks, some that were born Cajuns, some that are *imports* but have been living there nearly all their lives, the general consensus was this, FISH and SHRIMP — they wouldn’t hesitate to eat them. They are free swimmers. Crabs, not so much, they are bottom dwellers. Oysters, NO. Oyster beds are too sensitive to any disruption and may take a season or 2 to get back in good shape.
And besides, oysters are not recommended during HOT months anyway. Cold water kills the bacteria that is sometimes found in raw oysters, that bacteria thrives in warm water. It IS August after all. Yes, it is HOT.
One of my personal friends and blog comment makers, NativeSon, made this comment yesterday;
I heard last week from a reputable source (I can’t remember ’cause I’m “old�?…) that if the new Dallas Cowboys stadium represented the Gulf of Mexico (total gallons of water…) Then the TOTAL AMOUNT OF OIL SPILLED WAS EQUIVALENT TO ONE 12 OUNCE CAN OF THE BEVERAGE OF YOUR CHOICE!!
comment number 4 by: NativeSon on THIS THREAD.
I wish I had a source to some scientific data to back that statement up, but I don’t. It too is an opinion based on something heard or read. I know there are those that will demand LINKS, but ya know, once in a while, opinion is all you’ve got. It will suffice in this case I believe.
Despite splotches of chocolate-colored crude that wash up almost daily on protective boom and in marshes east of the Mississippi River, Louisiana has reopened those waters to fishing for such finfish varieties as redfish, mullet and speckled trout, and will allow shrimping when the season begins in two weeks. Oysters and blue crabs, which retain contaminants longer, are still off-limits.
See? I really DO know what I’m talking about!
Smell tests on dozens of specimens from the area revealed barely detectable traces of toxic substances, the Food and Drug Administration said. The state of Louisiana has also been testing fish tissue for oil since May and has not found it in amounts considered unsafe.
Let’s once again face the FACTS. The Gulf of Mexico is a self-cleaning ecosystem.
As said above, I’m not a scientist, and I’m sure not a marine biologist, but I do read a lot.
The Gulf of Mexico is a dumping ground. The Mississippi River dumps more toxins into the Gulf than ALL the oil spilled since drilling began. Every sewage plant up river from the mouth of the Mississippi dumps into it.
Every farmer that has fields along, or near the Mississippi has his own applications of fertilizer and pesticide washed off into the river, and eventually into the Gulf of Mexico.
The Gulf of Mexico has been a self-cleaning ecosystem for as long as it’s been there. Otherwise, there are many people that would have long ago died from pollution.
In Mississippi on Monday, FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg said the government is “confident all appropriate steps have been taken to ensure that seafood harvested from the waters being opened today is safe and that Gulf seafood lovers everywhere can be confident eating and enjoying the fish and shrimp that will be coming out of this area.”
Similarly, BP chief operating officer Doug Suttles said Sunday that authorities “wouldn’t open these waters … if it wasn’t safe to eat the fish.” He said he would eat Gulf seafood and “serve it to my family.”
Personally, I don’t care what BP, The EPA, The FDA or anyone else connected to government has to say about this. I will trust the instincts of the people that live, work and thrive along the Gulf, the folks that EAT what comes from the Gulf, long before your local seafood restaurant serves it up on the Daily Special!

Is this the reason BHO doesn’w want the media near the oil spill? He doesn’t want them to see just how small the darn thing is? He can’t have a crisis if we know its not.
OK…I too am NOT a scientist, nor am I that good at math, so I will let those that are do the figures. Besides my calculator went nuts when I tried to imput the numbers.
All the below info can be found on the Internet…found this by using Google.
BP oil leaked into the Gulf….approx. 100,000,000 gals. This figure does not show the amount of oil captured or cleaned up already.
The Gulf of Mexico contains 650,000,000,000,000,000 ( that 650 quadrillion ) gallons of water.
The Mississippi dumps 3.3 million gallons of water into the gulf every second ( which is 90% of all rivers flowing into it ).
The Gulf Stream flows into and out of the Gulf at the rate of 30 million cubic meters per second.
One cubic meter equals just over 35 cubic gallons
One cubic gallon equals 7.4 gallons
There are 86,400 seconds in a day
Now with all this water flowing into and out of the Gulf… It would be like one BIG toilet on a constant flush cycle…and we will not to mention the oil that has been broken down by chemicals of organisms in the water. I would say the aquatic life in the Gulf of Mexico will be back to normal in no time at all….if it is not already.
I noticed I typed in cubic gallon(s)…that should read cubic foot or feet
If the fishermen won’t eat it, I’m not. A simple rule to follow.
Katie — Did it ever occur to you that the fishermen are trying to get their PAYOFFS from BP??
Obviously not…
Actually it did Fred, but ask if local (not the tourist traps) restaurants are serving local seafood. If they are, eat it,if not don’t. I have heard from friends down there that their favorite fish joint is not serving local fish. It is not safe for them.
The rule still applies. I give the gulf a year to clean itself, then it will be safe. And seafood populations will be over normal count.
Yeah, whatever…
Define *friends down there*… New Orleans? Baton Rouge? Or hard core Cajuns that live on the bayous and on the Gulf?
I spent a long while on the phone with HARD CORE CAJUNS today, and based most of this story on THEIR words and opinions, and on many of them telling me about the fish, shrimp and even oysters that they ate THIS WEEKEND…
I’m talking people that fish to eat, people that live on Vermilion Bay, people that deep sea fish the Gulf itself, not people going to some restaurant…
I’m wondering if there are patches of toxicity. This happens when ever toxic substances are unleashed on an enviroment.
While one area is safe, another could be badly contaminated. Unfit to eat.
So your friends are in a safe zone, mine it seems are not. (They live right outside New Orleans.)
Perhaps a 1 year moratorium on fishing might be in order, providing the fishermen get fully compensated.
This would rebuild the fisheries and beds that have been over fished in recent years for one. And would give the gulf a year to clean itself up.
If you want good fresh seafood all is good here in Corpus and Port A. Come on down. Would bet LA waters will recover sooner than people think. Can’t get fresh oysters till next month anyway.