Obama calling for more infrastructure spending
September 6th, 2010 . by TexasFredObama calling for more infrastructure spending
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama is asking Congress to approve at least $50 billion in long-term spending in the nation’s roads, railways and runways in a pre-election effort to show he’s trying to stimulate the sputtering economy.
The infrastructure spending is part of a package of targeted proposals the White House announced on Monday. With November’s elections for control of Congress approaching, Obama planned to discuss the proposal later Monday at a Labor Day event in Milwaukee.
The proposals would require congressional approval, which is highly uncertain with many legislators and voters worried about adding to federal deficits that are already sky-high. With Republicans saying spending is out of control and polls showing many people want to end Democrats’ control of Congress, even many Democratic lawmakers are reluctant to approve new spending so close to Election Day.
Even if legislators could pass a bill in the short window between their return to Capitol Hill in mid-September and the elections, the early projects would not create jobs immediately. Senior administration officials, who would not be quoted by name before Obama’s announcement, said the initial projects would lead to new jobs over the course of 2011.
Full Story Here:
Obama calling for more infrastructure spending
What do you get when you elect a community organizer to the highest office in the land?
A community organizer. Nothing more.
All Barack Hussein Obama and his band of ne’er do wells have done is bankrupt America. Now he wants to take America even further into the abyss with deficit spending that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
It’s not that the USA doesn’t NEED to spend money on our crumbling infrastructure, we do, but it’s a simple fact that we don’t have the money to spend. Most Americans know that, Obama isn’t most Americans. The Democrats that worship their Obamessiah aren’t most Americans.
This nation is hurting, and Obama sends his wife on holiday to Spain, on OUR dime.
Obama has a plethora of known TAX CHEATS in his administration.
Obama himself takes more vacations than ANY president ever has.
Soon, that will change. Watch this video.
I’m not at all convinced that the Obama regime understands what a deficit, or deficit spending is. But once again the Obama administration is about to attempt the launch of one of their we can spend our way out of this thing programs.
deficit - noun
1. (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Accounting & Book-keeping) the amount by which an actual sum is lower than that expected or required
2. (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Accounting & Book-keeping)
a. an excess of liabilities over assets
b. an excess of expenditures over revenues during a certain period
c. an excess of payments over receipts on the balance of payments
Let me make this very simple for the simple minds that are running our nation; we are BROKE! America is SO broke, we can’t pay attention. And Obama wants to spend MORE!

Maybe we can borrow it from china!!!!!…/sarcasm
There is more than financial deficit. There a definite integrity deficit.
Vigilante — It may be sarcasm, but it’s a lot closer to the truth than I care to think about…
Obama keeps throwing feces against the wall hoping it will stick. His every move needs to be blocked.
I am ashamed to say that I live near this, This is the “infrastructure” spending that Democrats sink to in the interest of “Spending out of depression” Although I love the historic bridge I KNOW that it would have been ok to let it stand as WAS especially since it stood not one nor two but FOUR “100 Year” floods since it was built.
Real Bridge to Nowhere in New Hampshire
I honestly wish that the lenders would say NO! You’re too big a credit risk anymore with the people you have in charge. Come back and see us when things start to change. For starters, somebody needs to rein in old thunderthighs clintoon and put a stop to her running all over the globe promising billions here and there to third world corrupt dictators, trying to buy their friendship. With the whole damned world (except china) almost broke, who’s gonna loan us the money? I think that would be a start, and a way to jar this bunch of moronic spendthrift politicians back to some common sense THAT we, the US taxpayer, CANNOT afford to be the worlds sugardaddy any longer.
I’m not against spending to fix our broken infrastructure (It really needs it.). But where are they going to get the money to do it? That is the real question to ask. They should have done this first. Before the stimulus, before Obamacare, before the bailouts. Now it is too late. There is no money to do anything.
Katie, I’m thinking, since they’re all extremely rich on their own (if they weren’t when they got to D.C., they sure area now), they should donate their annual salaries equal to the time they’ve been in office, PLUS a few MIL each, to fix the roads. They’ve squandered our tax dollars in areas it was never intended.
CNN, Rasmussen and Gallup Agree, Recovery Summer is a Democratic Party BUMMER
Somebody needs to ask SObama the question that Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm asked him I Hope You Know What You’re Doing
Because apparenently he doesn’t!!!