The TexasFred Blog endorses Kathie Glass
September 27th, 2010 . by TexasFredThe TexasFred Blog endorses Kathie Glass
I have read everything I can find about Kathie Glass. I can’t find anything about this lady I dislike! What follows is from the Kathie Glass for Governor site, and I believe that if you’ll read Kathie’s platform and ideas, you’ll support her too!
I am Katherine Youngblood Glass, a Houston lawyer who has worked in the liberty movement for 30 years. I want to be the next governor of Texas because America and Texas are at a pivotal crossroads.
Our liberty and economic well-being will be lost if we do not act swiftly to maintain our sovereignty. I am the only person running who appears to appreciate this danger, much less have a plan to resist it and the will to do so.
I believe in American exceptionalism. America is exceptional because we believe in freedom. Our country was founded on it, and our Constitution guarantees it. And, the most exceptional part of America is TEXAS! No other place on earth has our unique history and culture of liberty.
Our freedom is under assault like never before, with the most critical attacks coming from our out-of-control federal government. The recent federal takeover of our health care is just the most recent and — to date — most dangerous act of aggression on our individual sovereignty and our Texas state sovereignty.
We have suffered a long train of abuses — absurd and unconstitutional EPA regulations on our citizens and businesses, equally unconstitutional attacks on our individual right to keep and bear arms, interference with our schools and other institutions that lead to higher taxes. And the usurpations on the horizon not only by our federal government but the United Nations such as the Law of the Sea and Small Arms Disarmament treaties are, if possible, even more alarming.
We must fight for our rights as individuals and as a State and indeed for America itself. For, if America fails, where can we run to and live in freedom? This is freedom’s last stand.
We cannot fail. We must not fail. We will not fail.
Texas must lead this fight. We must be a beacon to other states, to America, and to the world to show them the way back to liberty. We must be a fortress for freedom. Through aggressive use of nullification and interposition, we must reclaim our Ninth and Tenth Amendment sovereignty by rejecting the unconstitutional laws passed by, and powers usurped by, our federal government and international bodies.
As realists, we know that we face many serious challenges. But our belief in the indomitable spirit of the individual makes us optimistic that we can solve any problem if we can make our own decisions about the problems that confront us.
Winston Churchill described four stages of a fight for the right: 1) you can easily win without cost, 2) victory is sure and not too costly, 3) the odds are against you and the costs huge, and 4) there is no chance of victory but it is better to perish than live as slaves. As I see it, our fight is between the second and third stages.
So, let’s get started.
Read MUCH MORE Here:
Kathie Glass for Texas Governor
It was my privilege to spend the better part of Saturday evening with Katie Glass and her great husband Tom. They were guests and Katie was a featured speaker at The Rowlett TEA Party Candidates Forum.
Tom and I have been friends on Facebook for a long time, long before I knew that Kathie was going to run for Texas Governor, long before I knew who Kathie Glass was. Tom and I just sort of connected I suppose.
I have great respect for him and his wife and ALL they do, and they are working hard, for Texas, for the Libertarian Party and to put Kathie Glass in the Texas State House! I am simply amazed at the work being done and the wonderful ideas Kathie Glass is putting forth.
When I heard Kathie speak, from the stage, I heard the same things I have read, and heard her say all along, economy, border security, America 1st, and TEXANS DON’T BEG the asses in Washington D.C. to come down here and protect us from the ILLEGAL invasion that is destroying the fabric of Texas and the United States!
Kathie’s opponent, Bill White also spoke. He gave his ‘I’m in a crowd of Conservatives’ speech.
Kathie gave her heart felt I LOVE TEXAS speech, that’s the same one she gives every day, all day, and was giving BEFORE she was Kathie Glass, Gubernatorial candidate!
Read everything about Kathie you can find. Seek her out and hear her speak. Go meet her and talk with her and Tom, you’ll find great TEXANS that believe as I do, TEXAS FIRST!
I am not, as I have said on many occasions, a Democrat, a Republican or a Libertarian, I am that rare breed that grasps the idea of being an Independent American patriot and Conservative! But I support Kathie Glass. I am voting for Kathie Glass, and I encourage ALL Texans to do so as well!

Attention Libertarians, Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers - or anyone else who cares about liberty and freedom!
Why isn’t the Texas press giving Kathie Glass the attention she deserves? We’re seeing national outfits like Politico run stories about her but, as a legitimate candidate in the state of Texas, shouldn’t our local newspapers start highlighting her successes? She has an uphill battle ahead of her, but Texans deserve to hear the full story and get to know all their candidates. She has great ideas and strong values - she’s even signed the Tea Party Patriots Pledge. I’ve written to many local papers asking them to balance their coverage. I hope you’ll do the same.
The Houston Chronicle:
801 Texas Ave.
Houston, TX 77002
[email protected]
The Dallas Morning News
508 Young St.
Dallas, TX 75202
The Fortworth Star Telegram
P.O. Box 1870
Fort Worth, TX 76101
[email protected]
Austin American-Statesman
P.O. Box 670
Austin, Texas 78767
San Antonio Express-News
PO Box 2171
San Antonio, Texas 78297
[email protected]
stowe.joshua7 — To be very blunt, the Texas press is too busy kissing the asses of Perry and White.
When Texans wake up, when the Libertarian Party becomes a HUGE and viable force, the media will follow our every move, until then we are going to continue to see, “And also attending…. “