Wednesday’s Woes…
December 26th, 2007 . by TexasFredLAGOS, Nigeria - At least 34 people died when a ruptured gasoline pipeline exploded in Nigeria, engulfing scores of people scooping fuel from the gushing leak, police said Wednesday.
Full Story Here:
Nigeria fuel pipeline fire kills at least 34
This has become a fairly regular occurrence over there, I only hope one thing, that ALL of the dead were the sorry SOBs that run the SPAM operations out of Nigeria, you know the guys, ‘Dearest One, I am the Queen of MoMo land and I need your assistance’, yeah, them…
CALANG, Indonesia (AP) - Survivors prayed at mosques and mass graves Wednesday to mark the third anniversary of the devastating Asian tsunami, while hundreds fled beaches as part of a drill to test an alert network established since the disaster. Â
Full Story Here:
Asia Marks Anniversary of Deadly Tsunami
Of the $13 billion that the story points out as given by governments, individuals and corporations, I wonder, how much of that filtered down to the people??Â
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Soldiers, police and volunteers dug for survivors of landslides that are thought to have killed at least 78 people Wednesday in western Indonesia, including dozens who were celebrating the cleanup of a mud-covered home, a rescue official said.
Full Story Here:
78 feared killed by landslides
Talk about your classic tragedy…Â
BOISE, Idaho (AP) - A state police academy leader has disavowed the slogan of the most recent graduating class urging one another to “go out and cause” post-traumatic stress disorder. Each class at the Idaho Police Officer Standards and Training Academy is allowed to choose a slogan that is printed on its graduation programs, and the class of 43 graduates came up with “Don’t suffer from PTSD, go out and cause it.”
Full Story Here:
Police Academy Class Slogan: Cause PTSD
Tis better to give than receive, and how appropriate for these officers to want to GIVE at this time of year, I love the idea…

As far as the Tsunami thing is Indonesia, probably very little got down to the actual people in need. Just look at Africa. US and the world have been pumping billions upon billions of dollars into the country to “feed” the people and they’re still eating mush.
Boise PD… Gotta love it….I know it’s not PC but hell it’s White-a-ho…
One very specific I donate to NO national charities anymore. Period. Charity begins at home and I only write checks to LOCAL charities with which I have personal contact — and I recommend this course of action to ALL — at least, if you wish to know where your dollars go and that SOMEONE is accountable — instead of some faux general with ribbons purchased from Gall’s.
I’m with you on the Nigerian pipeline deal; those e mails drive me nuts. If just ONE of that 34 is one of those pricks then my thoughts are it helped mankind out tremendously.
Sometimes life has a funny way of weeding out shit through disasters…
NOLA comes to mind.
Agree . . . Screw Nigerians.
BZ I do the same, with the exception of Wounded Warrior Project, but I know them too so…I guess that doesn’t count.