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2008: Off to a Marvelous Start

January 1st, 2008 . by TexasFred

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - A mob torched a church sheltering hundreds of Kenyans fleeing election violence Tuesday, killing up to 50 people as four days of rioting and ethnic clashes marked some of the darkest times in this country’s history.

Full Story Here:
Kenya Church Fire Kills 50 Who Fled Mob

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A suicide attacker detonated an explosives-rigged vest at a Shiite funeral in Baghdad, killing 32 people gathered to mourn the death of an Iraqi army officer killed in a car bombing, police and ambulance officials said.

Full Story Here:
32 Dead in Suicide Bomb at Iraqi Funeral

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) - An American diplomat and his driver were shot to death Tuesday in the Sudanese capital, the U.S. Embassy said. A spokesman said it “too early to tell” if the attack was terror related.

Full Story Here:
US Diplomat Killed in Sudan Shooting

CORONADO, Calif. (AP) - A man being chased by authorities grabbed a police dog and leaped off the San Diego-Coronado Bridge, taking the animal with him into the frigid ocean water 200 feet below. The fall killed the dog. The fugitive survived and was hospitalized Tuesday.

Full Story Here:
Suspect Jumps Off SoCal Bridge With Dog

(CBS/AP) Palestinians celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the Fatah movement fought gun battles with members of the ruling Islamic militant group Hamas across Gaza Monday, CBS News’ Robert Berger reports.

Full Story Here:
Gun Battles Rage Across Gaza

It looks like 2008 is off to a marvelous start, no one can give it a rest, not even for a day…

And I am only guessing here, shooting in the dark if you will, but my guess is, it’s not going to get any better either…

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3 Responses to “2008: Off to a Marvelous Start”

  1. comment number 1 by: Robert

    Suspect Jumps Off SoCal Bridge With Dog…
    Damn Shame, anyone willing to bet on the ethnicity of slimeball???

    US Diplomat Killed in Sudan Shooting:
    “A spokesman said it “too early to tell” if the attack was terror related.”
    I guess if you could ask the driver and diplomat they would say it was a little terrifying…

    Gun Battles Rage Across Gaza
    Yawn…stretches arms…. Yawn…. same ol Religion of peace.

  2. comment number 2 by: Carol

    Not a very promising start for 2008. I have a niece in Kenya - please keep her in your prayers.

  3. comment number 3 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Can I be the first to put the noose around the asshole who jumped, and then push HIM from the Coronado bridge?


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