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Fierce Arctic Storm Lashes California

January 4th, 2008 . by TexasFred

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - A fierce arctic storm lashed California on Friday, toppling trees, soaking a coastal landscape already charred by wildfires and threatening to paralyze the mountains with deep snow.

The northern half of the state was being hit with strong rain, 85-mph wind and heavy snow in the Sierra Nevada, National Weather Service forecaster Andrew Rorke said.

In Southern California, the storm was gathering strength off the coast and was expected to strike the region by mid-afternoon, Rorke said.

“We’re watching it really blossom on satellite,” he said.

Homeowners rushed to stack sandbags around houses lying below fire-ravaged hillsides in Southern California, while Northern California residents - like those along the Gulf Coast before a hurricane - scurried to stock up on last-minute provisions. Forecasters warned the high wind and other extreme weather would last through the weekend.

In the eastern Sierra ski town of Mammoth Lakes, resident Barbara Sholle went to the supermarket after receiving a call from the town’s reverse-911 system. She waited an hour to pay for her groceries amid a crush of residents.

Full Story Here:
Fierce Arctic Storm Lashes California

No politics in this post, all I want to do is say good luck and best wishes to all of my friends, fellow bloggers and the good folks of California, it looks like you’re gonna need some luck…

All we get here is the orgasmic news reporters all glassy eyed as they talk about 10 feet of snow and the possibility of 200mph winds…

If anyone out there can give us some more realistic reports, BZ maybe, it would be seriously appreciated, any reader in northern Cali or the Sierra Nevada, let us know what’s really going on if you can, I have great contacts in SoCal, but NoCal and the mountains are not as well represented…

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8 Responses to “Fierce Arctic Storm Lashes California”

  1. comment number 1 by: Ranando

    11:35 AM PST

    Location right now: Base of the San Bernardino Mountains, (Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead), Southern California.
    Elevation: 3700 ft.
    Temp: 44 Degrees.
    Condition: Cloudy.
    Winds: Calm.
    Rainfall: 0 in.
    Snow: 0 ft.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    I know I’ll be keeping an eye on the weather, too - a storm that big has a way of spilling over to the desert area, and with an outdoor shop, gotta batten down the hatches!

    Prayers from the Valley of the Sun -

  3. comment number 3 by: Sage

    It is hard to take the problems and dangers there seriously as I have seen on several websites the news about the bad weather and also seen some moronic surfer on the ocean.
    What are we to think in landlocked areas?? Hmmmmm.

  4. comment number 4 by: Cheryl

    From what I’ve seen we came through okay here in Nor Cal. I haven’t talked to my boyfriend yet, who lives in the high eastern Sierras. There’s some serious snow up in his area, as well as high winds.

    Unfortunately for the MSM, we seem to have come through okay. The creeks and rivers are swollen but not overflowing their banks. People have been without power but it’s turned back on for the most part.

    We have a respite now but expect another storm today. If there’s enough rainfall, we will have problems with mudslides and flooding. It’ll be a mess but we’ve been through it many times!!

  5. comment number 5 by: mijoka

    Northern California Bay Area Here … A bit of rain here and some wind ,storm grossely exagerated by the media ,my garage under my house below street level never saw humidity the pump I installed 20 years ago never kicked on.Otherwise everything is normal aside of few idiot who drove on the freeway like on sunny weather earning them a free ride on a tow truck after crashing their vehicle ,no sympathy for them at all . Mountain road closure due to high wind and snow, not much more than that .

  6. comment number 6 by: Nascar

    This is certainly some crazy weather conditions. Hopefully the areas being hit by the storm will come out okay in the end.

  7. comment number 7 by: Robert

    Rained like hell all night Friday, and into early Saturday but tapered off to scattered showers… Got a bout 2.5 inches of rain with more on the way for Sunday..

    Unfortunately all the rain didn’t wash the moonbats or the illegal population out of here… Still have several shopping carts scattered around and the steady pulse of the Mexican beat still ring through the hood…

  8. comment number 8 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Location Now: Wife’s house, Sacratomato Valley
    Temp: 48-degrees
    Winds: Howling
    Power: On
    Raining: Like Hell

    Was: In Sierra Nevada Mountains
    Where: 4,000-foot level
    Temp: 38-degrees
    Snow: None, too warm
    Winds: 70+ mph, tearing the shit outta the landscape
    Power: None
    Rain: Blasting positively horizontal
    Electricity: Been without it for three days
    Refrigerator: Gonna be a sad state of smelly affairs very soon
    Trees: Down all over the town
