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Iranian TV: Pentagon Video, Audio Fake

January 9th, 2008 . by TexasFred

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran accused the United States on Wednesday of fabricating video and audio released by the Pentagon showing Iranian boats confronting U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf.

The video from Sunday’s incident shows small Iranian boats swarming around U.S. warships in the Strait of Hormuz. In the recording, a man speaking in heavily accented English threatened, “I am coming to you. … You will explode after … minutes.”

“The footage released by the U.S. Navy was compiled using file pictures and the audio has been fabricated,” an official in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying by the state-run English-language channel Press TV.

State TV did not give the name of the Revolutionary Guard official and did not offer more details about how the official knew the footage was “fabricated.”

U.S. Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said the “allegation is absurd, factually incorrect and reflects the lack of seriousness with which they take this serious incident.”

National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley warned Iran against more confrontations.

Full Story Here:
Iranian TV: Pentagon Video, Audio Fake

Lets see if this logic follows that of the Iranians where they say that we fabricated the video, we fabricated the audio and Iran didn’t really do this…

OK, if I have this straight, it stands to reason that if an incident of this nature happens again, and we DO blow their boats out of the water, then they weren’t really there so in all fact and actuality, since we made it up and the dead Iranians in the water are only a figment of our imagination, it must be more fabricated video and we were just feeding the fish some garbage… :)

Makes perfect sense to me, if they aren’t really there, then we didn’t really kill em, and what the hell, the fish gotta eat too, even if it IS an apparition…

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9 Responses to “Iranian TV: Pentagon Video, Audio Fake”

  1. comment number 1 by: Ranando

    WOW, what a couple of days.

    Iran’s not gone yet?

    I’ve got to turn on the news and get caught up.

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Of course Iran’s not gone yet, all they did was threaten the U.S. Navy…

    To be attacked, they have to threaten ‘Daddy’ Bush… :?

  3. comment number 3 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    If you’ve been reading about Iran recently, you’ll note that Admadinnerjacket is in some deep shit with the Khameini, who is less than thrilled with ‘jacket’s performance. The Iranian economy is in the tank and when Iran was blustering and in the news, the focus was off Iran’s true troubles. I suspect this little escapade was an attempt to take the onus of reality off ‘jacket and divert attention from the real problems of Iran, to the Big Bad Jesus Believer, the United States.


  4. comment number 4 by: TexasFred

    BZ, does that mean we can’t kill the little bastards?? :?

  5. comment number 5 by: Carl

    “The footage released by the U.S. Navy was compiled using file pictures and the audio has been fabricated,” an official in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying by the state-run English-language channel Press TV.

    I see Iran’s hired Saddam Hussein’s old information minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf.


  6. comment number 6 by: FHB

    Man, that sounds like the sort of shit that used to go on back in the 80s. Reagan knew what to do. Light their asses up.

  7. comment number 7 by: TexasFred

    FHB, Bush doesn’t make a pimple on Reagan’s ass… If RR had been alive, in control of his mental faculties and still POTUS, there would be some dead asshole ragheads feeding the fishes…

  8. comment number 8 by: TomR

    Even with advanced Alzheimers, RR was twice the statesman of anyone since. And there is no improvement in the 2008 prospects.

  9. comment number 9 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    TF: not at all, “ready on the right, ready on the left” is still applicable. But I suspect that is the MOTIVATION behind any silly shit they’ll be playing for a while.

    They need a “Wag The Dog.”
