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None of the Above

January 31st, 2008 . by TexasFred

It’s a real shame that it’s come to this but I am fully convinced that None of the Above may become a harsh reality, if you feel this way, join up and display the blog roll and let em ALL know how displeased you are with the PARTY choices…

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4 Responses to “None of the Above”

  1. comment number 1 by: Jenn

    I must agree on this one. The early caucuses and primaries have left those of us that vote on “Super” Tuesday with THEIR choices. It’s a crock. I don’t like any of them.

  2. comment number 2 by: 123beta

    Good Stuff Thursday…

    It’s been awhile that I’ve published a ‘Good Stuff’ post, so enjoy…The MSM misreports on military suicides via Gateway Pundit. Imagine that.A new blogroll from Hillbilly White Trash: Dump McCain No……

  3. comment number 3 by: GUYK

    I’m taking a wait and see attitude right now..there is still the outside chance that Romney can get the nomination and I will give him my support although it will be against my better judgement. But I cannot in good conscience vote for any of the dim-a-crit candidates and I figure McCain is in fact a dim-a-crit

  4. comment number 4 by: RTaylor

    Hoping for a Romney win. Cannot vote for McKennedy. I suppose we can always go third party/independent. Or… just stay home and each chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream…..