Happy Halloween!
October 31st, 2008 . by TexasFred
2 minor earthquakes hit Dallas-Fort Worth area
DALLAS (AP) - Two minor earthquakes have shaken the Dallas-Fort Worth area, but no significant damage has immediately been reported.
The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake with a 2.5 magnitude was reported at 11:25 p.m. Thursday, centered in the Grand Prairie area.
The agency says a slightly stronger quake, at 3.0 magnitude, occurred at 12:01 a.m. Friday, centered in Irving about 10 miles west of Dallas.
USGS geophysicist Randy Baldwin says aftershocks could last several days.
Law enforcement agencies across northern Texas say they received some 911 calls from people who had felt the quakes.
An April 7 earthquake in southern Texas had a 3.7 magnitude.
Full Story Here:
2 minor earthquakes hit Dallas-Fort Worth area
Damn!! Sorry, I was cleaning the control panel on the VRWC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) *Earthquake Machine* and I accidentally pushed the *activate* button. I guess the *fail safe* still isn’t working correctly, we gotta get that looked at…
I’ll try to be more careful in the future, I thought we had it set for *Cali*, turns out it was *Arli*, damn, I HATE typos…
WASHINGTON — Montana gunsmith Dan Cooper has been ousted as chief executive of the rifle company that bears his name after pressure from gun owners who are angry that he is supporting Democrat Barack Obama.
Cooper, founder and part owner of Cooper Firearms Inc., told USA TODAY in a story published Tuesday that he has voted for Republicans for most of his life, but he is backing Obama “probably because of the war. And also because the Republican Party has moved so far right in recent years.” Cooper said he was attracted to the Democrat’s message about “the retooling of America, which involves the building of middle-class jobs and helping American small business be competitive with those overseas.”
Cooper contributed $3,300 to Obama’s presidential campaign, according to election records complied by the non-partisan CQ MoneyLine.
The USA TODAY article sparked outrage from some gun owners and bloggers, including an open letter on a blog called Firearms and Freedom, urging people to boycott the company’s products. Many gun enthusiasts believe Obama will try to restrict their right to bear arms, although he has said he respects the Second Amendment.
The company posted a statement Wednesday night on its website that said:
“The employees, shareholders and board of directors of Cooper Firearms of Montana do not share the personal political views of Dan Cooper. Although we all believe everyone has a right to vote and donate as they see fit, it has become apparent that the fallout may affect more than just Mr. Cooper. It may also affect the employees and the shareholders of Cooper Firearms. The board of directors has asked Mr. Cooper to resign as President.”
Full Story Here:
Rifle company executive ousted after announcing Obama support
And to the company I say KUDOS, it’s about time people took issues such as this to heart!!
Just because a person claims to be pro guns and pro 2nd amendment doesn’t necessarily make it an absolute that they are RIGHT thinking Conservatives, case in point, this story and the donation to the Obama campaign.
U.S. Citizen wrote about this too, Message from Cooper Firearms of Montana, USC didn’t opine on the subject and I am not going to speculate as to his feelings, he can do that here and on his blog, but I have a pretty good idea as to what his feelings are.
Obama is NO friend to gun owners, I don’t care what the words say, the man IS an anti-gun guy, his past actions and speeches attest to that fact. He WILL, almost as soon as he assumes office, assuming that he does win, he will try his level best to infringe on the rights of LEGAL gun owners and sportsmen. He will attempt to reinstate the assault weapons ban, of that there is NO doubt. He will tax guns and ammunition to the point that it will be nearly impossible to afford to go shooting at the range or to go hunting!
Dan Cooper is a gullible idiot. Bob Ricker, executive director of the American Hunters and Shooters Association, which has endorsed Obama, is another gullible idiot. I can’t possibly imagine that any REAL gun person would see supporting Obama as being PRO gun.
Supporting Obama and claiming that you’re PRO gun is about as ridiculous as the accusations that I was against Class III weapons and was advocating more restrictions. Sheer stupidity reigns supreme in this election cycle…