NAACP Branch Readies for Confederate Flag Fight
May 28th, 2009 . by TexasFredNAACP Branch Readies for Confederate Flag Fight
A flag fight is brewing in southern Florida.
Members of the Miami-Dade branch of the NAACP want the Confederate flag banned from the Homestead-Miami Motor Speedway, and they will meet Thursday to decide whether to boycott a NASCAR race slated there for November.
Debra Toomer, the branch’s chairwoman of press and publicity, said a planning session has been scheduled to decide on a course of action regarding the display of the flag at the Nov. 20-22 event, as well as its presence at city-sponsored events like last year’s Veterans Day parade.
“The concern is there,” Toomer said of Confederate flags. She declined to comment further before the meeting.
But officials at NASCAR and the raceway say there’s little they can do to prevent spectators from displaying or waving the Confederate flag.
NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston told that NASCAR’s “longstanding policy” prohibits displays of the Confederate flag on its cars, uniforms, licensed merchandise or in advertisements.
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NAACP Branch Readies for Confederate Flag Fight
I have a very special, and personal message for ALL the members of the NAACP, La Raza, ACORN and any other bunch of moonbats that have a problem with the Flag of the Confederacy, and it’s very similar to the message I am sending to any and all that are offended by the United States flag.
You can all, each and every one of you, collectively or individually, KISS MY AMERICAN REBEL ASS!
Now you people have something else to be offended over!