Obama team weighs up to $850 billion economic jolt
December 18th, 2008 . by TexasFredObama team weighs up to $850 billion economic jolt
WASHINGTON (AP) - President-elect Barack Obama is laying the groundwork for a giant economic stimulus package, possibly $850 billion over two years, in his first test of legislative give and take with Congress.
Obama’s economic advisers are assembling a recovery plan and reaching out to members of Congress and their staffs. Obama aides cautioned that they have not settled on a specific grand total. But they noted that economists from across the political spectrum have recommended spending similar or even larger amounts to jolt the worsening economy.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., this week said Democrats were preparing their own recovery bill in the range of $600 billion, blending immediate steps to counter the slumping economy with longer-term federal spending that encompasses Obama’s plan.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Wednesday that Obama has indicated that Congress will get his recovery recommendations by the first of the year.
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Obama team weighs up to $850 billion economic jolt
I have ONE question that I feel MUST be asked. WHERE in the HELL does this *genius* think that $850B is going to come from?
There is only ONE place. That money comes from OUR POCKETS!! These asshats have been robbing Peter to pay Paul for so long, well, even a MORON can see where this is taking us. Can’t they?
Even if Obama pulled the U.S. OUT of Iraq on his very first day in office, the money NOT spent on the Bush debacle would only come up to somewhere around $250B over this 2 year period that Obama wants to *spread the wealth*. That’s about $600B short of Obama’s goal, can’t he do basic math? Does he think money is just something we print up more of when we need it?
If the United States government has a penny to it’s name it’s because We, The People were taxed out of it. An $850B economic stimulus package is nothing more than a federally sponsored Ponzi scheme. They are taking OUR money to pay US.
Now I don’t know what that’s called in your part of America, but where I’m from it’s called Democratic moonbat thinking and pure BULLSHIT!
The fleecing of America continues, and *The One* isn’t even sworn in yet. Don’t you just love Chicago politicians?
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