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9 militia members charged in police-killing plot

March 29th, 2010 . by TexasFred

9 militia members charged in police-killing plot

DETROIT (AP) - Nine suspects tied to a Midwest Christian militia that was preparing for the Antichrist were charged with conspiring to kill police officers, then attack a funeral using homemade bombs in the hopes of killing more law enforcement personnel, federal prosecutors said Monday.

The Michigan-based group, called Hutaree, planned to use the attack on police as a catalyst for a larger uprising against the government, according to newly unsealed court papers. U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said agents moved on the group because its members were planning a violent reconnaissance mission sometime in April.

Members of the group, including its leader, David Brian Stone, also known as “Captain Hutaree,” were charged following FBI raids over the weekend on locations in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana.

The idea of attacking a police funeral was one of numerous scenarios discussed as ways to go after law enforcement officers, the indictment said. Other scenarios included a fake 911 call to lure an officer to his or her death, or an attack on the family of a police officer.

Full Story Here:
9 militia members charged in police-killing plot

The American Taliban has reared it’s ugly head! We hear about the enemy within, that would be these people, the Hutaree, and their followers!

I have had emails today telling me how the militias are being preyed upon by the FBI, how this is the start of the insurrection that will provide the spark that starts the fires of open revolution that so many of these ultra-far right groups seek to strike.

I have received email today from someone I thought was a level-headed Conservative telling me that he would stand with these Hutaree people!

Anyone that reads here knows that I am a serious supporter of Law Enforcement officers in the U.S. What I am about to say next may anger some, but that’s the chance you take for telling the truth and stating your opinions.

These people, these Hutaree, and ANY like them, are NOT Christians, no more than Fred Phelps and his bunch of loons! These people are not patriots, they are CRAZIES, they are FAR RIGHT moonbats and they bear NO significance in the overall plans or actions of TRUE Conservatives and/or the TEA Party movement!

Someone from a TEA Party has to have the BALLS to stand up and say it!

After such attacks, the group allegedly planned to retreat to “rally points” protected by trip-wired improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, for what they expected would become a violent standoff with law enforcement personnel.

“It is believed by the Hutaree that this engagement would then serve as a catalyst for a more wide-spread uprising against the government,” the indictment charges.

Tactics right out of the Taliban playbook!

According to investigators, the Hutaree view local, state, and federal law enforcement personnel as a “brotherhood” and an enemy, and planned to attack them as part of an armed struggle against the U.S. government.

Law enforcement IS a brotherhood. But officers are NOT the enemy, not of this group, the Hutaree, not of any group of people that stand lawfully in this United States.

The indictment charges members of the group conspired “to levy war against the United States, (and) to oppose by force the authority of the government of the United States.”

I’m not going to blow smoke up your skirt, there seriously IS a strong possibility that revolution is brewing in the USA.

We are rapidly becoming a socialist dictatorship. We are having the will of the POTUS forced upon us, even though the majority of Americans don’t want any part of his socialistic meddlings.

We are suffering an oppressive government that is out of control.

« Read the rest of this post HERE! »

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Will Gun Control be coming to us like this?

August 18th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Will Gun Control be coming to us like this?

This was sent to me by my next door neighbor, a fellow Texas Patriot and gun owner. It’s been around the block a number of times but it never hurts to send it out for one more round! Thanks Jeff!

You’re sound asleep when you hear a thump outside your bedroom door.. Half-awake, and nearly paralyzed with fear, you hear muffled whispers. At least two people have broken into your house and are moving your way. With your heart pumping, you reach down beside your bed and pick up your shotgun. You rack a shell into the chamber, then inch toward the door and open it. In the darkness, you make out two shadows.

One holds something that looks like a crowbar. When the intruder brandishes it as if to strike, you raise the shotgun and fire The blast knocks both thugs to the floor. One writhes and screams while the second man crawls to the front door and lurches outside. As you pick up the telephone to call police, you know you’re in trouble.

In your country, most guns were outlawed years before, and the few That are privately owned are so stringently regulated as to make them useless. Yours was never registered. Police arrive and inform you that the second burglar has died. They arrest you for First Degree Murder and Illegal Possession of a Firearm. When you talk to your attorney, he tells you not to worry: authorities will probably plea the case down to manslaughter.

What kind of sentence will I get?” you ask.

“Only ten-to-twelve years,” he replies, as if that’s nothing. “Behave yourself, and you’ll be out in seven..”

The next day, the shooting is the lead story in the local newspaper.. Somehow, you’re portrayed as an eccentric vigilante while the two men you shot are represented as choirboys. Their friends and relatives can’t find an unkind word to say about them. Buried deep down in the article, authorities acknowledge that both “victims” have been arrested numerous times. But the next day’s headline says it all: “Lovable Rogue Son Didn’t Deserve to Die.” The thieves have been transformed from career criminals into Robin Hood-type pranksters. As the days wear on, the story takes wings. The national media picks it up, then the international media. The surviving burglar has become a folk hero.

Your attorney says the thief is preparing to sue you, and he’ll probably win. The media publishes reports that your home has been burglarized several times in the past and that you’ve been critical of local police for their lack of effort in apprehending the suspects. After the last break-in, you told your neighbor that you would be prepared next time. The District Attorney uses this to allege that you were lying in wait for the burglars.

A few months later, you go to trial. The charges haven’t been reduced, as your lawyer had so confidently predicted. When you take the stand, your anger at the injustice of it all works against you. Prosecutors paint a picture of you as a mean, vengeful man. It doesn’t take long for the jury to convict you of all charges.

The judge sentences you to life in prison..

This case really happened.

« Read the rest of this post HERE! »

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Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest

August 18th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest

PHOENIX (AP) - About a dozen people carrying guns, including one with a military-style rifle, milled among protesters outside the convention center where President Barack Obama was giving a speech Monday - the latest incident in which protesters have openly displayed firearms near the president.

Gun-rights advocates say they’re exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest, while those who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.

Phoenix police said the gun-toters at Monday’s event, including the man carrying an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle slung over his shoulder, didn’t need permits. No crimes were committed, and no one was arrested.

The man with the rifle declined to be identified but told The Arizona Republic that he was carrying the assault weapon because he could. “In Arizona, I still have some freedoms,” he said.

Full Story Here:
Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest

No one was shot, no one was hurt, no one fought, there was NO violence. How can that possibly be?

I thought the general perception of the anti-gun cabal, and a few less than stellar elected officials from the right was that if we carried guns openly there would be blood running in the streets?

I guess we were just lucky this time.

Yeah, that had to be it, lucky.

Of course the video is from CNN, and it has that typical CNN *harbinger of doom* thing going on, but other than that, this is a great story of what happens when SANE American gun owner are on the scene!

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