Former spy chief: No link between Iraq and 9/11
July 21st, 2010 . by TexasFredFormer spy chief: No link between Iraq and 9/11
LONDON (AP) — The war in Iraq led to a loss of focus on the threat from al-Qaeda, emboldened al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and helped to breed a generation of homegrown terrorists, Britain’s former domestic spy chief told a U.K. inquiry Tuesday.
Making the sharpest criticism so far aired in the inquiry, Eliza Manningham-Buller, director of the MI5 agency between 2002 and 2007, said Britain’s government paid little attention to warnings that the war would fuel domestic terrorism.
Manningham-Buller also said Iraq had posed little threat before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, and insisted there was no evidence of a link between former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.
“There was no credible intelligence to suggest that connection and that was the judgment, I might say, of the CIA,” she told the inquiry. “It was not a judgment that found favor with some parts of the American machine.”
Full Story Here:
Former spy chief: No link between Iraq and 9/11
I’m not the head of MI5 or the CIA, I’m not a former *spy chief*, but long time readers of this blog will recollect the fact that I said the same things about the invasion of Iraq, and all the reasons that were given, long before it became a part of the accepted theory.
The ex-spy chief said those pushing the case for war in the United States gave undue prominence to scraps of inconclusive intelligence on possible links between Iraq and the 2001 attacks. She singled out the then-U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
“It is why Donald Rumsfeld started an alternative intelligence unit in the Pentagon to seek an alternative judgment,” said Manningham-Buller, who was a frequent visitor to the U.S. as MI5 chief.
Rumsfeld was merely doing the bidding of his boss. George W. Bush saw an opportunity to strike Saddam Hussein and take revenge for the threats Saddam had made against GHW Bush. I have stated that as my belief on numerous occasions.
Maybe the former head of MI5 reads my blog… Hey… It could happen…
“Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 and I have never seen anything to make me change my mind,” she said.
Ditto. Save the desperate desires of a child to please his father, there was NO reason to go into Iraq when we did. Saddam was contained, a no-fly zone was in place and enforced, every time a SAM site lit up, it got lit up by American fighter jets and Iraq was just hanging in there, a threat to no one on this side of the Atlantic.
I too have seen nothing that will ever change my mind on that. Sorry about that Amy…
Manningham-Buller also indicated that MI5 disagreed with then-Prime Minister Tony Blair over a key justification for the war — Iraq’s purported harboring of weapons of mass destruction.
She said the belief that Iraq might use such weapons against the West “wasn’t a concern in either the short term or the medium term to either my colleagues or myself.”
To date, Iraq had some yellow cake uranium, that, in and of itself is NOT a danger, it wasn’t refined and posed NO danger to anyone in it’s condition. Saddam’s nuclear scientists had all but abandoned the idea of building Saddam a nuclear device, they knew he was a madman but they placated him and kept him happy with useless research and data.
The only other so-called WMD was a few .155mm Howitzer shells loaded with sarin gas. That gas was so depleted that it had liquefied. It was manufactured pre-1991, it could be poured directly on the skin with NO adverse effect.
Also, the effective range of a .155mm Howitzer is 18,000m - 30,000m (with rocket-assisted projectile), that hardly qualifies as a WMD that the continental USA needed to concern itself with.
Manningham-Buller said the focus on Iraq had far-reaching consequences for the mission to tackle global terrorism.