The TexasFred Blog endorses Joe Driver TX-113
September 28th, 2010 . by TexasFredThe TexasFred Blog endorses Joe Driver TX-113
Ladies and Gentlemen, Joe Driver is my friend.
It hasn’t always been that way. A few years back Joe and I had some serious disagreement on a political issue, Open Carry in Texas, that is how we met. Joe stood his ground, I stood my ground, we agreed to disagree and we’re now on a 1st name basis with a great deal of respect for one another.
I believe Joe Driver to be an honest man, a man that has made mistakes in his life, just like everyone else has made mistakes in theirs. Joe has faced those mistakes and accepted full responsibility for them.
Joe has served Texas and TX-113 well, and worked hard for his constituents. We need Joe Driver in there fighting for us, and for Texas.
Joe Driver never took it easy growing up. His father insisted he always have a job of some kind because he wanted Joe to learn the importance of taking responsibility for his financial future. Joe learned to appreciate what it means to work hard, pay taxes and get ahead. He drove a garbage truck, waited tables at Steak & Ale, and even worked at a city pool teaching kids to swim. He was happy to have the work. Joe’s father founded a local insurance agency and twenty years later, Joe followed in his footsteps by founding his own agency. Joe Driver State Farm insurance has been a downtown Garland fixture for 37 years. Driver is trusted. He’s made a payroll for almost four decades and he knows first hand the challenges faced by our small business people. That’s the kind of person we need serving us in office.
Joe and his wife Deanne attend and are active at First United Methodist Church in Garland. They have two grown children and one grandchild.
Do you believe that government must tighten its belt just like we do at home? Joe Driver does. In 2010, taxpayers are in revolt against the big spending habits of the liberals in government. Joe Driver favors capping state government spending, cutting taxes and reducing government intrusion into our lives. The more money of ours they take and spend the more difficult they make it for us to solve our own problems. For our economy to recover, we need less government spending and less government, period.
Joe Driver has always believed that his primary role as our State Representative is to protect our freedoms and to preserve them for future generations. Joe is known as one of America’s greatest advocates for 2nd Amendment rights. Joe understands that the 2nd Amendment that protects all our other constitutional rights. Joe Driver authored and passed the “Castle Doctrine�? into law making our Texas the most pro-2nd Amendment State in America. Texas thrives because legislators like Joe Driver protect our economy, our rights and our pocketbooks. In the midst of this recession, Texans know that Joe Driver is defending our jobs, our savings and our freedom.
End reckless spending: Yes
Stop illegal immigration: Yes
Higher Taxes: No
More government regulation: No
2nd Amendment: Yes
Government controlled healthcare: No
Greater local control: Yes
Tough on crime: Yes
Helping small business: Yes
Government corruption: No
Restore our American values: Yes
Joe Driver, Texas State Representative
I don’t know what stand others will take, but as for me and mine, we support Joe Driver and look forward to having him as our TX-113 Representative for a long time to come!