Some Gustav evacuees say officials overreacted
September 3rd, 2008 . by TexasFredNEW ORLEANS – Millions fled the Gulf Coast in fear of Hurricane Gustav, billed as the apocalyptic “mother of all storms.” Fortunately, it was no Katrina. Now, with three other storms lining up in the Atlantic, some fear people might not listen next time.As the first of the 2 million people who fled Gustav began to trickle home Tuesday from shelters, many grumbled about the food, the heat, the overcrowding, the uncertainty and the frustrating wait for the all-clear. Some evacuees, particularly in Texas, on the far fringes of the storm’s path, suggested authorities overreacted in demanding that they leave their homes.
“Next time, it’s going to be bad because people who evacuated like us aren’t going to evacuate,” Catherine Jones, 53, of Silsbee, Texas, who spent three days on a cot at a church shelter with her disabled son. “They jumped the gun.”
In Texas, Gustav barely brought a sprinkle, leading to frustration among those who had to spend days on cots. The Beaumont Enterprise went as far as to taunt “Gustav Who?” on its front page the day after the storm.
Full Story Here:
Some Gustav evacuees say officials overreacted
The levees barely made it this time, they were *topped* by a minimal hurricane hit and a moderate storm surge, God help these people if the next storm takes a bit better aim and doesn’t deal them that glancing blow that they should be thankful for, and there WILL be another storm, that is an inevitability.
Can you imagine the deafening cries of anguish that the *slugs* would have made had Gustav been a Cat 4 or Cat 5 as it made landfall had the state of Louisiana done nothing? Or had they done what was done during the Katrina catastrophe, or the cries from the left side of the aisle had the Bush administration not had FEMA in place before the storm?
It appears that Gov. Bobby Jindal did everything possible to keep his citizens safe, and for that I applaud him, he wasn’t about to make the mistakes of Kathleen Blanco. And for whatever reason, Ray Nagin built a fire under his administration and they actually did a fine job, and for that he is to be commended as well. It appears that some folks DID learn valuable lessons from Katrina.
But the overly simplistic minds that the majority of New Orleans exhibits sees this as a matter of, “they lied to us, dis weren’t no bad storm, next time, I ain’t a leavin’ my crib“, this was heard by my wife and I in a local supermarket yesterday afternoon as we shopped for groceries.
Here’s the deal, let the ingrates stay, let ‘em exhibit all the ignorance that some of us are so positive exists in present day New Orleans. And if they stay, they can drown with a city that IS steadily sinking into the swamp. A fitting end to the debacle that is New Orleans!
Oh, and one more thing, I am a Louisiana native, but thank God my parents had the good sense to come to Texas 53 years ago. I have lived in Louisiana as an adult, but only for a brief period of time, I had to escape the pervasive ignorance and corruption, and the *welfare* mentality that overpowers the entire state.
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