Russia orders halt to fighting in Georgia
August 12th, 2008 . by TexasFredTBILISI, Georgia (AP) - Russia ordered a halt to military action in Georgia on Tuesday, after five days of air and land attacks that sent Georgia’s army into headlong retreat and left towns, military bases and homes in the U.S. ally smoldering. Georgia insisted that Russian forces were still bombing and shelling.
Despite the pledge by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russia launched an offensive Tuesday in the only part of Abkhazia still under Georgian control. An Associated Press reporter saw 135 Russian military vehicles driving through Georgia en route to Abkhazia’s Kodori Gorge - and Georgian officials said their troops in the gorge were being attacked by Russians.
Abkhazian officials claimed their forces - not the Russians - were carrying out artillery attacks in the Kodori Gorge. Fleeing Georgians said the entire population of the gorge, some 3,000 people, had abandoned their homes - some so quickly they didn’t even grab food or water.
“It feels like an annexed country,” said Lasha Margiana, the local administrator in one of the villages in Kodori.
Full Story Here:
Russia orders halt to fighting in Georgia
I am going to try and simplify this for a few folks that just don’t seem to grasp what is happening in Georgia and South Ossetia.
Both were part of the Soviet Union and Georgia was exercising some degree of control over South Ossetia. They didn’t like it and many of their citizens wanted to go back under the umbrella of Russia and whatever it was that Russia offered them. Georgia didn’t like that idea and it came to blows between Russia and Georgia over the fate of South Ossetia.
This is a business as usual for the folks in that region of the world, and the Russians have more political savvy than most so-called political scientists in THIS nation. The Russians KNOW that we have a powerless, no warfighting MORON in the White House, they KNOW that the U.S. military has been stretched really hard by the *WAR* in Iraq, they know that Iraq has bled us almost to the point that Afghanistan bled them a few years ago.
Bush 41 began the *Destruction of America*, Clinton and the BITCH brought most of it to fruition, and now Jr has all but destroyed the AMERICA I was raised in.
There is NOTHING we can do for Georgia, we don’t have the whereto at this time, and NATO, well, NATO is US, if the U.S. wasn’t paying the bills NATO and the U.N. would cease to exist.
In other words, NATO is a toothless tiger, the goddamned Europeans and the Balkans have always rolled over and gave in to ANY attacker, that’s the way it rolls in that region. Russia has been quietly and patiently rebuilding, because they SAW what we have running the USA, they SEE the libtards that would STILL dismantle our military and Intel services if allowed to. And Russia is doing the only thing they can do, they acted, in what they believe to be THEIR own interest.
Until Great Britain and the USA BOTH grow a set, that’s how it’s gonna go down again.
And as far as growing a set is concerned for the USA, that won’t be happening ANY time in the next 4 years either. We have a Mexican loving POTUS that won’t defend OUR borders and 2 candidates that can’t find their asses with both hands and a set of directions, yet some folks feel we need to step up and defend Georgia??
WE now have the government that WE allowed to come to power, see what happens when you don’t DEMAND the very best and you settle for the *lesser of the evils*?