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Ginsburg is hospitalized with pancreatic cancer

February 5th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Ginsburg is hospitalized with pancreatic cancer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has undergone surgery for pancreatic cancer, apparently at an early stage.

The court said the 75-year-old Ginsburg had the surgery Thursday at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. She will remain in the hospital for seven to 10 days, said her surgeon. Dr. Murray Brennan. This was according to a release issued by the court.

Ginsburg, a justice since 1993, had colon cancer earlier in her tenure.

The cancer was discovered during a routine, annual exam late last month at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

The court said a CAT scan revealed a tumor measuring about 1 centimeter across the center of the pancreas.

Ginsburg is hospitalized with pancreatic cancer

And so it begins.

The most ruinous events that Obama and Company will bring to this nation will be the restructuring of the SCOTUS. Ginsburg is NOT the worry. Her retirement, disability or death, and her eventual replacement is NOT the issue that scares me. We KNOW that Obama will seek to replace her with someone that is just as liberal, just as far to the left. She is basically a ‘tit for tat’ swap out and her replacement, should that come about, will be a wash.

My biggest fear from the Obama administration is the effect it can have on the SCOTUS. The financial problems of this nation are bad enough, but I don’t blame them on Obama, he wasn’t president when that BS was in the making, and the economy can right itself. The SCOTUS can have a far reaching bearing on the USA for many years to come, and a LIBERAL court can be the very death OF this nation.

It’s the future retirement and/or death and/or disability of the Conservative Justices that causes me to actually have a shiver of fear run through me. We can absolutely count on Obama to appoint ultra Libbers to the SCOTUS, and at this time there is no way in hell that an appointment can be overruled by the Congress and Senate, Conservatives just don’t have the numbers. And lets face it, there are far too many RINOs that will jump ship and vote Dem/Libber at the drop of a hat!

If there was EVER an great example of WHY the Conservatives of this nation MUST stick together, why we MUST vote real Conservatives into office, this is it!! RINOs and Libbers, they are hand in hand America, and they are walking this nation off of a VERY tall cliff!

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