VA patient tests positive for HIV after mistakes
April 6th, 2009 . by TexasFredVA patient tests positive for HIV after mistakes
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) - The Veterans Affairs department says a patient has tested positive for HIV after being exposed to contaminated equipment at a medical facility.
The VA reported previously that hepatitis has been found in 16 patients. But the agency says there is no way to prove the patients contracted the illnesses because of treatment at their facilities.
More than 10,000 veterans have been warned to get blood tests because they could have been exposed to contamination at facilities Tennessee, Georgia and Miami. All three sites failed to properly sterilize endoscopic equipment between treatments. The VA has said patients could have been exposed to body fluids from a previous patient.
The VA on Monday did not return telephone calls and e-mails about the positive HIV test.
VA patient tests positive for HIV after mistakes
I think we all saw it coming, I know I did, after the initial stories broke: Unsterile equipment used on Miami veterans.
This can’t be said too often or too strongly, our troops and our veterans deserve nothing less than the very best that this nation has to offer. They have, and still are, giving this nation everything they have to give, many have made the ultimate sacrifice.
The ultimate sacrifice. Not to take ANYTHING away from those troops that have died in the line of duty, but they are always regarded as heroes and given the most special treatment that can be given, and they are given the most honorable burial services this nation has to offer.
Why can’t our wounded warriors be given the same treatment? Nothing but the very best? Why can’t the men and women that have served this nation be afforded the very best in top shelf medical care in return for the sacrifices that they have made for this nation? They may not have died in service, but many contracted various disease and physical maladies, Agent Orange exposure being foremost in my mind, closely followed by radiation sickness from exposure to depleted uranium and it’s use in various applications.
So many of our veterans that did live have lost a limb, or in some cases, multiple limbs, some have been burned and scarred for life, some have lost their ability to walk, speak, hear, see, God only knows what else, and almost to a man, they would stand and do it again if their nation called.
WHY in the HELL do these heroes get this kind of treatment from the Veterans Administration hospitals that they have to rely on? Why are they facing a death sentence from those that should be making every effort to keep them alive?