Races an early test of Obama influence
November 3rd, 2009 . by TexasFredRaces an early test of Obama influence
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a very early test of President Barack Obama’s political influence, two states are choosing whether to continue Democratic rule while voters elsewhere elect a handful of congressmen and big-city mayors.
Elected just a year ago, the president has spent a considerable amount of time and energy trying to ensure that Democrats win governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey and pick up a GOP-held congressional seat in upstate New York.
In doing so, Obama raised the stakes of a low-enthusiasm off-year election season - and risked political embarrassment if any lost.
All three could.
Full Story Here:
Races an early test of Obama influence
Today is an opportunity for Conservatives to send a message to Washington. We are coming back, we are angry and it’s ALL about to change.
The only thing we have on the Texas agenda right now is the 11 constitutional amendments we are voting on. I am NOT going to try and tell anyone how to vote, it’s their vote and their decision, but I will say this, recently I had a pretty good online fight with a former friend about this vote. Most of the amendments have a lot to do with property and imminent domain. My former friend made the BOLD statement that the only people that need to be allowed to vote on this issue should be HOME and PROPERTY owners.
Needless to say, I totally disagree with that opinion and left no misunderstanding regarding that disagreement.
The person that I had this argument with is NOT a U.S. citizen. He IS a legal resident, but isn’t a citizen and can’t vote in our elections. I told him that until HE got off of his lazy ass and became a U.S. citizen, he really didn’t have a dog in this fight and that his OPINION was just that, an opinion. One that carries NO weight.
There was a discussion on Facebook last night, one of my FB friends was encouraging everyone to get out and vote today. Well, it seems that the apathy I talk about so much surfaced when this statement was made:
Greg Dill
Nothing significant on the ballot.
I was shocked to say the VERY least. I had to respond, and I did so in the nicest way I could possibly do so when I said:
1. Voted the 2nd day of early voting.2. Anyone that believes that there’s nothing significant on a ballot needs to get the hell OUT of the USA and go somewhere that LIFE itself is insignificant… That was the most incredibly STOOPID thing I have ever seen on FB…
As I said, right now we have constitutional amendments on our STATE ballot, Texas issues only, November 3rd Constitutional Amendment Election, but there are NO insignificant ballots. Only an enemy of this nation would make such a statement. Only a cretin intent on spreading hate, discontent and voter apathy would dare to make such a ridiculous statement. In MY opinion, said cretin needs the crap slapped out of him as he’s sent to Cuba for a few years. Let’s see how insignificant our ballots are after that.
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