TexasFred’s Barking Moonbat Award…
June 1st, 2007 . by TexasFreda public information project of the Center for Religion,
Ethics, and Social Policy at Cornell University
“This Republican Party of Lincoln has become a party of theocracy.”U.S. Representative Christopher Shays, R-CT, (New York Times 3/23/05)
Theocracy is derived from the two Greek words Qeo/j(Theos) meaning “God” and kra/tein (cratein) meaning “to rule.” The Reverend Rod Parsley, a champion of theocracy, or what he calls a “christocracy,” told his congregation at the World Harvest Church, located just outside Columbus, Ohio, “Theocracy means God is in control, and you are not.” more
The theocratic right seeks to establish dominion, or control over society in the name of God. D. James Kennedy, Pastor of Coral Ridge Ministries, calls on his followers to exercise “godly dominion … over every aspect … of human society.” At a “Reclaiming America for Christ” conference in February, 2005, Kennedy said:
See it ALL Here:
Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party
You can’t make this stuff up folks, it’s for real, and I have been wondering WHO was gonna be the recipient of the very 1st, TexasFred’s Barking Moonbat Award, now I know, click the link and learn everything there is to know about being an Evil Republican or Conservative that just happens to believe in God…
To those that use the teachings of The Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy at Cornell University, and to those that use them as reference for justification as they engage in their unholy perversions and defamation of the Christian lifestyle and teachings in America, I proudly present:

Nothing worse has ever happened to the ‘Conservative Movement’ then when we made common cause withe the Religious Right. (My enemy is your enemy sort of thinking there) The ‘Bible Thumpers’ have done more to damage the ‘Conservative Movement’ than any actions by the ‘Left’. I’ve said for some time that the ‘Religious Right’ in the US is our version of the Muzzie Moon-Bats.
Religion and politics don’t mix, never have and never will.
Its amazing how far people have come isnt it Basti? A year ago a “good” conservative wouldnt have said a bad word about either Bush or the radical religious right. Theyre both tearing the country apart. Im not even sure yet if the Republican party can survive whats been done to it by them. A couple of years ago at CU I was telling people how bad the illegal alien situation was and they just didnt get it. Finally people are starting to understand.