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Blogroll Logo Images

October 7th, 2008 . by TexasFred
Blogroll Logo Images

Folks, the blog rolls are still working, they are free and I can afford that, but the rolls I host, my 4 that are left, as well as the ones belonging to my associates, have gone to the point of being so expensive that I just can’t keep it up any longer.

If you are on ANY of the rolls that can be found on this page: http://dealer1.proboards55.com/index.cgi and if you wish to have the logo back on your blog, please copy the pic to your files and host it to your pics server. That’s the way all blog rolls used to be and I was trying to do something innovative, but it just got too big, my pic host was free until I started using so much bandwidth due to blog logos.

So, I became a Pro acct and was paying for it myself, out of MY pocket. Now, the pics server people want to go up even more because the rolls are really OUT THERE, and a lot of logos are displayed on a lot of blogs, and so far, only 2 people even offered to help offset the costs. And it just wasn’t enough…

This wasn’t done to hurt anyone, the rolls are still active for now and please, help yourself to a copy of any logo you like, I just can’t afford to host it for you any longer.

Please, if you have ANY questions on how to host, post and link a logo, let me know, I will be glad to help you in any way I can.

This was a tough decision for me, but I am having to face some serious financial facts, just as I know you are, but I have to look out for me on this one, I just can’t keep on *taking one for the team*, I hope you folks understand.

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4 Responses to “Blogroll Logo Images”

  1. comment number 1 by: Paul Zannucci

    Bunch of freeloaders. I bet they’re all bankers and mortgage investors. ;)

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Well Paul, I put up the PayPal thing, I asked if folks were on the rolls, to please make a small donation, I wasn’t asking for much, oh well, it’s their links that are not going to be around too much longer, I am just tired of doing all this crap and very few even say thank you, much less offer to help…

    I had 2 folks send money to help, and one was my cousin, no shit, and he’s not even a blogger…

    I asked, I got little or no response, I took down the hosting…

  3. comment number 3 by: Paul Zannucci

    I don’t blame you, Fred. You’ve put in Herculean time, effort and money into running the biggest, baddest blogrolls around so far as I can tell.

  4. comment number 4 by: nannykaren

    Hi Fred.
    I have not been feeling well and had not read about the blogroll Logo’s. I did however put the Texas Connection Logo on from my computer with a link back to the blogroll page.
    If it isn’t right, please let me know. I still need to learn a lot more about this kind of thing.
    I understand why you had to stop hosting the logo’s.

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