Police: Lakewood homeowner fatally shoots intruder
October 16th, 2008 . by TexasFredPolice: Lakewood homeowner fatally shoots intruder
A homeowner fatally shot a man who broke into his home near the Lakewood Country Club this morning, Dallas police said.
The shooting took place at about 2 a.m. in the 6100 block of Tremont Street, said Dallas police Lt. Herbert Ashford.
A homeowner called police to report that someone had broken into his house, and that the intruder was lying on the porch after he had been shot, Lt. Ashford said.
The Dallas County medical examiner’s office said Gary Williams, 21, of Dallas died at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas this morning. An autopsy was pending.
Lt. Ashford declined to release the homeowner’s name. Police were continuing their investigation.
Neighbor Carol Grissom said she did not hear any shot fired, but woke up to the sound of sirens. She said she didn’t know the homeowner very well, but that this was the first time such an incident has happened in their neighborhood.
“We’ve been very lucky to not have any types of incidents prior to this,” she said.
Full Story Here:
Police: Lakewood homeowner fatally shoots intruder
Queue the music: Another one bites the dust!!
And this illustrates, very well, the reason I keep an XD-45 Tactical very close at hand, fully loaded, with 230gr Golden Saber hollow points.
It also ties in perfectly well with the FBI report that was released yesterday, Justifiable Homicides at Highest in More than a Decade, FBI Says…
Americans are hurting financially, and there is a wave of self defense and self preservation that is spreading through the USA like never before, we can’t just sit back and allow the dregs of humanity to rob us blind, and all I can say is, it’s about time!

This is also a tax saving article.
Reduced Court Costs
Reduced Jail Costs.
Reduced Re Offender Programs
The failure of our justice system has increased the need for personal protection.
Stand em up and take ‘em down one by one
Regarding your recent excellent op-ed on sad happenings around our country, the basic problem causing all this is a meltdown of morals and ethics in the home and deterioration of standards of excellence in the school and workplace.
This root problem was enabled and encouraged by the mainstream news media, who are a gaggle of culturally illiterate, intellectually dishonest, professionally corrupt left wing propagandists masquerading as “journalists” and dealing mainly in half truths, the most insidious and egregious form of lie.
I was a reporter and editor of the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News. I worked in radio and television news. I know first-hand of what I write here. Most “journalists” under 40 received “politically correct” indoctrination, instead of a solid education. They know little of American history, government and economics. They favor emotion over fact and logic. And they take money for being journalists when in truth they are literary whores shilling for the likes of the Clintons and Barack Obama.
We will continue to see stories such as those you cited until we destroy the corrupt media through massive, bankrupting boycotts.
Marco Gilliam
San Antonio
Boom, Boom, OUT GO the lights! Enter stage Right: Sunshine & Better Days
Marco, I am glad to see you here, and I appreciate your insight, knowledge and honesty…
One thing about me, PCness has never been my strong suit!
I call it like I see it, and if the thin skinned and/or bleeding heart, politically correct asshats can’t handle it, it’s their problem…
But, I am well over 50, I wasn’t raised in that generation of *There are NO losers, there are only winners, we are ALL players in the game* BS…
Marco - with the way things are going we may not have to act long for the print portion of the media culture to reform itself. They seem to be killing themselves with their obvious left-wing tactics and constantly harping on people to get the rest of the story from the internet. They tell you to go to their website, but most people are getting their info from multiple sites, putting the paper’s sites to shame for their lack of balance.
Fred, I think you are referring to the new-agey “Everyone is a Winner” bs that causes sudden education when only one of many applicants is hired…
Yes Cary, I am, I got sidetracked posting that comment, I have a lot going on today, and I didn’t complete the thought line…
It’s done now…
Well, there ya go! Gettin’ old, losing track of your thoughts… poor old Fred!
Bite me…
Nah, too tough and full of gristle…
Thanks Fred. I love it when you brighten my day with cheerful news like this. Another scumbag dead and the world is a better place.
Hey Fred, perfect timing for my Thursday post, eh?
BZ, the timing was fantastic, and I guess you saw?? I linked back on the FBI post…
Probably going to be happening more and more. As economic problems increase, crime (especially theft) will increase. A homeowner must be armed these days to protect their family and property. Of course, we, here in Texas, are usually pretty well armed. The rest of the country should follow suit. I am a 61 year old G-ma and have a personal handgun (9mm Glock) and shotgun (12 gauge). My husband is well armed also. We WILL defend ourselves.
Some grannies just ROCK!!
My wife has her .357 and a 20ga pump, great for her hands, me, I carry this XD-45 everywhere I go, and the 12ga on MY side of the bed is loaded with 2 3/4′ Magnum, OObuck…
Why waltz when you can rock and roll??
This is a comment left by a bleeding heart moonbat on the Dallas Morning News site:
I am NOT denigrating anyones religious belief, but if you are so freaking STOOOPID that you’d stand still and let someone kill you and NOT even try to stop them, then in MY not so humble opinion is this, DIE you ignorant asshole, the world is better off without you as well…
And I had a response to that particular comment as well…
“We’re glad you’re not in Texas too, we already have too many bleeding hearts”
Hey, okiewithoutsmarts:
There are TEN commandments, all of which hold equal weight in the eyes of the Lord.
One is, yes, thou shalt not kill. Another one is, Thou Shalt not covet - in other words, if someone else has it, don’t want ti just to have it.
The person breaking in (also known as “trespassing”, another law the intruder broke) was “coveting” the homeowner’s television. If they are so easy to get, why risk your life to steal one?
Oddly enough, the homeowner, who was the REAL victim here, did not break any laws, and actually lived by a tenet of the Second Amendment - proof that the homeowner is, indeed, a True and Proud American.
You, okiewithoutsmarts, should be glad that stupid has not been outlawed, otherwise you may find yourself on the nation’s Top Ten Most Wanted (but are too stupid to know it) List.
Expanding a bit - nowhere does the Lord command His followers to just stand there and take it.
All the way through the Old Testament, He commands His followers to invoke His name while defending their own against intruders. Get it? DEFENDING against intruders. The Lakewood homeowner had every right to DEFEND his own property against someone coming in and taking it away.
And, by the way - why not let all the criminals know where you live? They would love to know that you are an easy mark, and won’t resist when they come in to take what you worked so hard to get, instead of risking their lives up against someone like Fred or me or Kate or BZ or Bluto or ablur or …
I’ve got to post this link again as it goes right along with this post.
As far as that bleeding heard goes, he best read the bible and see what it says about self defense. One of Jesus last commands to his apostles was to get a sword. Luke 22:36 …he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
I have a sword too…
If someone trys to break in, they will regret it here! I don’t cotton to theives.
BobF: Great link you posted
You are right now the ONLY one with that link
I had posted the You Tube version of that this morning on my blog, NOW IT’S GONE…YOU TUBE PULLED it due to copyright infringement from 20th Century Fox they say.
Without your link…my readers would have been left with nada
Good News
One less dirtbag
Bad News
Fred, you make me feel like a wimp. All I have close by is a .357 with 158 grain JHP’s
Nothing at all wrong with a .357 but I would go with Federal 125 grain JHP rounds. I’m wanting to get one with a 2″ barrel, preferably a Ruger Security 6
Remember, it is not the size of the gun it is the accuracy of the user.
You don’t want to mess up the rest of your stuff over some low life looser. Practice Practice Practice.
Yeah, but if you can put 230gr lead on target, it’s a good day for the home team…
Heck, enough .22 on target can make it a crappy day for the visitors…
I have got to stop procrastinating and get armed. This place is dangerous! Do you realize what’s happening down in Mexico?
The “Dusty Feet” Cross the Border
We’re at War! and I don’t believe that either candidate “gets it!”
Yes Storm, we ARE at war, I have been preaching it, loud and long, for quite some time, and all I get is called a racist… Ya know, wetback isn’t a race, but you’d think it was…
And you are very correct, neither one of those assholes from the DNC or RNC *get it*…