Roberts steers court right back to Reagan
June 29th, 2007 . by TexasFredWASHINGTON — In a remarkable first full term of the remade Supreme Court, a narrow majority of justices changed the law on race, abortion, free speech and a swath of other issues affecting American life.
Long-standing precedents were discarded or reinterpreted. Government interests prevailed over individual rights. Business won at the expense of consumers and workers. And people on the fringe, such as rabble-rousing students and atheists, lost out.
In the 2006-07 annual term that ended Thursday, Chief Justice John Roberts, joined by Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and newest justice Samuel Alito, set the tone. Of 19 cases that broke 5-4 along ideological lines, that quintet prevailed in 13 of them.
The conservative majority drew increasingly heated protests from liberal Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer.
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Roberts steers court right back to Reagan
Anyone that thinks there’s not a serious left wing tilt to the MSM needs only to read this story, and if your eyes aren’t opened up to the fact that the majority of those writing for the MSM lean WAY left, then there’s no hope for you…
This piece by Joan Biskupic of USA TODAY isn’t a news story, it is, in MY opinion, a liberal, left wing editorial indictment against the Conservative Justices that sit on the Supreme Court, the very individuals that are attempting to steer this nation back to a set of Conservative core values that may possibly save this nation from the path of self destruction it’s been set upon by the very liberal Justices the author of the article appears to respect so much…
There have been many areas of the Bush administration with which I was in total disagreement, and the SCOTUS was one of them when Bush tried to foist Harriet Meirs off on us, that was a case of cronyism if ever there was one, and would have been a mistake of Biblical proportions, but by seating Sam Alito and John Roberts on the SCOTUS, Bust atoned for the Meirs debacle and set the court on a definite Conservative tilt, and that was quite likely the one thing Bush can be remembered for doing correctly in his entire administration…
The author of this article seems to think that holding Pres. Reagan up as your inspiration may be a bad thing, well, if it is I suppose I’m as guilty as anyone of doing it, I know Mr. Reagan made mistakes in office, his 1986 immigration bill was the forerunner to yesterdays POS bill and was, in my opinion, one of the most critical mistakes made by Mr. Reagan, but all in all Mr. Reagan was quite likely the most well loved president we’ve had in a long time and he brought Conservatism to the American people in a way that’s never been seen before, and the very fact that Justice Roberts holds Pres. Reagan as his inspiration gives me a reason to respect Roberts even more…
The majority of our Supreme Court is just fine, better than it’s been in years, and if they happen to ruffle a few libber/atheist or anti-American feathers along the way, well, that OK too…
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