Has WAR been declared on the U.K.??
June 30th, 2007 . by TexasFred2 Men in Flaming Car Ram Glasgow Airport
GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) - Two men rammed a flaming Jeep into the main terminal of Glasgow airport Saturday, crashing into the glass doors at the entrance and sparking a fire, witnesses said. Police said two suspects were arrested.
The green SUV barreled toward the building at full speed before crashing into security barriers. Witnesses said two men jumped out, one of them engulfed in flames. Two men were arrested, Strathclyde Police spokeswoman Lisa O’Neil said.
U.K. police hunt for car bomb plotters
LONDON - Police mounted increased patrols in a jittery London Saturday as detectives conducted an intense hunt for a man seen running from an explosives-packed car in the heart of the city’s entertainment district as well as two other men suspected of involvement.
The three men have been identified and are believed to be from the Birmingham area, a center of radical Islamic unrest in Britain, U.S. officials who had been briefed on the developments told NBC News.
I suppose the radical Muslims, those purveyors of peace, are declaring war on the U.K. now, I wonder, is this just a coincidence that they waited until Tony Blair was out?? Are they testing Gordon Brown?? Pushing the envelope and seeing just what they can get by with on the new P.M.??
And I wonder, do the tolerant Brits now wish they had been a bit more persnickety regarding allowing their nation to be over-run by the Muslims??
Europe, as a whole, is in a much worse position than we are in regards to an Islamic uprising taking them over, the Europeans are basically unarmed, imagine that, they can’t stand and fight for themselves, they MUST rely on their military to do ALL of their fighting for them, and once it gets too bad, they’re sure to start begging the USA to come save their asses again…
Well, with the way the Europeans have supported the USA in the GWoT and have pretty much turned their backs on America, maybe we need to not be so fast to jump in and save them this time, maybe we need to close ranks and put the Muslims OUT of America and save THIS nation for a change…
The only thing that truly surprises me is that the radical Islamics haven’t at least tried it here, I think the only thing keeping them from it is the very fact that they KNOW what the reaction from the citizens of this nation will be, and it won’t be pretty…
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I no longer use the names Radicals or Exstreme Muslims, to me they’re Muslims, period.
They’re a Cancer on this life form we call Earth and it’s time to get the Chemo and the Radiation started. Let’s take some X-Rays, find out where the cells are and eradicate them.
Well if you glance at the pro-sand-nigger sites and real some comments you’ll see that this is all another conspiracy to defame Muzzies/sand-niggers everywhere. That’s the way it works today. Something happens and you have irrefutable prove that Muzzies committed an act of terrorism, then within 12 hours or so the conspiracy-moon-bats have an alternate scenario. Of course the moon-bats who put forth these ridiculous stories don’t believe these stories. It’s all about throwing in the shadow of doubt and defending the what really can’t be defended. (Imagine if you will, white Christian men hijacking a sand-nigger airliner and crashed it into Mecca! Then you would see a 180o turn on the conspiracy theory business) Commie, Nazis, Jap Warlords, and now pro-sand-niggers are all good at this slight of hand.
I agree with Ranando its time to eradicate Islam and the usual suspects who support Islam.
The timing is NOT coincidental. This was an attempted hit and statement against the United Kingdom AFTER Blair was gone; the hit in Glasgow is the same. These acts were not carried out by the Big AQ dogs, but lesser minions; however, it is the SAME as if writ in the sanskrit of AQ.
This is not coincidental, they are trying to see what Brown’s reaction will be. Don’t think it won’t happen here after the next election.
Two Car Bombs Found in Britain, car blows up in Glasgow Airport…
So, Tony Blair is gone and now there have been two car bombs found in Britain. And then today there is this. Apparently a car swerved into Glasgow airport and burst into flames.
The British government believes all three incidents are related and are se…
The Brits seem to be holding their own, so far. Keep your powder dry, Fred.