McCain scolds GOP for whacking Obama
December 14th, 2008 . by TexasFredMcCain scolds GOP for whacking Obama
In a surprising rebuke to the warriors who fought for him through tough times, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday sided with President-elect Barack Obama and scolded the Republican National Committee for fanning the Illinois corruption scandal.
On ABC’s “This Week,�? host George Stephanopoulos asked: “The chairman of the Republican National Committee, Mike Duncan, has been highly critical of the way President- elect Obama has dealt with this.
“He’s had a statement every single day, saying that the Obama team should reveal all contacts they’ve had with Governor [Rod] Blagojevich. He says that Obama’s promise of transparency to the American people is now being tested. Do you agree with that?ďż˝?
McCain replied: “I think that the Obama campaign should and will give all information necessary. You know, in all due respect to the Republican National Committee and anybody — right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together, not only on an issue such as this, but on the economy stimulus package, reforms that are necessary. And so, I don’t know all the details of the relationship between President-elect Obama’s campaign or his people and the governor of Illinois, but I have some confidence that all the information will come out. It always does, it seems to me.�?
Full Story Here:
McCain scolds GOP for whacking Obama
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Your guy didn’t win because I voted for Bob Barr. Boo-Hoo.
I am almost glad that McCain came out with this, his true side, the one that I screamed at damn near ALL of you about. The RINO side, the more Dem than Repub side, the pandering, doddering old man that hasn’t got a clue.
Why would it be out of line for Obama and Company to show exactly what contact he and his staff have had with Blagojevich? Why is it a bad thing for the RNC to actually stand up and do exactly what REAL Republicans should be doing? What’s wrong with acting like Republicans, and not just Dem Lite? Why is that wrong?
I do NOT disagree with any of you that feel Obama is quite likely going to be a disaster, but McCain would have been one as well, on nearly ALL of the exact same issues and at all of the exact same levels. Until such time as we ALL stand together and demand MUCH more from our political parties and their leadership than that which we are being forced to accept, people like McCain, Obama and Blagojevich are ALL we’re going to have.
McCain is a confused old man, he doesn’t have a clue. He is also a gun grabber, always has been, I don’t care what he said in his rambling panderings to the NRA and American gun owners. He did NOT change his spots. And that ‘I voted for Palin’ thing some are so fond of saying as a justification for voting McCain, well, that’s just sad. Palin would have been the VP and that’s all. She could in no way have over-ridden ANY decision McCain would have made.
Here is the FULL and honest truth folks, Obama is about to become the president of this nation, and do you know who is at fault for THAT?? Yeah, you and me, and every other poor dupe that didn’t set the wheels in motion that could get a real Conservative on the ticket. That one hurts, but it IS the truth. Maybe now some folks will wake up and smell the coffee, if we can still afford coffee after an Obama presidency.
And you can take this as Gospel too, our economy is a wreck. Anyone with half a brain knows that. Bush has been the man in charge for the last 8 years. McCain was set to become Bush V.3, nothing more, nothing less. Financially, it can’t get too much worse than it is, but if, or when it does happen, it’ll be Obama’s fault, I can hear that already. And ya know, it may BE his fault, at least to some degree, but he hasn’t been the one in the White House for the last 8 years!
And personally, I am damned glad that McCain isn’t the one that’s going to be there for the next 4 years! At least with Obama you know what to expect. With McCain, well, you have NO idea what’s going to be his next faux pas, it’s that *maverick* thing I guess.

I agree with you on McCain.
The problem is, is that the first 30% of the primary voters (with LOTS of libs and east coast Yankees thrown in) had already decided who we’d have as the presidential candidate before we in Texas could choose any kind of conservative.
By the time we (and the other 50% of America) had a voice all there was was McCain and the Huckster,,,if I remember right.
Oh hell yeah Kurt, we had McCain foisted off on us, and that’s ALL there is to it..
The way we select our candidates has got to change…
Ditto over here! McCain was a nightmare. I’m afraid I have to say I was one of those that voted for Palin. My honest hope was that the stress would get to him, he’d stroke out, and she’d be pres. She at least has some conservative credentials to back her up. He’s Rino to the core. Of course, my preference was Romney, but then, he had his baggage as well. So here we are, getting ready to go into the most socialist phase our country has seen since the new deal and If he prints money at the rate that Bush did this last 4 months…we are headed for a depression. Take that to the bank. My suggestion, buy gold.
Many people forgot the name “Maverick” was given McCain by the MSM for going against Conservatives and his own party. The Republicans ran as their presidential candidate the man who in 2004 was willing to be John Kerry’s running mate. The one thing about Sarah Palin I didn’t like was that she kept using that “Maverick” name to describe herself. There’s a world of difference between going against your parties beliefs and going after corruption within your party.
You can look at Obama and McCain like this. Obama is the enemy attacking you, coming at you. McCain is the enemy within.
Greywolfe, I know a lot of folks that said, “I didn’t vote for McCain, I voted for Palin”, but that was seriously lame…
We could hope that McCain fell out the 1st week in office, we could HOPE, but suppose he didn’t?? His mother is in her 90′s, and quite active.. McCain was THE candidate for POTUS, Palin was VP choice, I look to the guy at the top when things mess up, ie: Bush… Ya see what I mean??
BobF, “The enemy within’.. Excellent example..
Like Fred has said so many times; we need to start now on getting real Conservatives lined up for the next go around.
Obama won, no sense in crying over spilled milk.
Fock McCain, a true RINO……
Makes so proud to have NOT voted for McCain!