Officials: Health care proposal a work in progress
July 19th, 2009 . by TexasFredObama Care: The Doctor is IN!
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed! WASHINGTON (AP) - Administration officials defended President Barack Obama’s broad health care proposals on Sunday and urged a skeptical public not to judge the Democrats’ overhaul until Congress writes a final version.
Full Story Here:
Officials: Health care proposal a work in progress

‘Love the picture - If this nonsense passes we are all so screwed
I’m taking names on who votes for this POS and sending their opponents an campaign contribution. Just on friggin principle!
@ GM, you better get ready to wage WAR on Hutchison and Cornyn if they vote for it…
Tar and Feathers for BOTH of em…
Correct me if I’m wrong - but won’t the final version of a big pile of fresh pig manure smell just as bad as the original?
I know you have him looking like a Witch Doctor…but I’m almost thinking a WD would be better Health Care than what we would get from the OBAMACARE Plan.
If this passes…not only will we be kissing our Social Security good-by….but there will be no health care for the older folks.
Damn…I knew I should have gone to school and became a doctor….then at least I could treat myself and my family. I guess I need to tell my grandkids we need one of them to become a doctor.
Some folks in the medical fields are starting to wonder if their salaries are going to be regulated by the government. It could be real easy for them to do. All they need to do is put them on a wage scale like government workers or even military.