Autopsy: Cocaine in Billy Mays’ body
August 7th, 2009 . by TexasFredAutopsy: Cocaine in Billy Mays’ body
TAMPA, Fla. - An autopsy shows that cocaine use contributed to the heart disease that suddenly killed boisterous TV pitchman Billy Mays in June, officials announced Friday.
The 50-year bearded TV personality died of a heart attack in his sleep after going to bed at his Tampa condo the night of June 27. His wife found him unresponsive the next morning.
The Hillsborough County medical examiner’s office Friday said Mays had last used cocaine days before his death. The report said that although Mays died from heart disease, cocaine use was a contributing cause of death.
Mays was a pop-culture fixture with his energetic commercials pitching gadgets and cleaning products like Orange Glo and OxiClean.
The McKees Rocks, Pa., native developed his style demonstrating knives, mops and other “As Seen on TV” gadgets on Atlantic City’s boardwalk. For years he worked as a hired gun on the state fair and home show circuits, attracting crowds with his booming voice and genial manner.
Full Story Here:
Autopsy: Cocaine in Billy Mays’ body
Damn Billy, we didn’t know you nearly as well as we thought we did…
Billy was always so happy and exuberant, he just radiated a positive image. He was always SO fired up! He was a GREAT pitch-man!
Now I guess we know why…
Rest in Peace Billy…

OH! Say it ain’t snow..{er um, ahem} so!
Good one Bobo and Fred too…..Yes Ol Billy Mays was jonesing for the next lines in the dressing room in all these commercials, that was his secret to his madness…..
Y’all are funny. I hope he never accidentally snorted any Oxi clean. I guess I’d be shocked at all the people who would be tested positive if tested for cocaine. Just keep the shit away from me. I’d rather have a new pair of shoes!!!!!!
I JUST saw that on television about 3 minutes ago. SMH…hate to hear that…I guess we do know why he was so….umm..bubbly.
I’ll wait until the family’s autopsy is complete. These county coroners are sloppy at times.
Yeah Katie, you’re right, and Michael Jackson wasn’t a druggie either…
I guess some folks just see NO humor in anything, not even SICK humor…
And we ALL know that the family autopsy is going to be 100% objective, right?? And surely if there is something in it, like, oh, I don’t know, maybe COCAINE usage, we’re 100% certain that the family is going to divulge that little tidbit? Right?
God… Lighten up once in a while, this whole blog world hasn’t always got to be gloom, doom and totally serious…
What do you think the coroner would have said if his balls were inflated to the size of basketballs?
Now that would have been funny.
He’d have said, “Look at the BALLS on that bastard.. I need me some of that OxyClean…”
I sincerely hope that further testing shows all this to be false! But wait! If you act now, you can get a free methadrine addition to the autopsy of the person of your choice. But,we can’t do this forever, you MUST call within the next ten minutes, and the extra report will be placed for shipping charges only!
Gads, can’t we just let people die, and leave their families to grieve in peace?
Surely you jest??
Damn I couldn’t believe he did Coke… Oh well to each is own, I wonder if it was doctor prescribed Coke? That shit is the BOMB!
Rest in peace Billy, oh and kick MJ’s ass when you see him!
Be careful Rob, some folks are a bit uptight about this I think..
One of the reasons I was never good at retail. ‘Just didn’t have the nose for it.
I hate to hear stuff like that. When stuff like this comes out, the family always denies it and has their own autopsy done. I wonder why they think the corner would lie or do a botch job? Besides, the corner doesn’t do the toxicology tests, a reference laboratory does them. Blood work is going to be done by a medical lab which then sends the results back to the coroner after they’re verified by a pathologist. My wife is a Medical Lab Technician and does this type of work.