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A matter of Inconvenient Hypocrisy

August 26th, 2007 . by TexasFred

A matter of Inconvenient Hypocrisy

Blogging introduces you to many different types of people and opinions, there’s political bloggers, military bloggers, personal bloggers, cat & dog bloggers, kids & family and homeschool bloggers, religious bloggers, celebrity blogs, blogs about blogs, the list goes on and on, and then there’s what I have come to call ‘Rah-Rah’ bloggers or Bush Bots.

Those folks that blindly support the President, no matter what he does, they are right there on the sidelines leading the cheering section and offering their full support for any and everything that comes out of D.C., regardless of how ridiculous it may sound or the consequences it may entail, and that’s what inspired this little blurb, a matter of spontaneous truth in regards to their Inconvenient Hypocrisy

An Inconvenient Hypocrite is one that will approve of the war in Iraq and sit there and tell you, with a straight face, what a marvelous job we’ve done by freeing the Iraqis from the clutches of the evil Saddam, but conveniently forget to mention that this continuing battle for Iraqi Freedom is a bit of a lie, Iraq IS free, they have a freely elected government and president, they ARE a free people, they just happen to be mired in a civil war for control OF Iraq. All the while they are pointing out the massive success of the latest Bush plan, The Surge, as they conveniently forget to mention that while bombings in Baghdad itself are down, they have actually increased in other parts of Iraq and the death toll of Iraqi citizens is UP overall, as compared to a year ago, an Inconvenient Hypocrisy

An Inconvenient Hypocrite will tell you about all the marvelous civic programs we are sponsoring and funding in Iraq, all for the good of the Iraqi people, but they conveniently leave out the part that tells you that for a good part of the day, every day, the citizens of Baghdad don’t have running water or electricity. And yes, it’s partly because Baghdad has an infrastructure that’s worse than New Orleans.

But it’s also true that every time the American government spends God only knows how many more millions of our tax dollars to fix that antiquated infrastructure, as soon as we drive off of the site the insurgents come in and blow it up, we’re rebuilding Iraq before the fighting and destruction are over, but hey, it’s just an Inconvenient Hypocrisy

An Inconvenient Hypocrite will tell everyone what a marvelous blogger and a true patriot you are and that you’re a fine example of what’s RIGHT with America, right up until the time you happen to disagree with their version of reality or their political belief.

If you happen to leave their line of thought and express one of your own that even remotely suggests that you don’t agree with The Surge, or the debacle in Iraq, or the fact that George W. Bush is NOT an infallible saint, you are labeled a leftist, a libber, a faux Republican and even called a traitor by some, all because you had the audacity to express a free thought that didn’t match up with the hive mentality. What an Inconvenient Hypocrisy, you spoke the truth as you saw it, and suddenly you’re some kind of anti-American hate monger…

The Inconvenient Hypocrite is also notorious for their unflinching support of everything Bush and Iraqi Freedom as they conveniently forget about OUR freedoms and security. The Inconvenient Hypocrite will tell you all about the marvelous job of conducting foreign policy that the Bush administration is pulling off, on a daily basis, yet they give the Bush administration a free pass on ILLEGAL immigration and the millions of ILLEGALS that are streaming over our borders…

The Inconvenient Hypocrite touts everything the Bush administration does as nothing less than sheer perfection, yet they have banners and buttons all over their blogs and sites proclaiming that we need to free Border Patrol Agents and Sheriffs Deputies that have been convicted of crimes, crimes against ILLEGAL invaders, and then they conveniently forget to mention that those convictions have been upheld BY the Bush administration, how Inconvenient is that Hypocrisy??

Now it’s not that I don’t agree with them to some extent, the Border Patrol agents and Sheriffs Deputy DO need to be freed, but from the Inconvenient Hypocrites position that supports Bush as Perfection, shouldn’t that plea for the freedom of those officers be called a criticism of the Bush administration, by them, the Inconvenient Hypocrite? And as such be labeled as traitorous and anti-American left-wing drivel as well?? How about that, more Inconvenient Hypocrisy

We all have opinions, we all have beliefs and we all enjoy sharing those opinions and beliefs with the world, we must, otherwise we wouldn’t be bloggers and we wouldn’t be putting our deepest thoughts on the WWW for everyone to see, but just because someone has a different line of thought than the President doesn’t make them a traitor or an anti-American insurgent, it makes them an American that has the right to express that free thought and to voice that disagreement in a public platform, and it means that by disagreeing with the President they are acting upon their God given rights and the rights granted them under our Constitution…

The idea that Pelosi, Kennedy, Reid and Murtha all speak out so vehemently against the President and his policies doesn’t make them traitors to America, it makes them Democrats, and it places them exactly where they should be, on the other side of the coin from the Republicans, that’s the way politics is run in America, and just because Sen. John Warner came out and spoke his mind about troop withdrawal from Iraq doesn’t make him an addled old fool or a traitor to the Republican party, it makes him a U.S. Senator that is voicing the same opinion shared by the majority of people in this great nation, now there’s an Inconvenient Hypocrisy for you, the WILL of the people…

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” ~Theodore Roosevelt~

Oh yeah, one other thing, and for me this is pretty personal, I have noticed that for the most part, the Inconvenient Hypocrites that seem to bear the most angst with those of us that take issue with Pres. Bush and his Iraq policy, those that are extremely fast to label any different line of thought as traitorous or anti-American, are also the very ones that have never carried a rifle into combat, dang, there I go pointing out another of those Inconvenient Hypocrisies again…

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9 Responses to “A matter of Inconvenient Hypocrisy”

  1. comment number 1 by: Kate

    Hmmm….you and I may not agree on everything, but I sure don’t think you would be considered anti-American, at least not in MY book….for what it’s worth. We won the war….problem is, we’re losing the peace, but that’s not really our job to begin with, that belongs solely to the Iraqis. If they can’t do it, then it’s not our problem. If they want help, ok, as long as they don’t expect the U.S. military to carry the entire load.

    Me, I’m all for bombing the crap outta the whole area, and let G-d sort it out. :)

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Kate, you hit it on the head… :)

  3. comment number 3 by: Ranando


    One of your best post to date, you hit it out of the park.

    Well done.

  4. comment number 4 by: jo

    Wonderful post , Fred. Simple honesty can be so effective !

  5. comment number 5 by: GUYK

    For years those of us love this country have ‘circled the wagons’ against the lies and hypocrisy from the left wing and tried to overlook it from the far right wing ..in fact we actively defended them because we figured at least they shared our love of country and the left wing wanted to take out that slithering path to socialism and make us another third world country.

    But I came to the conclusion some years ago that the far right is as dangerous to this country as is the far left..as one wag said it is about control..the left wants to control you money and the right your bedroom.

    It is a gotdam shame though that the far right has stolen the tactits of the far left..you know..when they can refute the message they attack the messenger and figure that if a lie is told often enough it will eventually be believed.

    For both the far left and far right I have two words: FUCK YOU.

  6. comment number 6 by: Patrick Sperry

    Fred is holding back again. We need to encourage him to just let go! :)

  7. comment number 7 by: Tina

    I have a confession to make I voted for Bush, much to my shame now I believed he could make a difference in this country. I have now come to realize that all politicans and I do mean ALL are nothing but a bunch of money grubbing, back stabbing, greed mongers. They care nothing about the American people, they care nothing about America, they care about money and power. Thank God we all don’t think like that or we would be a third world nation. All this bickering amongst ourselves needs to stop or the man will just continue his path as we bicker, it has been happening for years and we have not learned a thing. Blogging is great you get your opinion off your chest and you feel better right. Great for you but the machine of the man still rumbles on the same path it has been on. That path must change and we are the only people who can change it. We run this country and it is about time the government realized it. I know this will never happen cause the American people can not pull themselves together to do this. You want to slow them down then realize a few things; The government gets its money to run from us, by way of a illegal source INCOME TAXES. There is no law anywhere that states we the american people can be taxed on our labor or wages yet they do it and we are so stupid that we pay it, that is how they get most of their money they take our illegally. They rob the American people for their capital. Now if I ran my life that way I would have anything I wanted too. We are all hypocrits, we are all sad little shells of humans, we are all useless, we are all the losers together. Wake up America, smell the crimes against you as a citizen in a free country. Come May next year our freedom ends.

  8. comment number 8 by: TexasFred

    Tina, don’t feel too bad, I voted for him twice, and considering the alternatives, well, we got the lesser of 2 evils, and the American people deserve SO much more than that…

  9. comment number 9 by: Stanford Matthews

    Everyone has an opinion. Everyone’s opinion comes in two versions, with and without politics. Point being opinions are commonly expressed in terms of their purpose. Political opinions are typically designed to emphasize one side of the coin and ignore the other. And if I was any smarter I wouldn’t have posted this.
    If it ever gets here, have a nice weekend everyone.