Nevada troopers stopped, released man on terrorism watch list
October 16th, 2009 . by TexasFredNevada troopers stopped, released man on terrorism watch list
Nevada Highway Patrol troopers last week questioned, then released, a person identified as a “possible terrorist�? on the government’s watch list, a spokesman for the agency said Thursday.
Trooper Alan Davidson said a Chevrolet HHR rental car was stopped shortly after 9 p.m. Oct. 6 for speeding on Interstate 15 near the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.
Davidson said troopers questioned the five men in the vehicle. The men said they were on their way to a wedding in San Diego.
However, Davidson said they couldn’t name whose wedding they were attending and that none of the passengers had any clothes appropriate for a wedding.
“It seemed like everybody’s story conflicted,�? Davidson said.
He said the driver, 32-year-old Cabdulaahi Faarax, had a valid Minnesota driver’s license.
Full Story Here:
Nevada troopers stopped, released man on terrorism watch list
Can anyone name the three most over-rated things in the USA? 1. Home cooking 2. Chevrolet and 3. The FBI. Without a doubt the FBI.
Somehow, I think we may have a heck of a lot more problems than just Obama and his socialist agenda.
The men said they were of Somali descent.
That would be the 1st RED FLAG for me. I’d be calling for backup and then the party would start.
Davidson said because the men’s stories conflicted, the troopers asked for permission to search the car and found $4,000 in a suitcase.
Davidson said troopers decided to run three of the men’s names through a federal database. Faarax’s name drew a hit as a “possible active member of a terrorist watch list,�? Davidson said.
At that point, the troopers contacted the FBI, who made the decision to let the men go.
Huh? Now I am thinking that there has to be a lot more to this story than meets the eye, but not being one of those FBI *whiz-kids*, you never really know what’s up. Ever.
According to a Fox News report, sources confirmed the occupants of the car are related to a long-running federal investigation of young men in the Minneapolis area who were recruited to train and possibly fight with an al-Qaida-linked group in Somalia, known as al-Shabaab.
Joseph Dickey, a special agent with the FBI of Las Vegas, said Thursday he has been directed not to comment on the incident.
OK, enough shock and snark, seriously.
There has got to be some sort of extenuating circumstance involved here. Right? A logical, thinking mind that is tuned to this type of thing has got to believe, there was an FBI informant involved here. Possibly a C.I., Confidential Informant, a person of some great value to the FBI and national defense. Homeland security and all that sort of thing.
Davidson said the troopers learned 45 minutes after the stop that the renter of the car, Abdow M. Abdow of Chanhassen, Minn, had an active missing person’s report filed on him. He was one of the passengers in the car.
According to the Fox News report, Abdow has been charged with lying to the FBI. The report said Abdow told the FBI he didn’t know who rented the car.
Again, MORE RED FLAGS are waving. But, not being one of the FBI guys, who knows what they have in the works.
When I hear about something like this, I have terribly mixed emotions. I want any and ALL terror suspects taken out of the chain of life, permanently. I also have no choice but to trust that the FBI actually knows what they are doing here. I certainly hope so.
And I don’t discredit the Nevada Troopers either, they did their job. They stopped them, they ferreted them out and then notified the FBI. There’s not too much more they can do once the FBI tells them to turn the guys loose.
Then I think back to this one thing I KNOW to be a fact. ICE and INS aren’t taking ILLEGALS off the street if they are arrested by local, county, parish or state authorities. Once again I am left asking myself, what in the hell is going on, and have the inmates over-run the asylum?

I fear that Eric Holder via Obama has let the civil liberties issue trump public safety. Maybe not on this specific case, but in general I believe this to be the new policy and the FBI agents contacted has this in the back of their mind. In this case I also heard that 3 of the men in the auto gave the same birth date Jan 1——what can one say other than happy new year. Yep its a new year with Obama and company in charge of the FBI,CIA and NSA and let us not forget GM,GE, Nat. Banks, and next health care and then buddy its YOU!!!
Damn Fred, I just saw your new photo—got that little beard now. I have one too. You don’t look quite so mean in this new picture, not mean at all. Have to tell you though, you’ve got more hair than me on your head, but not on your face.
It’s getting more and more difficult to pick my chin up off the floor.
Remember what Obama said while visiting Turkey…
OBAMA: The first issue that we have to confront is violent extremism in all of its forms.
In Ankara, I made clear that America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam. We will, however, relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security, because we reject the same thing that people of all faiths reject: the killing of innocent men, women, and children. And it is my first duty as president to protect the American people.
So all five passengers were Islamists therefor they must be released…”and never will be at war with Islam.”
The latter part of Obama’s quote is simply an Alinskyism.
There has to be more to this story. Hopefully you are right and one of these men was a CI or possible undercover working on a larger case. But knowing how this administration feels about illegal immigrants I just don’t trust them to do the right thing.
I watched a program on what would transpire if a terror attack was done with a dirty bomb today. It was chilling to learn just how “probable” such an attack is. And then these sorts of “enemies of the state” are let go by the FBI???? Heck next week one of them will probably be appointed a CZAR over Homeland Insecurity!!!!
I find that I not only yearn for freedom, I yearn for some measure of sanity and safety in my country!
I cannot figure this one out. I seems obvious even to a trained monkey that these guys should have been held and interrogated and more. Now they are free inside the US. WHAT!!!!! Look at all the suspicious things… Just like Najibullah Zazi, who was first charged with lying to authorities. Now we learn that he had contact at the HIGHEST level with Al-Qaeda.
Too bad this traffic stop was not in Arizona, by Sheriff Joe!!
Sorry for my lack of presence here the past several days. Mr. AOW was transferred to a nursing home with rehab. I have to be there most of the time to keep an eye on things.
Most likely, the FBI was tailing them already, had them under direct scrutiny, when they were pulled over by the Nevada State Trooper.
If so, this group will still be watched, hoping they may lead the Feds to a cache of explosives, etc.
They did this on that 20 year old arab in the foiled Dallas skyscraper bombing.
But you know, If I was still on the job, I would of busted all of them right there in a heartbeat! Be damned with further tailing.