Douchebag of the Week - Nov. 1st
November 1st, 2009 . by TexasFredDouchebag of the Week - Nov. 1st
For being a RINO, Republican In Name Only, for her notorious RINO stance on nearly everything, for her endorsement of her former Democratic opponent, for her lack of scruples, for her hidden LIBERAL agenda, and simply because she is a disgusting piece of TRASH, Dede Scozzafava is awarded the nefarious title of Douchebag of the Week!
Dede (Scuz Face) Scozzafava
Dede (Scuz Face) Scozzafava;
This award can be presented to many deserving individuals and groups I believe, and I am always open to suggestion concerning the next recipient!

Agreed Fred.. 100%
Outstanding choice and all stated reasons make her the primo Douchebag I would say!!!
I will have Mr. Hoffman in my prayers as a win for him would be Right winning over Evil. It would also show that the message is getting out!
In my NOT SO HUMBLE opinion, if the GOP had ANY balls at all, they would kick her RINO ass out of the party… The GOP would gain a lot of credibility if they would start doing that to ALL the damned RINOs…
You hit the nail on the head with this choice—Douchebag of the week is far to kind for this RINO—I would prefer a spot on my wall for this trophy RINO. It’s now open season on this vanishing species. Again, great pick!
Concur, She is obvious a bitter person - probably will see a (D) after her name in the near future.
Who on earth has been doing the vetting for the Republican Party the last few years? It seems they will let anyone in that has some money behind them. I personally think Scozzafava was a plant by the liberals as were many others.
The Republican Party needs to remember that saying, “… if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything” and it appears that is what they’ve done, they are rudderless. They don’t seem to know who they are or what they stand for. However, they better figure it out in a hurry and they’d better come out loud and strong.
We need strong decisive and uncompromising leaders now and if the Republican Party can’t or won’t produce them, well there is a strong grassroots conservative party emerging that will grow in direct relation to the weakness and unresponsiveness of the existing parties.
I agree. Too many “posers” in the RNC… they need to start booting a few.
I think we need to declare a political war on ALL RINOs! We have our very own right here from Texas. This next election cycle needs to be a “No-Compromise” event from the true conservative patriots. If that still doesn’t work….if they still wont listen….we lump them in with the rest of the ‘liberal domestic enemies’, we keep tripping over these days. Then we declare a real war and move from “No-Compromise” to “No-Quarter”!!
TXSonOfLiberty, I tried my best to get that very thing done LAST election, I was met with massive negativity everywhere I turned, and then when Obama won, I was told, “See what you did!”…
I tried every way I could to defeat Cornyn last time out, I bet I have a hell of a lot more help 2014…
We get Michael Williams in the Senate to replace Kay Bailout, we keep her RINO ass OUT of the Statehouse, keep all of our great Congressional Reps. like Sam Johnson, vote out as many Dems and RINOs as possible and then we run the rest of the bastards out of Texas!
Does that sound a bit hard core? GOOD!! It was meant to!!
TXSonOfLiberty - Sounds like a plan.
This is the POS that the Republican’s wanted to send to congress. The jerks running the Republican party will never learn.
A great choice! And now she has dropped out and endorsed the Democrat. This move alone should give her consideration for next week as well.
It just shows you what the repubs are when they want to send this POS
to congress to side with the libberpukes. So much for voting in someone
new. They are just like the bastards that endorse them. Term limits my ass, impeach the sumbitches and keep impeaching them till we get one that will do what THE PEOPLE want instead of what the grand old party wants.
I make NO secret of the fact that I have NO USE what so ever for the GOP and it’s so-called leadership, the whole damned mess is nothing but a RINO fest, or maybe, a RINO infestation.
Either CONSERVATIVES take back the GOP from the RINOs that have all but killed it, or we form a NEW, CONSERVATIVE party of brave Patriots that aren’t afraid to stand for America, defend this nation and our constitution and offended those that NEED to be offended..
That takes the American Conservative Party OUT of the equation…
Durn it, durn it, durn it! I love my new home state! But damn it! My net was down, and I was going to submit her for the award…
Oh well. We do, after all is said and done? Have a very target rich environment!
Now at the risk of pissing off my friend and Brother?
Screw Republicans, screw piss ant Conservatives. We need AMERICAN’S, and I will add; Honest people in positions of leadership.
Nuff said about that.
I wonder how she will spend her 30 pieces of silver.
Concur with the leadership issue of the GOP-However, split the party and lose. Rather, we need a LEADER to step forward. Unite the Party. Conservative is fine, but many folks dont go for the whole Conservative agenda. We need a middle ground to unite. It cannot be all one way. Leadership, that is the answer.
For the next nomination I cannot decide whether it is Harry Reid, an embarrasment to my home state or Nancy Pelosi who should be an embarrasment to her San Fran district but I guess that is too much to hope for.
Have an nice day
Dick R, its better to go down fighting for something you believe in than to win with no honor. Victory without honor is hollow and fleeting at best.
Dick R, a middle ground to unite? They’ve been trying that for a decade now and all it’s produced is the likes of Dede Scozzafava. A middle ground means that you have the likes of her and Specter in the mix. The RINO’s are the enemy within, worse than a Democrat which is the enemy you know.
I see that Scozzafava has given the following endorsement:
On Sunday, Scozzofava made another statement in which she ditched any pretense at being a Republican and declared:
“[T]hroughout my career, I have been always been an independent voice for the people I represent. I have stood for our honest principles, and a truthful discussion of the issues, even when it cost me personally and politically. Since beginning my campaign, I have told you that this election is not about me; it’s about the people of this District.
“It is in this spirit that I am writing to let you know I am supporting Bill Owens for Congress and urge you to do the same….”
Sheesh. Talk about a RINO!
Taking the MIDDLE GROUND, and accepting the lesser of the evils is what got us here in the 1st place…
This MIDDLE GROUND is the BULLSHIT that gave us RINOs and Dem Lite…
Looks like both Gingrich and Boehner finally realized what Scuzzyfava really is.
Gingrich is very let down: Gingrich Infuriated With Scozzafava For Backing Democrat: “I’m Very, Very Let Down, She Told Me She Was a Republican”
Boehner says he regrets supporting her: Boehner Regrets Backing Scozzafava in NY Race
You would think that after she was supported by ACORN, backed homo and abortion rights, and supported Obama’s stimulus bill, they would have gotten a clue of what she really is.
Bob, if either Gingrich or Boehner were fooled by that goofy looking bitch, their supporters need to take a serious look at Gingrich and Boehner…
Gingrich needs to be kept as far away from politics as possible, and Boehner is just a ridiculous asshole any way!
Well, developing any organization or negotiating anything so all points of view can reach agreement is Democracy at work. When I use the term middle ground I mean just that - not compromise priniciples or whatever - just negotiate and develop a team. That takes leadership and we are lacking. I think Fred’s douchbag is a typical example of incredibly bad judgement on the part of those who supported her (if it is a her)
Being hard over on a position with no willingness to trade or compromise will never get us there-look at where we are in congress right now. But, never refuse to negotiate-those that refuse lose.
Anyway, my First Amendment Right has been exercised and all are entitled to their own opinion. Hopefully those opinions will be expressed in a professional manner
Have a nice day