The TexasFred Blog Store
January 8th, 2010 . by TexasFredThe TexasFred Blog Store
I just set up a NEW Store for fans of The TexasFred Blog! I hope you find something you like. Show TexasFred some LOVE and buy something!
These are some quality products. I took delivery today of a Tote Bag for my wife, and a Clock & Calender for my office. They are not in this design, I just put this together on Friday night, but to be sure, I’ll get MY cups to collect at least!
I have some nice products set up with this store, not as much as some past but this logo didn’t fit well on ALL products.
The new logo looks great on the items I have it featured on! Take a look, if you see something you like, you’ll look good wearing it, you help spread the word about The TexasFred Blog and we keep this blog speaking in true Conservative fashion!