Child Attacked Over Soldier Costume
November 1st, 2007 . by TexasFredI encourage you to read this story and click on the link to see the comments that were made, and I hope some of you will tell these people exactly what you think of them too…
On my way home tonight I was drawn into an incident that has me so angry that I could not even write about it until I calmed down a bit.
In a residential neighborhood I stopped at an intersection and witnessed several children who appeared to be fighting a few yards from my vehicle. At first it did not seem real serious, however, one of the children said something that caused me to pay more attention. He said “You’re a terrorist just like your dad, I’m going to kill you just like the Iraq is gonna kill him.†It was then that I realized what was going on. A young boy, probably 10 or 11 was dressed as a US soldier, he was pinned on the ground while a group of four or five other boys where hitting and kicking him while at least two older people in costumes watched.
I left my truck in the street and got out just as one boy picked up a softball sized rock and headed towards he boy pinned on the ground. He was yelling “MURDERER†over and over. I yelled at the boy with the rock who dropped it and ran as he saw me. The others did not stop attacking the boy on the ground until I pulled them off of him. It was at this point the two older people started screaming at me. “What are you doing to my boys, leave them alone!†They were the mothers of two of the attackers. I told them I was calling the police and they all ran off.
The boy who had been attacked was crying and told me his father was serving in Iraq so he had decided to dress “like a soldier†for Halloween. He told me the attackers were his friends and that after one of the mothers start calling him and his dad a murderer his friends joined in and then attacked him.
Although he was bleeding he did not appear to be seriously injured and was very adamant that he did not want police or medical help. When I went to move my truck and call the police the boy disappeared into the neighborhood.
I’m still not sure whether I’m more disturbed by the children’s actions or the two mothers standing there watching. Were they going to let the boy be hit with a rock larger than a softball? Why did they allow the fight in the first place?
What kind of environment is required for ten year old boys to attack & threaten death over a soldier costume? I can only imagine the things they here at home and I can only imagine ho much worse these kids while be in the teens and as adults.
Had the assailants been a little older I’m afraid I would have been in jail before it was over. Given the fact they were literally children, I did nothing more then pull them away from the victim.
I really don’t give a damn what one’s position on the Iraq war or any war for that matter, but to allow this situation to happen is flat out wrong.
Happy F’N Halloween!
Child Attacked Over Soldier Costume
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Thanks for the tip Fred and pretty sad it is indeed, as things are headed downhill fast and this verbal and physical violence from the left is so pervasive and I’m frankly sick of it , I report it at every opportunity to the proper authorities. Too many people just dismiss it and those people need to be taught a lesson whenever possible no matter how harmless the threat may appear..
Disgusting. And I’m talking about the ‘adults’ at the scene. The libtards should have been arrested.
This incident is only one of many incidents that never make the news. The Left/Rag-lovers hate the US Military. When the shit finally hits the fan it ain’t gonna be pretty.
Ok, that’s how it’s gonna be huh? You have something to say, Say it to me SSG Deron. But we know that won’t happen because I’ll fight back and like the insurgents, these people are “COWARDS”. I am the “INFIDEL” and Damn PROUD of it. These people think it’s so bad here then let them go somewhere and see how good it is.
It’s not like the kid has not been going through enough with his dad in Iraq, but to be called a “Murderer” because his dad is in Iraq, is really disturbing. I’ll bet if his dad was there with him they would not have said anything. I hope these people realize the impact that this may have caused on this young man, but then again it’s obvious they don’t care. I think it’s time we as Soldiers stand up for our own and let these people know that if they have something to say, say it to us and not to our children. Be it known, we can do to them what we do to the real “Murderers”. As I said before, you have something to say, say it to me. And to this kid, Your DAD is a HERO and so are you. I’ve got your back.
Fred, thanks for the tip. Like SSG Deron says, “Come say that to my face.” I don’t know which is worse, the damned and doubled damned moms who stood by or the society in which these children have grown up (at least so far) not knowing that that behavior is unacceptable.
When I was 6 and got my butt swatted for picking on someone I learned that wasn’t acceptable behavior. What the hell are these little brats learning?
Child Attacked For Wearing Soldier Costume…
Via Texas Fred comes this disgusting story from Malagent’s Domain
On my way home tonight I was drawn into an incident that has me so angry that I could not even write about it until I calmed down a bit.
In a residential neighborhood I stopped at …
There’s something wrong with them.
That is “LEARNED” behavior. And THAT is what makes this so disturbing!
Best regards!
Those two mothers must have went to the Jane Fonda school of parenting. Unfortunately, as Longstreet stated, this is learned behavior. I just hope to God this does not become a trend.
Sad… beyond belief.
The parents of those kids should be deported to Iran, China or NK, try to live under those regimes for a while…..
Good on him, but unlike our good Samaritan, Malagent, I most definitely would have been spending Halloween eve in the local lockup.
Until we get off our asses and do something this will keep going on.I am fed up with these bastards.
And where did these boys get their ideas? From their parents of course, who were standing by allowing this to happen. Disgusting.
This story is the saddest thing I’ve heard in a long time. That poor boy! The attackers obviously hear that sort of talk at home on a regular basis.
Ah yes, our good and glorious Left Wing Non-Violent Peaceniks at work once again, displaying for all to see how one customarily deals with a child who hasn’t spoken, but dares to wear clothing the likes of which they disagree. Philosophically. Oh, wait, I know. I’ll have my own children do my dirty work and, further, I’ll cheer them on and then scream at anyone who attempts to intervene. Yeah, right, that’s fair. After all, the Left is all ABOUT “fairness.” Aren’t they?
I don’t think there is anything I can say that nobody else has. I am disgusted as someone who has risked my life, sacrificed time from my family, and defended these peoples rights that obviously they don’t deserve. Your rights should end when you violate somebody else’s. Regardless if it be race, creed, religion or anything else.
I am not racist, but I am prejudice against a certain group of people I have no patients for: STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is one thing to be ignorant, this is when you don’t know any better such as these kids. That is what they have been “LEARNED” buy their “PARENTS” (no matter how poor of an excuse they may be). These parents better be glad they weren’t in TEXAS, it is considered a felony for 2 “ADULTS” to watch a fight between minors. Like SSG Deron said, “you don’t like it here where you have freedom to do whatever you want, when you want. Then carry your ass to some country that is governed by a ruthless dictator that could care less if you have medical care, food, or shelter. That would just as soon kill you than give you a penny, if you stand up and say that any part of your life is not fair.”
Child Attacked Over Soldier Costume…
This story was posted today by my blogging buddy at Malagents Domain, this is one of the most disturbing stories I have seen in a long time, but even more disturbing than the story itself is a couple of the comments made by certain individuals…
Child Attacked Over Soldier Costume…
This story was posted today by my blogging buddy at Malagents Domain, this is one of the most disturbing stories I have seen in a long time, but even more disturbing than the story itself is a couple of the comments made by certain individuals…
The parents are the ones to blame here. That is where the childen got there disgusting ideas from, not to mention the parents just stood there and watched. This is really pissing me off now the more I think about it.
These kids are doing what their parents and schools are teaching them and it is disgusting, despicable and horrid. Mark and I listened to Rusty Humphries’ radio show tonight and he was telling of a Linda Ellerbee “news report” on her Nickalodean news show for children of a group of pre-teens dressed in orange jumpsuits with black hoods saying they are protesting our troops’ torture of the Gitmo detainees!
Yes - this is what our so-called media is teaching our children.
We as parents and Americans must stop this!
Liberals show their sensitive side….
I left my truck in the street and got out just as one boy picked up a softball sized rock and headed towards he boy pinned on the ground. He was yelling “MURDERER†over and over. I yelled at the boy with the rock who dropped it and ran as he saw me…
What the hell, those parents need to walk a mile in my boots befor they teach their kids this crap. I’ve been to Iraq several times and it sickens me when these assholes that think they know what is goin on teach their kids the same boat load of crap. I’m glad that the young man and yes I said young man, because that is what he is wants to honor his dad that is in Iraq fighting this war by wearing a military uniform for his holloween costume, the I say “LET HIM BE’ let the kid show his pop how proud he is of what he is doin.
Weekend Fall-Back Here!…
The Weekend is Here! Enjoy
This is so disgusting that I have not commented.
Child Attacked on Halloween for Soldier Costume; P…
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If this doesn’t, nothing will. From Texas Fred via Kate The Not-So-Ol’-Broad.
A child trick-or-treating dressed as a U.S. soldier in honor of his father, who is serving in Iraq, was beaten and bloodied by other children screaming, “Yo…