FBI: Mexicans chased away US agents after shooting
June 10th, 2010 . by TexasFredFBI: Mexicans chased away US agents after shooting
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) - Pointing their rifles, Mexican security forces chased away U.S. authorities investigating the shooting of a 15-year-old Mexican by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on the banks of the Rio Grande, the FBI and witnesses told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
The killing of the Mexican by U.S. authorities - the second in less than two weeks - has exposed the distrust between the two countries that lies just below the surface, and has enraged Mexicans who see the death of the boy on Mexican soil as an act of murder.
Full Story Here:
FBI: Mexicans chased away US agents after shooting
I am going to graphically point something out for the bleeding hearts that DO read here but have never worn a uniform, carried a gun for a living or never became involved in a violent confrontation of ANY sort: The AP is a left wing hack source and they are playing on the sympathies OF the bleeding hearts.
Look at how the AP reference the dead Mexican a ‘the boy’. That’s a media ploy and an attempt to garner sympathy for the poor child that was brutally murdered by those vile Americans.
Anyone that has ever been in law enforcement, or in a combat situation in the military KNOWS that this is a FACT: A child can, and will, in many cases, kill you quicker than an adult. That is NOT a supposition, that, my friends is the truth.
Mexico’s government says the number of Mexicans injured by U.S. immigration authorities has increased this year.
May I make a suggestion? Keep your Mexican asses on YOUR side of the border and our mean old Immigration people won’t have to take issue with you. Stay in Mexico and all you have to worry about then is drug cartels and corrupt Mexican police, soldiers and public officials.
Shortly after the boy was shot, Mexican security forces arrived at the scene and pointed their guns at the Border Patrol agents across the riverbank while bystanders screamed insults and hurled rocks and firecrackers, FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said. She said the agents were forced to withdraw.
“It pretty quickly got very intense over on the Mexican side,” she said, adding that FBI agents showed up later and resumed the investigation, even as Mexican authorities pointed guns at them from across the river.
In a perfect world, not one being run under the premise that we must maintain political correctness and diplomatic decorum at all times, but in a perfect world, one where Americans were actually allowed to dispatch threats to this nation, where OUR guys could have the freedom to do what Americans are supposed to do, remove ALL threats, and defend this nation against all enemies, this would NOT have taken place!
Simmons said the forces were soldiers, but Mexico’s Defense Secretary later released a statement saying soldiers were not present at the reported confrontation.
Enrique Torres, spokesman for the joint federal, state and municipal police operation in Chihuahua, said federal and local Mexican police were at the scene but not any soldiers.
Soldiers, Federales, state or local Mexican police, it makes NO difference, Mexicans with guns, pointed at U.S. Border Patrol and FBI Agents, is NOT going to be an acceptable happening to at least HALF of this nation. Of course the *other* half of this nation is either the aforementioned bleeding hearts or ILLEGALS that haven’t been deported yet. So, quite obviously, those are the readers that the AP is playing to with this particular story.
The Mexican authorities accused the Americans of trying to recover evidence from Mexican soil and threatened to kill them if they crossed the border, prompting both sides to draw their guns, said the 16-year-old boy who asked not to be further identified for fear of reprisal.
BULL SHIT! Uh wait, I have to be politically correct and racially sensitive. TORO CACA!
A U.S. official close to the investigation told the AP that authorities have a video showing that the Border Patrol agent did not cross into Mexico. In fact, the official said, the video shows what appear to be members of Mexican law enforcement crossing onto the U.S. side, picking something up and returning to Mexico. The official was not cleared to speak about the video and spoke only on condition of anonymity.
Video doesn’t lie. Bet on this, the dead Mexican was scooped up by Mexican soldiers, police, troops, pick one, and in the process, one of them picked up a spent .40 casing as evidence. The Mexicans aren’t totally stupid, they know about crime scene proof, and the spent shell casing makes their case they believe.
Alejandro Pariente, Chihuahua state’s regional deputy attorney general, said the U.S. Border Patrol has given him video which he is reviewing. He declined to describe it except to say that it has sped up the investigation.
I can almost hear Ol’ Alejandro now, ‘How dare those vile Americans present video footage that shows the ILLEGAL crossing of the U.S. border by our gallant and heroic Mexican forces?’
The two killings have provoked anger in Mexico like no other recent controversy surrounding immigration, including Arizona’s new law making it a state crime to be an illegal immigrant and President Barack Obama’s decision to send the National Guard to the border.
Let’s face facts. The Arizona law regarding ILLEGAL immigrants is almost identical to U.S. law. I fail to see WHY that is an issue for anyone, other than the FACT that the USA isn’t enforcing the laws we already have on the books.
The announcement by Barack Hussein Obama that he was going to send 1,200 National Guard troops to defend the border is a laughable matter for any and all that read it. Obama is a bigger buffoon than Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush put together. These troops will be unarmed. There is NO sense in sending in the military, in ANY capacity, and not arming them.
The fact that the most incredibly stupid person to ever infest the White House would think, even remotely, that 1,200 troops will make ANY difference, is nothing more than an insult to any Americans that can think for themselves.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon pledged to “use all resources available to protect the rights of Mexican migrants,” and his foreign secretary, Patricia Espinosa, said Mexico wasn’t taking the Americans’ word that the Border Patrol agent had been defending himself from rock-throwers when he opened fire.
Calderon is, apparently, as stupid as Obama. Mexican migrants? ILLEGAL INVADERS is the correct term Felipe. ILLEGAL, look it up, I’m sure you have a Mexican to English dictionary somewhere in that corrupt, 3rd world dung heap you call a nation, look it up and try to figure it out. And once you do, look at MEXICAN immigration laws, and how ILLEGALS are treated in your own nation you hypocritical son of a bitch.
Since October of last year, Border Patrol agents in the El Paso sector have been assaulted 33 times, compared with 39 times in the previous fiscal year. Twenty-nine of those incidents were rock-throwing, compared to 31 such incidents in all of fiscal 2009.
That’s what happened Monday night, when suspected illegal immigrants who ran back to Mexico began throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents detaining other immigrants, Simmons said.
At least one rock came from behind the agent, who was kneeling beside a suspected illegal immigrant whom he was holding prone on the ground, Simmons said. The agent told the rock throwers to stop, then fired his weapon several times, hitting the boy, she said. The FBI is leading the investigation because it involves an assault on a federal officer.
NEVER bring a rock to a GUN FIGHT!
T.J. Bonner, president of the union representing Border Patrol agents, said rock throwing aimed at Border Patrol agents is common and capable of causing serious injury.
“It is a deadly force encounter, one that justifies the use of deadly force,” Bonner said.
As I said, and I repeat once more, NEVER bring a rock to a GUN FIGHT!
Mexicans ridiculed that stance.
Of course they do, BUT, Mexicans are all for beating, robbing, disfiguring, killing, beheading, whatever, those that violate Mexico and get caught.
“Let’s say that Anastasio and Sergio Adrian attacked the border agents, one with his fists and the other with rocks,” columnist Manuel Jauregui wrote in the newspaper Reforma. “Does that mean that killing them was the only valid option?”
Yeah, killing them is the ONLY valid option. Hitting them with a Taser or Stun Gun only gives you the smell of burning jalapenos.
ILLEGAL INVADERS have NO rights in this nation, attack ME, my family, friends or neighbors with your fists, a knife, rocks, a gun, your choice, and see how fast I punch your ticket to HELL!

All of the media hype about this JUSTIFIED shooting is typical. Just look at the Reuters stuff in the Mid east to see where we are headed. The media is hyping this “Killing” to a frenzy. Google this “Border Patrol Agents Killed” and look at the sites that come up. Not many about the BORDER AGENTS Killed in the line of duty.
I suggest the Mexican slugs that are trying to get across the border ILLEGALLY, write to Obama and let him know of their plight. Obama will more than likely hold a press conference to condemn those that keep them from coming in.
Personally I think it’s time for the Minutemen to make a come back but this time none of that “Call when you see them” shit. I think it’s time to man the border and shoot the bastards when they cross the line. We can set up a shovel brigade in the rear that will take care of the bodies. Fertilizer for the desert. Pretty soon you’ll have chili trees and jalepeno shrubs…The enviro’s will be happy with the “Green” growth, America will start to turn around the decades old flood of criminals… see a win win for everyone.
Fred, you couldn’t have said it any better my friend.
Let mexico start enforcing THEIR half of the border and they won’t have to BE dragging dead body’s back across. Let the Americans start enforcing OUR side of the border with a shoot to kill order and the problem is solved. Leave the dead bodies lay as a warning/deterrant to the next bunch that try to sneak in. Then tell phileppe to go get fucked and clean up his own shit infested country first before he comes up here and tells us how to go about it, all at a state dinner hosted by a treasonous “long legged mack daddy”, and paid for by American taxpayers.
Mierda de Toro, pinche putos. Si se puede cabrones.
Texas Fred’s comments are exactly what the USA citizens should hear and act accordingly upon.
Any illegal in this country, no matter if he or she has been here say 20 years, or has given birth to a child here, better pack your bags now and quickly take you and your family out of here. Vamanos desde Tejas extranjeros!!!
All Americans and other foreigners in Mexico, always have Migra on their asses, and each has a file on them and pay big bucks to the Mexican government to reside there on official Mexican papers.
Illegals here, well, we have gotten used to them to sneak over and go to work for a farmer, contractor, or any job requiring manual labor.
Time are over for the Americans who hire them.
It’s round-up time, and call the Authorities on the farking contractors and others who hire the illegals.
Time is up!
I also know this border crossing personally.
Under this offical bridge that you normally walk and drive across to Juarez from the USA side, is a small stream, wet ares, and walking paths that have been used for many, many years.
Many mexicans used to just walk into the El Paso border area to visit relatives and shop. Then walk back home a few hours later.
No harm done.
This is exactly where this rock-throwing and returned .40 caliber fire too place.
Seems simple doesn’t it.
Funny how liberal politics makes such errors,,, doesn’t it.
The border agents were justified in the shooting. The little bastard was crossing into the US ILLEGALLY!
We should shoot first then take names.
More caca toro from the msm… The creep that got fried in San Diego was high on meth, and the damned “kids” were throwing baseball size rocks. They got what they deserved.
In any other scenario this would be an act of war…Uniformed Mexican authorities shooting and/or pointing guns at officials on our side of the border is WAR, no ifs ands or butts!
Both Calderon and Obama are on the same side of the issue and neither one of them will enforce the laws already on the books…we need more like-minded men like Vigilante (comment #2) to arrest this problem…I think its coming to that…SOON!…c’mon, bring ‘em on! lets get started! This is self preservation! no ifs ands or butts!
Ditto, all the above.
Looks like we need to have a ‘ Mexican-American War ‘ again, but this time when we kick their butts…..we need to move the border farther south so it’s a shorter area to patrol. After we take it the Mexicans living within that new US territory will have to pack up and get out….farther south. We can bulldoze everything down from the old border to the new border. Push it into a big pile which will be the new border wall.
Any Mexicans here in the USA that don’t like it can move back to Mexico and help them fight from there….or stay here and die.
I think that this is going to be used as another example by the Obama administration as to why we need “comprehensive” immigration reform. He will couple this with the Arizona law (which is already working- illegals are leaving) to push amnesty for illegals. If the feds would just do what Arizona is doing and enforce the law, maybe this shooting wouldn’t have happened in the first place becuase maybe they wouldn’t have come here.
It turns out that this “boy” was also a known smuggler, he isn’t the innocent person the media is trying to make him out to be.
Well said, Fred! IMHO, one of the biggest reasons, if not THE biggest reason, is that the darned politicians are wooing the Hispanic vote. Will we ever have a President and a Congress who will be looking out for the good of the country instead of what they perceive as good for their political party? Probably not….
The Mexican government and Mexican families should be warning the “children” not to be throwing rocks at or doing anything else to provoke our Border Patrol. This is one of those times when “boys just being boys” got a kid killed. Stupid!
Why don’t they try throwing rocks at the drug lords or the Mexican Army tanks that are parked on every street corner? We know it would not be one bullet or two that would shut this down, but an entire block of people would be taken out to make the statement, “do not bring rocks to a gun fight.”
If it weren’t for the Democrats that run this city, you might not see the belligerence that they have tacitly allowed to foster.
Those “converted and armored trucks are labeled Policia Federal.
Their full name is Policia Judicial Federal. AKA,,,, PJF.
They are all civilians.
They always have black uniforms. or plain clothes detective investigators.
The facemasks are now being used so the drug lords can’t identify them. If identified, the drug lords send in their “pistoleros”, and kill all the families of the police identified.
This terror tactic works well within the Mexican Republic.
If the officer in charge says shoot,,,they shoot instantly and robotic.
Presidente Calderon uses these Federal Police to do whatever he wants. The PJF is totally corrupt, and they know and brag about it.
These are NOT Mexican Army soldiers.
All soldiers will be in a greenish brown uniform, or khaki.
The difference is large.
The chain of their Army command is very similar as ours.
.40 caliber justice