A debate between Sen. Bob Deuell and Kathleen Shaw
June 19th, 2010 . by TexasFredA debate between Sen. Bob Deuell and Kathleen Shaw
Folks, this is an exact copy of the email I just sent out to our TEA Party, Mayor and various friends and supporters. If any of you have any ideas, or can offer ideas or help, personal help, or in the way of a donation to help make this happen, it would be appreciated!
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have some work ahead of us and I am needing to get *all hands on deck* for this one…
Everyone receiving this email has expressed a desire to become involved in, and to receive notifications of, the activities of the Rowlett TEA Party. We are planning a big activity in the near future.
The Rowlett TEA Party is going to sponsor a debate, an open forum, moderated, non-partisan debate, between Texas State Senate District 2 candidate, Ms. Kathleen Shaw and the incumbent, Sen. Bob Deuell.
I have already spoken to Ms. Shaw and she has agreed to participate once we have a date. I spoke to a representative of Sen. Deuell and he will present this to him when he returns to Texas on Monday. Sen. Deuell’s representative indicated that he is certain Sen. Deuell will want to participate as well.
We are hoping to involve the Rockwall TEA Party in this. I understand they have expressed a desire to participate.
At this time we don’t have any specific details, but we know that early voting begins on October 18th. It has been suggested that this debate take place, conditional to the schedules of the candidates, somewhere between September 27th and October 15th.
This is where YOU, the members come in to play. We have a lot of organizational work to do. We need a venue to hold this debate, we need ideas for debate questions, we need any and all participation from our members and supporters that can possibly be garnered.
Change in America starts at the local level. This is YOUR opportunity to engage in making changes happen, right here in Texas.
Will YOU accept this personal challenge and get involved? We have a moral and civic duty to our state and this nation, are YOU up to the challenge?
If you can be of any help in this effort, please contact me at the phone number listed below or through this email address.
Bcc: The TEA Party, supporters
Sen. Deuell and Ms. Shaw
_____________________________Fred Witzell
Communications Director
I took my personal phone number off of here, if the trolls want it, they can work for it. My friends already have it or can send an email and get it.

Man local politics are tough. I wish yall luck with this Fred.
Tougher when you’re dealing with so much apathy and a few folks that *say* they will do stuff, and don’t, and one that waits until someone DOES do something then tries to hijack it and make it his own…