The TexasFred Blog - Political Roundup for Sept. 1, 2010
September 1st, 2010 . by TexasFredANCHORAGE — Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska conceded late Tuesday in her Republican primary race against Joe Miller, a lawyer from Fairbanks who was backed by Tea Party activists, Sarah Palin and other conservatives.
Mr. Miller shocked the political establishment here and in Washington last week when he emerged with a narrow lead, 1,668 votes, after the primary vote, on Aug. 24. His victory makes him the presumed favorite to win the Senate seat from this heavily Republican state.
Mr. Miller, who has proposed drastic cuts in federal spending, had trailed badly in local polls in the weeks before the election but benefited from a last-minute flood of advertisements, mailings and automated calls casting Ms. Murkowski as a Democrat in disguise. An abortion-related ballot measure also brought conservatives to the polls.
Full Story Here:
Murkowski Concedes Senate Race in Alaska
Congratulations to Joe Miller on his win over Lisa Murkowski. I hope you win the Alaska Senate seat and can keep Alaska on a Conservative track.
I also hope that you aren’t like some of the other so-called Conservatives touted by Sarah Palin, John McCain (R)INO being foremost in my mind. And lets not forget the fact that she supported Scott Brown (R)INO too, and is now feuding with him. SOURCE
WEST ALLIS, Wis. — Senator Russ Feingold says he should not be considered the front-runner in his bid for a fourth term. If that self-appraisal is true, Democrats face a greater risk of losing their majority in the Senate than they believed when summer began.
“Frankly, I love being the underdog,” Mr. Feingold said. “Let me have it.”
As the senator talks to voters across Wisconsin, that description is perhaps an exaggeration for an incumbent with a national reputation, but it has become a central part of his pitch. He is not eager to concede that control of the Senate could hinge on his seat — though it very well could — but he hopes the warning cry will prompt his loyal Democratic followers to rally to his side in a challenging election year.
Full Story Here:
In Wisconsin, an Incumbent Holds Tight
There’s only one way to say this, and quite likely I WILL anger someone in Wisconsin by saying it, BUT, if you folks re-elect Russ Feingold, SHAME ON YOU! You’re no better than Feingold’s ally in Arizona, John McCain (R)INO and the people that keep send him back year after year!
Remember this Wisconsin, you get the government you elect. You would think that Wisconsin would take a lesson from a certain bimbo named Peggy West and the disgusting debacle looking for a place to happen that SHE is! SOURCE
CHICAGO — Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty directed state agencies on Tuesday to decline all discretionary participation in federal healthcare reform, throwing up roadblocks to President Barack Obama’s goal of providing health insurance to all Americans.
“Obamacare is an intrusion by the federal government into personal health care matters and it’s an explosion of federal spending that does nothing to make healthcare more affordable,” the Republican governor said in a statement.
Since Obama signed the landmark reforms into law in March nearly half of the states have mounted a fight against it.
Full Story Here:
Pawlenty directs state to decline health reform
The more I hear about Tim Pawlenty, the more I am liking this guy. Pawlenty may not be the one the RNC chooses in 2012, they do seem to have a way of picking the most unelectable ticket of late, but I am seriously starting to think that Pawlenty really has a lot going on for him and may well be a great choice for America!
Carl P. Paladino, nearly an hour and a half late, rushed into a chandeliered room in the Bronx the other day to tell Hispanic religious leaders why they should elect him governor. The scrambled eggs had turned cold, and so had the room.
“Hipócrita,” one minister whispered. Another passed around newspaper articles with the words “bigot” and “anti-immigrant” underlined.
“The paper says that you hate all Hispanics,” State Senator Rubén Díaz Sr. of the Bronx told Mr. Paladino. “The paper says you want to put us in jail.”
Full Story Here:
Paladino Rides on Anger in G.O.P. Governor Race
The paper says…
You can’t believe everything you read in the papers. You can’t believe everything you read in some s0-called conservative blogs that are written by former flaming libbers that claim to have had a conversion to the right. But if this piece from the NYT is even close to correct, I don’t see Paladino as a racist or a hater.
I see him as someone that is probably against ILLEGAL immigration.
Maybe not to the point of being as against it as I am, but against it none the less. Of course, that gives the faux conservatives and libbers among us all the reason they need to scream RACIST.
Someone has got to put this nation back on a level field of play. ILLEGAL immigration and those that are here ILLEGALLY are killing America! But the bleeding hearts among us want to grant them amnesty and make them citizens of the USA. That will only make things worse I fear.
I believe that if we ever grant blanket amnesty, the floodgates will be thrown fully open, and the USA will truly become a 3rd world dung heap called Aztlan!

RE: Smarmy little bastard, Feingold…. Never met one single person who ever voted for him while living in the Tundra. The ONLY reason he keeps winning…. Milwaukee & Madison.
Miller = GOOD but keep your eyes on him.
Feingold = BAD get his ass out ASAP
Pawlenty = GOOD, would vote for him as it sits now.
Bank Robbers = Bad, Banks= Good.
Illegal Immigration = BAD, Immigration = GOOD..
So easy a cave man can do it.
There you go with that RACIST Caveman stuff again…
Dick Morris is very positive for this election.
He predicts a strong surge within 10 days of the election — on top of the already-strong anti-Dem/anti-incumbent mood that’s rising — as those voters who aren’t political junkies begin to get involved.
Texas . . . I’m concerned about the RNC. The current leader seems about as clueless as Mr. Obama. Wrong job for him. If he stays the Republicans will offer a “Less Liberal Than A Democrat” all purpose candidate. Won’t work. That’s not what the Conservative Republican base wants. They want a Conservative Republican candidate with a strong Conservative Platform that un-does EVERYTHING the Obama crowd has forced upon America. They, including me, want a few honest representatives. Cut the sleeze out of Congress. Get rid of earmarks. For crying out loud, do something right!
That’s the kind of “change” needed.
Tim Pawlenty- YES
Sarah Palin — YES
Bobby Jindal-YES
John McCain-NO
I am a Conservative with Tea Party beliefs.
I will vote for the candidate that has the closest views and beliefs to my aim-point.
RINO’S are just a running target to me,,, therefore, I just lead them a little more before “squeezing,,,”.
Bump — Michael Steele is a waste of skin…
Mr. Chuck — You don’t consider Palin to be a RINO? After the way she supported Scott Brown and John McCain? She laid down for the RINOs…
I know I don’t consider Palin a RINO, her record as GOVERNOR shows she wasn’t a RINO. I don’t consider a political office holder either. I DON’T want her to run for POTUS in 2012. I don’t think I could vote for her.
I figure she stumped for Scott Brown, a RINO but at least he will vote 60% of the time with R’s which is 60% more than we would have had if he had lost. The State is LIBERAL HEAVEN. She stumped for McCain… THIS ONE HURT! But I understood the reasoning for it. Didn’t like it, don’t like it and gave her the second strike in my book.
IF Sarah Palin runs in 2012 and gets the nod from the GOP, say hello to 4 more years of Obama. FACT.
Rob — If ya sleep with dogs, you wake with fleas…
If ya hang with the RINOs, McCain and Brown, you grow a horn…
Just sayin’… Does that make her *horny*??
Hope it does make her horny…I’ve been holding out hope that there is a “Girls Gone Wild” video of her out there somewhere!
Anyway, I think Sarah Palin got rid of a few RINOs too. The latest was a big hit, the one in Utah was HUGE, and if she could when the time comes help get rid of Lindsey Grahamnasty, she will go a long way in repairing her McCain support faux pa.
Mojo?? Yeah Drama Queen Mojo… I would rather she faded off into the Northern Lites and stayed there to be honest with you…
I’d rather give my contributions and support to Michelle Bachman. This woman is ready to slit obama’s bag and pull it up over his head while kicking him squarely in the ass. She would do what she says, has the experience that Palin don’t, and she’s not afraid to tell it like it is. She’s got MY vote.
Maybe a Bachman/Palin ticket. Wooooooooboyyyyy, wouldn’t the libberpuke assholes have a calf.
A Bachmann/Palin ticket is a loser.. America won’t elect 2 women to the White House, and Palin is a NO for me in ANY combination… I just can’t see that woman as anything other than a cheerleader…
Sarah Palin is a quitter, and supports a number of RINO’s, so I can’t vote for her.
Tim Pawlenty: I see a “camels nose” here,
Does anyone else? Needing any sort of license, or special training in order to exercise a “right” sends up warning flags in my book. In the mean time though, I’ll keep watching him. So far he, and Jindle look the best to me…
The Bull is gonna speak now…
I have reached the point of being ready to toss any & all incumbents out of office simply because they are contaminated by merely being in the presence of so many genetically FUBAR people in Washington, D.C. We shouldn’t stop with the elected ones, either. A huge part of our issues in Government is the pile of near-permanent political “aides”, many of whom have been around for ages feeding off the People like ticks and spreading the diseases of political apathy & greed from generation-to-generation. Such a cleaning is unlikely, though.
The Republican Party, in my opinion, couldn’t find its own ass with both hands and radar. They seem to be hard-wired to screw themselves over. Take the latest news from the Right: When finally catching on that it looks bad for the Dems in November, the Republicans immediately start drooling and telling all who will listen about the investigations and hearings they will hold in order to bring the nasty bad men & women on the Left to Justice. Idiots!
What ‘they’, (regardless of party, really), NEED to do is lock in on what ‘We the People’ keep screaming about:
1) Securing our boarders,
2) Getting out of the way of prosperity by staying out of our lives & businesses,
3) Remembering that they, too, are citizens of this Nation and should not attempt to place themselves on pedestals and…
4) Remembering that their jobs & Freedoms, just as our jobs & our Freedoms, are dependent on the strength and permanence of the Constitution of the United States - a document the they swore to protect & defend against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Now, about the Presidential possibilities for 2012: Right now, I see Obama as far ahead of anyone listed or even guessed at on the Right. Of the four most often considered, here is how I see them…
John McCain– Please! If God is listening, I pray this do-nothing will DO NOTHING! What a waste.
Tim Pawlenty- Sounds good to me, BUT there is apparently something I don’t know. The people of his home State say they will not vote for him in a Presidential election. That is a serious problem to me.
Sarah Palin- I think that she screwed the pooch by walking out of her Governor position. Politically it was suicide. Here is a great woman with real world experience and a real world family who would make a superior President in my book. Too bad she is near un-electable at the moment.
Bobby Jindal– Folks, as things stand TODAY, this is my pick for President. I can find nothing here that I don’t like. Question is, what skeletons are in his closet that we’ve not heard yet?
Now, I’m done speakin’. Y’all can vent at will.
As best I can figure out, Pawlenty is a ‘greenie’, wants to control green house gases. Best way to do that is to put duct tape on every single politician, and let the statesmen take over.
Do we have any?