Sen. Murkowski Asks Alaska Stations Not to Air Tea Party Ads
October 5th, 2010 . by TexasFredSen. Murkowski Asks Alaska Stations Not to Air Tea Party Ads
JUNEAU, Alaska — U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s campaign is warning Alaska broadcasters not to air ads by a national tea party group that the campaign says are “littered with lies and intentional mischaracterizations” about her and her write-in campaign.
Attorney Timothy McKeever, in a letter to broadcasters Monday, said they are under a “legal and moral obligation” not to air the new ads from Tea Party Express, which is supporting Joe Miller, the political upstart who defeated Murkowski in the August GOP primary.
A Tea Party Express spokesman said his initial reaction is that the group stands behind the ads.
At issue is an ad the group unveiled Monday, entitled “Arrogant Lisa Murkowski — You Lost!” It seeks to paint Murkowski as more interested in political self-preservation than in serving the interests of Alaskans. It also claims she didn’t “earn” her Senate seat and that she “tried to manipulate the Libertarian party into giving her their slot” on the ballot — claims McKeever called “materially false.”
Full Story Here:
Sen. Murkowski Asks Alaska Stations Not to Air Tea Party Ads
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa… The mean looks, the constant anger, the Drama Queen Media Whore persona, it is SO unbecoming. But you know, it’s good that the voters can see the REAL you!
Some folks can take a defeat gracefully. Some folks can accept the will of the voters and then move on with their lives. Lisa Murkowski is NOT one of those people.
And why is it? When TEA Party people speak out, someone is always offended. It never fails. It appears that Murkowski and Company want to deprive the TEA Party Express of it’s RIGHT to get involved in a political melee.
You have to wonder, if Murkowski and Company want these ads stopped for whatever reason, if Timothy McKeever says that broadcasters are under a “legal and moral obligation” to not air the ads, just how much TRUTH is being really exposed?
You can bet the bank on this, there MUST be some serious truth being brought to light if they are pulling that old “legal and moral” thing.
So, what about the First Amendment rights of the media? Will Murkowski and Company try to subvert the Constitution in an effort to keep this old witch in office? Is Murkowski that hard up for a job?
At issue is an ad the group unveiled Monday, entitled “Arrogant Lisa Murkowski — You Lost!” It seeks to paint Murkowski as more interested in political self-preservation than in serving the interests of Alaskans. It also claims she didn’t “earn” her Senate seat and that she “tried to manipulate the Libertarian party into giving her their slot” on the ballot — claims McKeever called “materially false.”
“Materially false”? What part of it is ‘materially false’? It’s been all over the media, ALL media.
Murkowski went *wicked witch* as soon as she lost. She has plainly exhibited that she will do anything possible to retain her seat in the Senate, even if it means going full tilt against the voters of Alaska.
Tea Party Express also made claims about Murkowski’s record during the primary that she called mischaracterizations or lies.
For example, it repeated the claim — which Miller also stated — that she opposed repealing the federal health care overhaul. Murkowski vehemently denied that and pointed to her record to back her up. Both Tea Party Express and Miller have stood behind the claim, and the campaigns they ran.
Somehow, I am guessing that if the TEA Party express was backing Murkowski, she would be singing a different tune. If they were on her side, anything they said against HER opponent would be the Gospel truth and don’t you DARE question it either.
Tea Party Express spokesman Levi Russell said the group has tried to “put out the purest form of the truth.” The ads unveiled for reporters Monday were finished over the weekend, and the group hoped to make ad buys that would have them on the air this week.
Lisa Murkowski can’t handle the truth! That’s not just a line from Colonel Nathan R. Jessep in A Few Good Men, in this case it really IS the truth.
The TEA Party Express has apparently struck a nerve in the Murkowski camp. I think it’s hilarious when the truth sneaks up and slaps a person like Murkowski. I find it rather amusing watching her and her legal team try to silence the media. If that doesn’t tell the voters of Alaska all they need to know about Murkowski, nothing ever will.
During the primary, Tea Party Express reported spending more than $550,000 to help Miller, a Sarah Palin-supported candidate who favors limiting the powers of the federal government to those outlined in the Constitution.
That’s a lot of scratch to dethrone the Wicked Witch of the North, but hey, sometimes you just can’t put a price on doing the RIGHT thing, and getting Murkowski OUT of the U.S. Senate is, without a doubt, the RIGHT thing to do. She is despicable.
“Lisa, we beat you once, and we will beat you again,” chairwoman Amy Kremer said in Anchorage Monday. She called Murkowski a “political diva.”
You tell her Amy! And you’re a lot nicer in your assessment of Murkowski. I think I’ll stick with the Drama Queen Media Whore descriptive.
And one other thing, I refuse to EVER run a picture of that ugly old bat again, this YouTube was bad enough. I did it once, posted a picture of Murkowski, but no more.
Let’s face it, even in her so-called ‘glamor shots’ she looks like a mean old bat.
Beauty may only be ’skin deep’, but in Murkowski’s case, ugly goes all the way to the bone.

For pity’s sake! When one is in politics, one should expect opponents’ ads to air.
I don’t know much about Murkowski, but from what I read here, she sounds like an ass.
Calling Lisa Murkowski an *ass* is doing a disservice to ALL asses…
If she is so easily offended by campaign ads perhaps she shouldn’t be in the business. Oh that’s right, she won’t be for long!
She lost fair and square and now she is trying to win by stifling her opponent’s free speech? It is time for her to go away.
Murkowski’s campaign is “warning” Alaskan broadcasters, not asking them or advising them but warning them. That’s a threat of action against them if they refuse to comply with their demands. Lisa Murkowski has proven herself to be nothing but a masterpiece of depravity.
Lisa is just like her daddy Frank. When you read up on when he was governor of Alaska, he tried and/or did go against the Alaskan legislature when they wouldn’t see things his way. The legislature represents the people and it seems in both cases, the Murkowski’s could care less what the people want.
Screw her! Nope; second thought thats a bad idea. Might catch something you don’t want.
It only took this woman SIX times to PASS the BAR EXAM!!! Daddy probably found someone to bribe to get her in on the 6th shot!
What a whiny baby, spoilt brat!!! She needs to have her ugly butt tossed in a psych hospital. She ain’t right!
Moonbat drama queen media whore…
Let’s have some compassion for Li’l Lisa…after all, it’s traumatic for a Congress creature that gets suddenly yanked off the government teat…where will she get her nourishment from now? Maybe from the Democrats?
The truth is Lisa is the epitome of a selfish spoiled brat that is only concerned with herself preservation. A member of congress used to be for the betterment of our state and nation. NOW it’s a career, and if they get fired for performance or lack thereof: They will go into another party, or pout and throw tantrums….
Sad state of affairs BUT the bright side is:
IF GWB was still in Office, or if McCain had won in 08 the idiots like Lisa, Crist and the rest would still be bleeding us dry…So in that respect I thank Pelosi, Reaid and Obama for their service.
Uh. Yeah.
Lisa. You lost, babe.
Your “write-in” shit is less than lame.
Put the hand-L over your forehead.
You are a L - O - S - E - R .
Get the FUCK over it, bee-yotch.
Dear good folks of the TF comment section:
United Whores of America would like you all to know that we all deeply resent being compared to this sniveling bag of gas, Lisa Murkowski. We working girls are a lot more fun and honest than this egotistical, moonbat, RINO, gas bag! We respectfully request that Texas Fred and Patrick refrain from making this comparison, as it hurts our feelings something fierce!
Ms. Gretchen Goodtime
President of UWoA
Hey… she asked me to pass on this friendly reminder, what can I say… even whore’s hate moonbats and RINOs! HAM
Ms. Goodtime:
While I suspect that you are indeed a lot more fun and honest than Lisa Murkowski, she is indeed a whore of a different tilt, she is a Drama Queen Media Whore.
You and your fellow *working girls* are merely *horizontal hostesses* and nowhere near as vile as a Drama Queen Media Whore like Lisa Murkowski, a Drama Queen Media Whore that only performs for the camera…
Sincerely, TexasFred
Hoosier Army Mom said:
It only took this woman SIX times to PASS the BAR EXAM!!!
I say: WHAT???
God, we really are surrounded by idiots, aren’t we? Well, at least Congress has plenty of idiots up there in the Hill.
Yep, AOW, I can’t remember which newsletter had that tidbit in it, but given her voting record, I found it feasible that it took her 6 tries to pass the Bar Exam. If you look up “useless idiot” in the dictionary, I think they reference her as an example!!!! She doesn’t even qualify as a “useful” one! If the Dow ever has a run on high priced idiots, that may be the only way this woman will ever have any value!!!
OK… I was wrong…it took her 5 times to pass the Bar…