Analysis: Barbour followed by Confederate images
February 18th, 2011 . by TexasFredJACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Does Haley Barbour have a Confederate problem?
It’s a question hounding Mississippi’s Republican governor as he gears up for a possible 2012 presidential run. Barbour refused this week to condemn a proposed state license plate to honor Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general who was also an early Ku Klux Klan leader.
Barbour wouldn’t say what he thinks about Forrest, a Tennessee native who’s venerated by some as a brilliant military strategist and reviled by others for leading the 1864 massacre of black Union troops at Fort Pillow, Tenn.
“Look,” Barbour told The Associated Press, “if you want a lesson on Nathan Bedford Forrest, buy a book.”
Full Story Here:
Analysis: Barbour followed by Confederate images
If you want a history lesson on Nathan Bedford Forrest, just click the link below his picture.
Nathan Bedford Forrest
A while back I had a Facebook group called Children of The Confederacy. Facebook deleted that group, said we were a HATE GROUP. All because some libtard was offended by the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy and filed a complaint.
Well, being the wonderfully sensitive guy I am, if you want something to be offended about, be offended by the bigger version of the Confederate Flag.
Some people have NO concept of American history, what actually happened and all the reasons why it happened. The ‘Civil War’, I prefer to call it the War of Northern Aggression, was fought over the issue of STATES RIGHTS, not slavery.
STATES RIGHTS is again in the news, and the fight this time is going to be about insuring the RIGHTS enumerated in the Constitution and insuring that we don’t all become slaves to the Obama regime and his Muslim minions.
If that is offensive to you, too bad, so sad, find a new blog to read.
And also, Haley Barbour is playing politics with the legacy of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Confederacy. Apparently, it’s all well and good to stand up for The South, right up until the time it may interfere with your national political aspirations.

Wow, a post about one of my favorites (and it’s NOT Haley Babour either!)
I started studing the Second War of Independence (another better descrption than (Civil War) and I like yours too Fred!) after I traced 2 of my Great x2 grandfathers to service in the CSA in the Western Department. By far one of my favorite Generals was Nathan Bedford Forrest, and an excellent book on him is called “A Battle from the Start”. I can’t remember the author off the top of my head.
One thing most MSM avoids telling, The purpose of the KKK when it was formed was to protect the women and children of the South from the insurrectionists and Carpet Baggers after the War ended and the Copperheads in Congress decided, with Andrew Johnson’s assistance, to punish the South further with Reconstruction. Due to the nature of the wounds inflicted by the Minie ball, there were somewhere in the neighborhood of over 100,000 amputees returning home in the South. After a couple of years, the Klan began to commit terrorist type, acts of violence and that was when Forrest resigned. But of course the doesn’t fit the agenda of the liberal elite who feel Forrest, who made a fortune as a slave trader before the war, should be vilified. If you know the whole story, you know he paid in full for his sins. Anyway, I just had to defend this man. He was indeed a fastenating and brilliant general.
Barbour needs to stand up for his heritage, or get off the political train.
Sorry, I missed a point above… in that having so many veterans who were amputees, part of the need to protect also extended to the former brothers at arms too.
HAM — OK, you lost me… You missed a point about vets and amputees?? Where was that in the story??
Confederate soldiers of my clan are buried in the Old Waxahachie cemetery.
Stand up for what is right, or get out of our way.
I was surprised that the link mentioned the KKK not only terrorized Blacks but Republicans too. That’s something that isn’t taught in history classes or mentioned in the media. A little over 30% of those hanged by the KKK were White Republicans. A good percentage of their other victims were of different religious denominations. particularly Jews and Catholics. This is all leading to one other fact about the KKK the media or NAACP never mentions and that the KKK was a Democrat good ole boy club and remained so into the 20th Century.
Too bad Barbour didn’t say to the AP, “Are you going to ask me to condemn the late Sen. Robert Byrd, too?”
In his younger days Byrd held several positions in the Klan.
Great post, Fred. My favorite name for the late unpleasantness came from Granny Clampett: “When the North invaded America.”
If I am not mistaken: Didn’t Nathan Bedford Forrest start the KKK as a social society for former Confederate soldiers? I know that he resigned once the group became radicalized, but we no longer seem to teach full American history any more, only the parts that promote the “proper agenda.”
Having had family members on both sides I choose not to take sides in any controversy regarding who was right and who was wrong. The atrocities committed by both sides would curl the hair on a bald man.
Having said that, the honor of Forrest shows clearly when he resigned from the Klan when the Klan became a terrorist group outside of the law. Barbour should have had the balls to say that at least; and, given the history of the radicalized Klan, should have asked about Byrd as Mr. Shott suggested above.
Fred, you and I have been friends for a long time and we don’t always agree, but damn if you don’t stand up for what you believe in and I admire the heck out of you for that. Give ‘em hell Fred, give ‘em hell!