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Tea Party ‘founder’: Palin, Gingrich a ‘joke’

October 22nd, 2010 . by TexasFred
Tea Party ‘founder’: Palin, Gingrich a ‘joke’

A financial blogger and ex-CEO credited with being one of the original “founders” of the Tea Party has come out against the movement, saying it has been hijacked by the very people it was protesting and is now obsessed with “guns, gays and God.”

In a “message” to the Tea Party Wednesday, Karl Denninger declared that he “ought to sue” anyone who uses the Tea Party name “for defamation.”

“Yeah, that’s a joke,” he writes. “But so are you. All of you. Especially Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, and douchebag groups such as the ‘Tea Party Patriots.’”

Denninger writes: “Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than the Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with the Republican Party’s own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the ****ing money!”

Full Story Here:
Tea Party ‘founder’: Palin, Gingrich a ‘joke’

I am either going to alienate some folks and get kicked out of the TEA Party or I am going to be given kudos for telling it like it really is (was) in the TEA Party, and for telling you how most of these accusations made by Karl Denninger are a lot more truth than some folks are going to want to hear.

Personally, I am not aware of anyone being overly obsessed with guns in the TEA Party, one way or another. Not any more than I have seen in other organizations. So, I have to challenge Denninger on that one. Maybe he knows something I don’t know concerning the TEA Party and guns. I know some folks in the TEA Party carry guns, some that OWN guns, some that simply don’t have anything for guns, but guns have never been an issue that I have witnessed.

Now, let’s talk about the “gays and God” part.

Some TEA Parties have become obsessed with gays and God. Some want to make that an official part of the TEA Party Core Values. Denninger left out the other part of that little equation, the part that gets my goat as much as the *gays and God* crowd, abortion.

Some TEA Party groups want to take on the issues of homosexuality, abortion and religion, in an official capacity, and that is NOT what the TEA Party was created for, or what it was intended to do.

There are some in the TEA Party today that can’t tell you what the Core Values of the TEA Party are, but they are insistent on the idea of the TEA Party taking up the social issues of the day, homosexuality, abortion and religion.

I don’t mean religion like an opening prayer or an invocation, those are issues that most thinking people have NO issue with. Nor do I refer to the act of having a benediction to close a meeting. I am referring to those that truly believe the TEA Party should be a political AND ecumenical organization. I am talking about those that would turn ALL TEA Party activities into a Come to Jesus meeting.

I do not exaggerate, they exist. The TEA Party wasn’t founded for that purpose.

In January of 2009, Market Ticker bloggers including Graham Makohoniuk and Stephanie Jasky suggested “mailing a tea bag” to Congress to protest the planned $800-billion stimulus package and $700-billion bank bailout. Denninger followed that up with a call for a “tea party” protest to coincide with President Obama’s inauguration, thus helping to unofficially launch the political movement.

I was a part OF that Mail Congress a Tea Bag thing. I thought it was a great idea, a protest that was not only direct and to the point, but was inexpensive as well. The perfect protest. It wasn’t too long after that when I began to see an agenda coming into play that was NOT that of the original founders of the TEA Party, it wasn’t a part of the Core Values that ALL TEA Party groups claim to embrace.

The 1st TEA Party rally I attended was nearly my last. It was a local fare, and several of the speakers failed to even mention the TEA Party Core Values. Several speakers addressed their personal agenda of religion and abortion. One older lady, a retired teacher she said, was so much into her rants against abortion that she was in tears with her pleas to ‘stop abortion and save all of those precious little children.‘ I do NOT embellish.

That particular TEA Party rally had a very respectable attendance, but every time a speaker launched on a social, moral or religious issue, every time someone strayed from the heart of the matter, Core Values, many in the crowd walked away, some speaking their distaste for the *evangelical* ambush.

I am as against abortion and homosexuality as it is possible. But the TEA Party, and it’s rallies, are not the platform from which to speak on those social issues.


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Big Brother Really is Watching

October 21st, 2010 . by TexasFred
Federal Agents Urged to ‘Friend’ People on Social Networks

A privacy watchdog has uncovered a government memo that encourages federal agents to befriend people on a variety of social networks, to take advantage of their readiness to share — and to spy on them. In response to a Freedom of Information request, the government released a handful of documents, including a May 2008 memo detailing how social-networking sites are exploited by the Office of Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS).

As of Thursday morning, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Digg had not commented on the report, which details the official government program to spy via social networking. Other websites the government is spying on include Twitter, MySpace, Craigslist and Wikipedia, according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which filed the FOIA request.

“Narcissistic tendencies in many people fuel a need to have a large group of ‘friends’ link to their pages, and many of these people accept cyber-friends that they don’t even know,” stated one of the documents obtained by the EFF. “This provides an excellent vantage point for FDNS to observe the daily life of beneficiaries and petitioners who are suspected of fraudulent activities,” it said.

According to the EFF, this memo — which specifically details how the government evaluates potential citizen requests — suggests there’s nothing to prevent an exaggerated, harmless or even out-of-date offhand comment in a status update from quickly becoming the subject of a full investigation.

Full Story Here:
Federal Agents Urged to ‘Friend’ People on Social Networks, Memo Reveals

I have been a bit hesitant to write this piece. Let’s face facts, you NEVER know who is listening to your phone calls and who is truly reading your blog or forum.

Given the current political climate in America, the desperation of the Dems and Hussein Obama to hold power, the eagerness of the GOP to wrest power from the Dems, and the propensity of the GOP to LIE to the American people regarding the true intentions regarding Conservatism, I wouldn’t put it past ANY of the *alphabet agencies* to actively attempt to infiltrate groups like the TEA Party and try to paint us as ‘Unruly Insurgents’, they already have you know.

Yet some Republicans worry that tea-party candidates are settling too comfortably into their roles as unruly insurgents and could prove hard to manage if they get elected. Paul, who beat GOP establishment favorite Trey Grayson in Kentucky’s primary, told the National Review that he would seek to join forces with GOP Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.) and Tom Coburn (Okla.), “who are unafraid to stand up” and who have blocked numerous bills advanced by both parties deemed by the pair as expanding government. SOURCE

Unruly Insurgents? Yeah, that’s ME… :P

Picture the cast of the new movie, RED: Retired Extremely Dangerous. That’s how the those in the U.S. government would like to portray us. All because we are fed up with the lies and what we all see as corruption in American politics.

So, we speak out, we assemble, peaceably, we petition our grievances and we are labeled as some kind of INSURGENCY. How convenient…we can be labeled and then watched because we are, after all, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, to those that are intent on destroying America.

With this revelation, the government joins a growing list of groups using social-networking sites for purposes other than social networking. As these sites have gained popularity, scammers and spammers have become rampant, and hackers are increasingly turning to networks such as Facebook to spread viruses and Trojan Horses.

The EFF also uncovered efforts by the Department of Homeland Security to monitor social media during the inauguration of President Obama. According to the documents, the DHS collected a massive amount of data on individuals and organizations explicitly tied to the event.

I have a friend that was contacted by an old friend of his recently. That ‘friend’ is known to be in the military intelligence business. And before any of my buddies go there, yeah, I know, it’s a double redundancy, military and intelligence are words that just don’t go together. I digress.

So, my friend is contacted by his friend and asked about how to become actively involved in TEA Party groups. I am sure it was a pure coincidence that this request came 3 or 4 days before this article from FOX News was published.

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That Nagging Feeling

October 21st, 2010 . by TexasFred
All of my regular readers know how much I admire the writing of my friend and fellow Southern Conservative, J.D. Longstreet. Once again he has made a post that is too good to not share! And it is 100% accurate. I hope the skeptics and GOP followers will pay attention and learn from this wise man.

That Nagging Feeling

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

It is a sad commentary on politics in America when an American cannot trust his or her own political party. Unfortunately, that is exactly where we are as the end of democrat dominance in Washington looms.

Anxious voters are asking themselves, and each other, if the GOP will have the intestinal fortitude to take the fight to the democrats — and ALL The Way To The Wall, if necessary. THAT is the question nagging conservative voters especially those who are involved with the Tea Party movement in America and those republican voters who support the Tea Party movement. It is that “nagging feeling” I referred to in the title to this piece.

I must tell you, in my opinion, this is the GOP’s last shot at governing as a serious political party in America. Conservatives have found their power and their voice and over the past few months they have been eagerly learning how to use their voice and their power.

If the conservatives in America hand over power to the republicans in November and the republicans do not respond by standing up for conservative issues and pressing forward the conservative agenda, then MS Palin is correct, the Republican Party is through. Oh, there will be two political parties at the top in Washington, but it will be the Tea Party and the democrats with the GOP as a third party.

That nagging feeling I have includes the worry that the GOP still does not understand just how serious we conservatives really are. I don’t think they understand, I mean REALLY understand that conservatives in America are ready and willing to go to the mat to restore America to the constitutional, representative, republic the founders of this nation intended. We will defend her from the liberal-socialists who intend to transform America into a socialist state.

It has been said that freedom in America stands on five boxes: the soapbox, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. It is a truism that has been forgotten over the years but it is a truism, nevertheless.

The sovereignty movement within the states has involved half, or more, of the states reasserting their sovereignty from the reins of the federal government. The people of those states are serious. They are not “playing around.” No matter which political party is in power, they had better understand that the people of America have had it with an all powerful federal government inserting itself into every aspect of a citizen’s life. We are, as they say: “ … Mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!”

The GOP will have one shot, one shot, mind you, to get it right. They had better not screw this up! They have to repeal ObamaCare, lower taxes, and get America back to work – and that is just for starters. They had better understand that Obama will fight them every step of the way and they had better be ready to fight, even if that eventually means shutting down the government. Yes, I DID say shutting down the government. A GOP Congress can use the power of the purse to bring pressure to bear where it is needed and they must not be afraid to do so.

Conservatives understand that we are in a fight for the very existence of America as a free country. We intend to live free.

I don’t think the GOP understands, yet, how fervently conservatives are invested in the idea of a free America. But they are about to.

WE have seen how quickly a country can go from the top to the bottom under the leadership of a liberal-socialist government.

The democrats seeded the cancer in America that is socialism. It continues to eat away at the very life of our country by killing liberty after liberty, freedom after freedom, and smothering the life out of American’s desire to achieve, overcome, and excel.

Since the democratic takeover of our Congress in 2006 we have become a mediocre country. The socialists in our government have denied, and continue to deny, American exceptionalism. They have been diligent in their efforts to turn America away from God and toward the state for everything. A free America cannot survive as a godless country.

Religious conservatives, especially the evangelical Christians, will happily tell you they will be going to the polls to vote their religious faith this November. They will be voting against the Obama Agenda and the Liberal-Socialist Agenda of the Democratic Party. They have come to understand that all the things the scriptures warn them about is embodied in the Obama Regime and the agenda of the Democratic Party. Many will tell you their religious faith compels they vote against the democrats and their “agenda from Hell.”

As I write these words, it is two weeks to the Mid-Term Election on November 2nd. I have heard the speeches. I have heard the promises. I have heard the pledges from the GOP. Yet, that nagging feeling persists.

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GOP group challenges outright citizenship birthright

October 20th, 2010 . by TexasFred
GOP group challenges outright citizenship birthright

PHOENIX — Republican lawmakers in 15 states Tuesday announced a nationwide effort to change the way the 14th Amendment is interpreted and stop granting citizenship to babies born in the USA to illegal immigrants.

A national coalition called State Legislators for Legal Immigration is coordinating the effort.

Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce said Kansas lawyer Kris Kobach, who helped draft Arizona’s tough immigration law now on appeal in the federal courts, is working with him and Republican state Rep. John Kavanagh to draft a bill that all the states could use as a model on the citizenship issue.

Pearce said a bill draft is written and will be ready for consideration when the Arizona legislative session starts in January.

Full Story Here:
GOP group challenges outright citizenship birthright

The 14th Amendment, long argued and much abused.

The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868 as one of the Reconstruction Amendments.

Its Citizenship Clause provides a broad definition of citizenship that overruled the decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), which held that blacks could not be citizens of the United States. SOURCE

Therein lies the problem. The 14th Amendment was designed to do one thing but has now been bastardized by the ‘open borders’ and ‘blanket amnesty’ crowd as a way to legitimize what are now called anchor babies.

Regardless the views of those that would give this nation away, the 14th was put into place to specifically help those former slaves who were in this nation not by their own choosing and had become the parents of children born into slavery in the United States. The 14th was their road to legitimacy and affirmation as Americans.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

At the time those words were written, the persons doing that writing had no way to comprehend the full ramifications of their actions. They had NO conception of what lengths ILLEGALS would go to in order to have a baby born on U.S. soil, done so only to give that parent an opportunity to hopefully stay in this nation, based on that birth, and then allow that parent to further abuse the rights and privileges reserved for an American citizen, and to abuse the health care, welfare and educational system of this nation in order to support these anchor babies.

All the while, raising those anchor babies in the culture of the parents homeland, and not as an America 1st immigrant that goes on to become a good, useful and productive citizen.

In 1898, the Supreme Court ruled that the U.S.-born son of an immigrant Chinese couple become a citizen at birth under the 14th Amendment despite the fact that at the time his parents were ineligible for citizenship. That ruling has been interpreted to apply to all children born in the United States.

Look at the date of this SCOTUS ruling. The year was 1898. The United States was still a nation in the process of being built and populated. The SCOTUS of that day and time couldn’t have had any way to imagine the situation the USA faces in the year 2010. They wouldn’t believe the abuses that our constitution has suffered.

They would have declared WAR if the USA were being invaded then as it is now.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am NOT against immigration, nor am I against granting citizenship to those that immigrate to America, as long as they do so legally and EARN it!

I have stated, on numerous occasions, I am the grandson of a Canadian immigrant. Had he not come to Texas in 1919, and then married and raised a family in the USA, I would be a French speaking Canuck in far N.E. Canada.

That is NOT a pretty picture in MY mind.

The point is, my grandfather became an American, he spoke English, he worked, he paid taxes and he and my grandmother raised an American family. My grandfather was proud of his roots, his Canadian roots, but he was also proud of this nation, and he was an American, NOT a hyphen American, just an American.

He instilled that pride in his children, as they did in MY generation, and as we have done our best to instill that pride into our own children and grand children.

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