Fed to lend to companies in emergency move
October 7th, 2008 . by TexasFredFed to lend to companies in emergency move
WASHINGTON (AP) - Frantically trying to stop the bleeding on Wall Street, the Federal Reserve took a first-time step Tuesday to get cash directly to businesses and hinted that interest rates could come down soon. Stocks continued their free fall anyway and hit new five-year lows.
The central bank invoked emergency powers to lend money to companies outside the financial sector and buy up mounds of commercial paper, the short-term debt that firms use to pay for everyday expenses like salaries and supplies.
The Fed, which has only loaned money to banks before, made the move as the gravest financial crisis in decades wore on and concern spread around the world.
In a speech to the National Association for Business Economics, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered a strong signal interest rates may need to be cut. And he warned the country could be stuck in the economic doldrums for some time.
Full Story Here:
Fed to lend to companies in emergency move
What caused this financial crisis? Bad business, deals and management. Who caused this financial crisis? Bad Businessmen. Who has helped to further this crisis? The government of the United Socialist States of America, that’s who!
The politicians are full of excuses, that’s not all they’re full of, but I am trying to keep this *PG* rated, and it’s not really easy, my anger forces me to get up and walk away from the keyboard periodically simply so I won’t post something that may be considered seditious.
I know that BAD BUSINESS caused this but BAD GOVERNMENT has empowered it to new and unheard of heights. This bailout is a joke, and if the Fed cuts interest any further, they may as well be giving money away. Wait… What?? Damn, they ARE giving money away, OUR money! And anyone that even remotely believes that we’re ever going to see a return on this is basically stupid!
“Have faith, this economy is going to recover over time,” the president said in a speech in Virginia. “I wish I could snap my fingers and make what happened stop. But that’s not the way it works.”
Well DUH!! Hey, Pres. Numbnutz, we KNOW it’s going to get better, the last depression was overcome, this BS will be too, but YOU Mr. Bush, you are as much responsible for this travesty as any of the SOCIALIST bastards in the Congress and Senate that sent it to you for a signature.
As a few have pointed out, outrage is wasted on you Mr. Bush, you’re the lamest of LAME DUCKS, it’s almost like your administration is deliberately trying to see just how much damage it can inflict before you’re gone, and your departure from the White House can’t come a moment too soon, for the sake of this nation. You legacy has now been written, George W. Bush, the most dimwitted asshat to ever inhabit the Oval Office, hands down!
This post may anger the few idiots that still claim the title Bush Bot, and there really are a few that haven’t seen this man for the SOCIALIST ally to One World Government that he really is. Mr. Bush will wear the distinctive title of being the man most responsible for bankrupting the United States of America and turning her into the United Socialist States of America. Just keep giving OUR money away, I am actually looking forward to the investigations that are bound to follow you once you are OUT of office.
All we can do now is pray that the damage that you and your buddies have done isn’t fatal to us ALL!