Gun Violence in the USA and Germany
March 11th, 2009 . by TexasFredPolice: 10 people shot, killed in 2 Alabama towns
GENEVA, Ala. — Authorities said Wednesday the Alabama gunman who killed 10 people and himself in a killing spree fired more than 200 rounds of ammunition from two assault rifles and a handgun and had once trained as a police officer.
Full Story Here:
Police: 10 people shot, killed in 2 Alabama towns
This is a terrible tragedy, one that didn’t have to happen and I extend my sincere sympathy to ALL involved.
The usual suspects are going off on ALL gun owners and particularly the NRA, I have read many of the comments in this story from USA Today and the idiocy of some folks is just more than I can comprehend. Many seem to feel that the USA just doesn’t have enough, or strict enough gun laws. Read on…
Police slay teen gunman who killed 15 in Germany
WINNENDEN, Germany (AP) - A 17-year-old gunman dressed in black opened fire at his former high school in southwestern Germany on Wednesday then fled in a hijacked car, killing at least 15 people before police shot him to death, state officials said.
Full Story Here:
Police slay teen gunman who killed 15 in Germany
A firearms ownership license (Waffenbesitzkarte) must be obtained before a weapon can be purchased. Owners of multiple firearms need separate ownership licenses for every single firearm they own. It entitles owners to purchase firearms and handle them on their own property and any private property with property owner consent. On public premises, a licensed firearm must be transported unloaded and in a stable, fully enclosing, locked container. A weapons ownership license does not entitle the owner to shoot the weapon or carry it on public premises without the prescribed container. Firearms ownership licenses are valid three years or less, and owners must obtain mandatory insurance and a means to securely store the weapon on their premises (a weapons locker.) Blanket ownership licenses are sometimes issued to arms dealers.
A number of criteria must be met before a firearms ownership license is issued:
- age of consent (18 years for rimfire arms/21 years higher calibers) (§ 4 WaffG)
- trustworthiness (§ 5 WaffG)
- personal adequacy (§ 6 WaffG)
- expert knowledge (§ 7 WaffG) and
- necessity (§ 8 WaffG) (Necessity is automatically assumed present for licensed hunters and owners of a carry permits (Waffenschein)).
Source: Gun politics in Germany
Obviously strict German gun laws and the NRA didn’t cause this one! If GUN LAWS were the answer then this tragedy would NOT have happened in Germany. Look at the requirements. The gunman was 17, the minimum age for gun possession is 18, and that is for a rimfire weapon, most likely a .22 caliber.
The anti-gun people will say, “If there were NO guns”, well, they are wrong. For one thing, there will always be guns, there is NO WAY that any government can confiscate ALL guns, it can’t happen. Gun violence is not committed by legal, sane and responsible gun owners but the left and anti-gun cabal will use these isolated incidents to further their cause.
And if their dream of a gun free world were to come to fruition, there’s always bows and arrows, swords, knives, ball bats, hammers, steel pipe, rocks, any number of implements that can cause great physical harm and/or death. And for what it’s worth, MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of legal and responsible American gun owners killed NO ONE…