Jindal: GOP must return to fiscal discipline
February 25th, 2009 . by TexasFredJindal: GOP must return to fiscal discipline
WASHINGTON — Republicans responded to President Obama’s first address to Congress on Tuesday by vowing to work with the White House while also holding fast to principles of limited government and fiscal discipline.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who delivered the Republican response to Obama’s speech from the governor’s mansion in Baton Rouge, called on his party to return to core values and object to massive government spending intended to boost the economy.
“Democratic leaders say their legislation will grow the economy. What it will do is grow the government, increase our taxes down the line and saddle future generations with debt,” Jindal said, according to excerpts released by his office before the speech. “It’s irresponsible.”
Jindal, 37, was elected in 2007 and is one of a crop of Republicans whose star power has risen since the 2008 election. He recently gained attention for refusing millions of dollars in unemployment assistance bound for his state in Obama’s $787 billion stimulus plan.
Full Story Here:
Jindal: GOP must return to fiscal discipline
I heard quite a bit of criticism regarding the Jindal response. The substance OF the response was great. Admittedly the delivery was not the best I have ever seen from Bobby Jindal. But you have to remember this, he was not speaking to Republicans and Conservatives only, he was speaking to the nation, the Dems, the hard core libbers, the pro-abortion nuts, the anti-guns cabal, all the assorted moonbats. He had to keep it relatively sedate, otherwise, he would have gone so far over their heads it would have been ridiculous.
Lets face it, tonight was NOT Jindal’s best effort at speech making, far from it, but he was head and shoulders above George Bush on GWB’s best day!
Jindal says that the GOP must return to fiscal discipline and I fully agree with that statement. The GOP has to return to REAL Conservatism, that is what made the Republican party so great for so long. The GOP must oust ALL of the RINOs from their ranks, otherwise it’s just more of the same old thing.
What the GOP can’t do is present candidates that divide their party even farther than it already is. They can’t force a candidate like John McCain on this nation and tell us that HE is the best they have to offer. If that’s true, then the GOP is beyond repair. John McCain was one of the worst choices the GOP could have made. The choice of McCain is as much responsible for the Obama victory as anything or anyone out there.
McCain was viewed by Conservatives as an angry old man that was a lot closer to the Dems than he ever was to the GOP. McCain was viewed by many in the GOP as just another version of George Bush. Those 2 factors alone were more than enough reason for some to vote Obama and for some to vote for a 3rd party candidate.
Those are the reasons Barack Obama is president. It’s not because Obama is rich and powerful, he’s not anything special as things in general go, he was different and unique and he wasn’t Bush or McCain. That is what lost this last election and the GOP is by God responsible for that loss, 100% responsible!
Bobby Jindal says he doesn’t want to run for POTUS in 2012, but he should. Jindal says Louisiana needs him, and that is the truth if ever the truth was spoken. Louisiana has long had the reputation of being ultimately corrupt and Jindal is working as hard as anyone ever worked to rectify that situation and dispel the stench that hangs over Louisiana politics.
The USA needs Jindal too, and many more just like him. Young men and women, energetic, Conservative and not corrupted by the temptations of *old school politics*. America needs men like Bobby Jindal and we need them now more than ever before. If we survive the next 4 years under Obama, these words will ring even more true in the ears of all America!