Iranian diplomat abducted in Pakistan
November 13th, 2008 . by TexasFredIranian diplomat abducted in Pakistan
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — An Iranian diplomat was kidnapped Thursday in Peshawar near Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas, one day after an American aid worker and his driver were killed in an ambush in the same city.
A Pakistani bodyguard for the diplomat was killed in the latest attack. The Iranian and his guard were driving over a narrow bridge when two armed men blocked their way with a car and opened fire, said Banaras Khan, a police investigator in Peshawar who cited a witness. The attackers dragged the diplomat into their car before fleeing.
The dusty, sprawling city of Peshawar, on the eastern edge of the tribal region bordering Afghanistan, was until recently considered relatively safe for foreigners. But residents say crime and militancy are on the rise, and the Iranian could have been kidnapped for ransom.
Pockets of the nearby tribal region have become a refuge for al-Qaeda and Taliban militants and the area is considered a possible hiding place for Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri. Fighters use the northwestern region as a staging group for cross-border attacks on U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan as well as within Pakistan.
The semi-autonomous tribal region has been targeted by a bloody Pakistani military offensive since August that officials say has killed some 1,500 suspected militants and by U.S. missile attacks from unmanned drones launched from Afghanistan. Neither the attacks nor aid efforts for the impoverished tribal areas appear to be stemming the violence.
Full Story Here:
Iranian diplomat abducted in Pakistan
Anyone that reads here very often already knows. What do I love to write about?? What is my favorite topic?? Yep, that’s right, FEEL GOOD stories! I just love FEEL GOOD stories, and this one gave me a warm and fuzzy all over!!
What we see in this story is the classic *man bites dog*, go ahead and piss off Iran, that is exactly what they need to do. LMAO. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!!
And here’s a prediction, these idiots will discover that they have just kidnapped an Iranian, it has to happen, and once they do, they will crap in their pajamas trying to get him back into Iranian hands unharmed. The responsible *raghead* will be summarily executed for this transgression against Iran and Iran will send even more arms and explosives to these Taliban, al-Qaida, whatever the hell they are called in that particular region of the flea infested sand pile.
Yeah, this really is a FEEL GOOD story, I wish it would happen a lot more often.