Fistgate IV: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Passed Out Gay Bar Guides to Teens
December 10th, 2009 . by TexasFredREADER BE WARNED, this is NOT the normal or usual story that my readers have come to expect. This is NOT a nice story, it is sick, it is nasty, it is disgusting and it is ALL about Barack Hussein Obama and his choices of the people he picks for high position (CZARs) and the people he surrounds himself with.
And didn’t Barack Hussein Obama tell us to judge him by the people that he surrounded himself with? ~TexasFred~
Fistgate IV: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Passed Out Gay Bar Guides to Teens at GLSEN Events
Only in the Obama White House can a man with a history of handing out bar guides to teens be promoted to Safe Schools Czar.
Earlier today it was reported that Kevin Jennings’ Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) organization was distributing gay bar directories to high school students at the 2005 Massachusetts GLSEN conference.
This wasn’t an isolated incident.
Mass Resistance Blog today reported that GLSEN passed out directories to gay “leather” bars to teens at several of their events.
GLSEN organization also passed out guides to gay leather bars in Chicago to students in 2000.
World Net Daily reported: LaBarbera questioned why GLSEN’s organizers — already bruising over the recent arrest of a Chicago GLSEN leader for soliciting sex with an underage boy (GLSEN expelled the man) — did not take the “simple step of keeping these gay sex club ads from reaching the teenagers in their care.”“For years, GLSEN has claimed to protect ‘at-risk’ kids. But they are now helping put young teenage boys at risk by uncritically passing out a gay guide that hawks anonymous sex clubs and ‘leather’ bars in Chicago,” he said. “This fits into a pattern of GLSEN failing to shield its young followers from a homosexual male sexual culture that not only tolerates, but often celebrates promiscuity.” (At last year’s GLSEN conference in Atlanta, a similar sexually-laden booklet was passed out to attendees.)
Jennings’ organization handed out bar guides to teenagers. Today Kevin Jennings is Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar.
You figure it out.
Full Story Here:
Fistgate IV: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Passed Out Gay Bar Guides to Teens at GLSEN Events
Andrew Breitbart said on Facebook: “The Story the Media Refuses to Touch! FISTGATE: Obama Safe Schools Czar Passed Out Gay Bar Guides to Teens” and I have got to ask, WHY IN THE HELL HAVEN’T THEY (the MSM) TAKEN THIS ON?