Michael Steele elected RNC chairman
January 30th, 2009 . by TexasFredMichael Steele elected RNC chairman
WASHINGTON - Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele beat out South Carolina GOP chief Katon Dawson in the sixth round of voting at Fridays Republican National Committee meeting Friday, becoming the first African-American chairman of the party.
The two Republicans fought for the national party chairmanship Friday after Mike Duncan, former President George W. Bush’s hand-picked national GOP chief, abandoned his re-election bid in the fact of dwindling support.
Duncan’s departure ensured a fresh face at the beleaguered GOP’s helm as Republicans seek to rebound from back-to-back defeats in national elections that gave Democrats control of Congress and the White House.
After five rounds of balloting, former Maryland Steele and Dawson were locked in a close race, though neither had reached the 85-vote majority needed to assume the party’s top spot. Steele was six votes shy with 79, while Dawson had 69.
Full Story Here:
Michael Steele elected RNC chairman
Congratulations to Michael Steele, I wish him, and the RNC much luck!
That said, it appears that a lot of bloggers are almost ‘giddy’ with joy at the election of Steele to the position of Chairman. I am sure Steele is a great choice, I hope he is because right about NOW would be a really GREAT time for Steele to make EVERY effort to move the RNC back to some TRUE Republican roots, and as far away from being nothing more than *Dem Lite* as is possible. No more RINOs! EVER!! RINOs have destroyed the Republican party.
If the RNC doesn’t go back to being REPUBLICAN, if the RNC doesn’t stop trying to be as much like the Dems as they can, I will STILL be an Independent, and the Republican party will continue to be the party of weak-assed old losers, John McCain, and will continue to lose Congressional and Senatorial seats to the Dems.
Am I being a hard-ass?? You bet I am, it’s time to fight or forget it, and I am NOT going to support ANY candidate that’s not Conservative 1st, not until such time that the RNC becomes the party of true Conservatism, and nothing BUT Conservatism!
One story I saw leads off with Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman. Personally, I don’t care if he’s green with purple polka-dots. It’s what kind of JOB he can do to bring the Republican party back into line with CONSERVATISM, that is the goal that must be kept in sight!
Without the Conservatives of this nation the Republican party can forget ANY election, and I personally know many Republicans that are now far more inclined towards pure Conservatism than they are the RNC party policy. Steele had best keep this in mind, otherwise, being a Republican means about as much as it did under the last RNC chairman.
Return INTEGRITY to the RNC Mr. Steele, if you can do that, then there is a great possibility the Republicans can take this nation by storm in 2010!