NBC suspends Olbermann for donations
November 5th, 2010 . by TexasFredNEW YORK (AP) - MSNBC has suspended prime-time host Keith Olbermann indefinitely without pay for contributing to the campaigns of three Democratic candidates this election season.
Olbermann acknowledged to NBC that he donated $2,400 apiece to the campaigns of Kentucky Senate candidate Jack Conway and Arizona Reps. Raul Grivalva and Gabrielle Giffords.
NBC News prohibits its employees from working on, or donating to, political campaigns unless a special exception is granted by the news division president - effectively a ban. Olbermann’s bosses did not find out about the donations until after they were made. The website Politico first reported the donations.
“I became aware of Keith’s political contributions late last night,” Phil Griffin, MSNBC’s chief executive, said Friday. “Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.”
Olbermann was not immediately available for comment.
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NBC suspends Olbermann for donations
I have heard all kinds of rumors about MSNBC being bought out by ComCast. I saw a comment on the USA Today site about it in their story regarding Olbermann being suspended. MSNBC suspends Keith Olbermann for donating to 3 Democratic candidates.
Rumor has it that IF NBC and/or MSNBC were to be bought out by ComCast, they (NBC) will become an even MORE Conservative lot than FOX News. Personally, I find that very hard to believe, but it would be a welcomed change.
Can you imagine how long Chris *Tingles* Matthews and Rachel *Mad Cow* Maddow would last if NBC were to become Conservative?
Olbermann is a particularly annoying and smarmy bastard. I have always had an intense dislike for his delivery and attitude. His *commentary* has always left me feeling like I was about to get a severe case of non-stop nausea.
His unabashed liberalism was just what NBC needed, he fits the bill for a network that accepts his brand of *journalism* as being a legitimate opinion.
He, and his cohorts, Maddow and Matthews, are the darlings of the libber left. As soon as it was announced that Olbermann had been suspended, the moonbats at HuffPo went into instant *OH MY GAWD* mode, threatening to boycott MSNBC, some saying they felt like throwing their TV sets out, and all kinds of bleeding heart libber garbage.
His “Countdown” show, which airs at 8 p.m. ET, is MSNBC’s most popular program. His on-the-air transformation from the host of a straight news program to a liberal commentator led the network itself to go in the same direction, filling its prime-time lineup with left-leaning hosts and doing better in the ratings than anytime since its 1996 launch.
Olbermann was a trail blazer for the network and his buddies Maddow and Matthews, and let’s face it, even CNN has turned hard right compared to MSNBC and their merry band of loons and libbers.
Olbermann was a co-anchor of MSNBC’s election coverage this week. The network’s performance drew some criticism, particularly with Chris Matthews’ contentious interviews with Republican Reps. Michele Bachmann and Marsha Blackburn.
The truth will set you free, and that quote above is the truth. Olbermann and Matthews made no attempt to be polite, they made no attempt at civility. They appeared to be deliberately trying to be as offensive as possible. So much so, that they were both ousted as hosts during the last election cycle in 2008.
Monday, September 8, 2008
MSNBC is removing Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews as the anchors of live political events, bowing to growing criticism that they are too opinionated to be seen as neutral in the heat of the presidential campaign. SOURCE
So, as some are feeling all *touchy-feely* for Olbermann and his suspension, this is not the 1st time he has been disciplined, so to speak.
I don’t know what Olbermann’s problem is, other than a superiority complex the size of Texas, and the fact that he appears to believe that his smarmy delivery of liberal viewpoint is somehow something we are ALL entitled to.