Parolee in Oakland police shootings linked to rape
March 24th, 2009 . by TexasFredParolee in Oakland police shootings linked to rape
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The parolee who killed three Oakland police officers and left a fourth brain-dead over the weekend had been tentatively linked by DNA evidence to a rape the day before the shootings, authorities said.
Oakland police spokesman Jeff Thomason confirmed a report on the San Francisco Chronicle’s Web site on Monday night that DNA from an unsolved rape in Oakland in February was a probable match to that of 26-year-old Lovelle Mixon.
Investigators got that information Friday, the day before Mixon opened fire on the officers following a routine traffic stop. Mixon is the primary suspect in the rape and is being investigated to see if there are any connections to other rapes, Thomason said.
Thomason said further tests would need to be done on the DNA in question to make sure it is a solid match.
Full Story Here:
Parolee in Oakland police shootings linked to rape
This recent tragedy in Oakland screams for justice. I don’t mean vigilante justice, I doubt that the California born and bred, latte sipping, politically correct, tree hugging asshats would dare to engage in such an activity to begin with. The justice needs to take place on the judicial and legislative level. The question needs to be answered, WHY was this ANIMAL, Lovelle Mixon, out on parole to begin with.
His family, according to his cousin, is just ‘crushed’ and ‘devastated’ by this, Lovelle wasn’t, again, according to his family, a ‘monster’, he was just a boy gone wrong and was afraid of going back to jail. To these family members I say, BULL SHIT! He WAS a monster and now he’s DEAD, and this world is much better off.
“Mixon was certainly a character that needed more supervision,” said Brown, the former mayor of Oakland. “In Oakland, the highway patrol has an office there, sheriff and police. And all those agencies should have a list of the more dangerous, threatening parolees so they can keep a watch on them.”
I know that from time to time a BAD guy can slip through the cracks in the criminal justice system, but IF the California police, all agencies, have a list of the more dangerous, threatening parolees, why in the hell are they parolees? Silly me, I was under the assumption that to gain parole an offender had to have exhibited at least some rehabilitation and remorse, and was to have been deemed as NOT being a danger to society?
Sacramento, CA (AP) - Nearly 5,000 California parolees — including hundreds of sex offenders and those convicted of violent felonies — have been released from supervision without proper review, according to a state audit released Tuesday. Calif. parolees released without proper review
In my mind that speaks volumes concerning the justice system in the state of California. I am NOT intentionally picking on or singling out California, but this is a blatant act on their part, one that endangers many of their law abiding citizens, citizens that are, for the most part, barred from owning the proper firearms to protect themselves.
How Mixon got the guns, including an assault weapon, used in the shootings has not been disclosed.
Why, I thought everyone knew? He went to a gun show in Arizona or Texas, got his weapons in an under the table deal because he was honest with some guy selling guns out of the back of a pickup behind the gun show. He told the guy he was a wannabe gangster, had done time in the joint and couldn’t buy a gun inside the show and that he was planning on killing him a bunch of PIGS to build his street creds and get some respect.
Yeah, quite likely just to build his street creds and earn some respect from his Bro’s in the ‘hood, I mean, after all, he wasn’t a ‘monster‘, his cousin said so!